Leftists, this teen must be crushed!!!

Still trying to convince people
Shush, the grownups are talking.

I think it’s safe to assume that if the LGBT is not related, you don’t actually give a shit about any other context of delusions being enabled. You’re just conveniently pretending you have always had this strong opinion.

Like sure, I give you the benefit of the doubt that if someone said to you “that schizophrenic’s brother is validating his delusion the CIA is after him!”, you would probably have the reaction of “that isn’t healthy!”

But it’s not like you would have any emotional investment in that opinion. You ultimately wouldn’t care all that much. You would definitely be not talking about it on an internet message board and connecting it with a political issue. Just admit that you think the LGBT are “gross” and mental health delusions really aren’t a big deal to you in general.

And here's the thing, most Trans people can hold down jobs and are otherwise successful in life.

Amy Schneider, before becoming an all time Jeopardy! champion, was a successful engineering manager.
Jennifer Prtizker had a career in the army, eventually being promoted to Lt. Col., and is a noted philanthropist in Chicago.
Shush, the grownups are talking.

And here's the thing, most Trans people can hold down jobs and are otherwise successful in life.

Amy Schneider, before becoming an all time Jeopardy! champion, was a successful engineering manager.
Jennifer Prtizker had a career in the army, eventually being promoted to Lt. Col., and is a noted philanthropist in Chicago.

Just tell us Joe, you pre or post op?
Things can and often are both gross and delusional. Defending gross and delusional thoughts only make it harder to get these people the help they need. And, once again, those who support these delusions are either in their own state of delusion, or have a profit motive.

Are we clear now?
Lol um no it’s not clear. You didn’t address the hypothetical I raised. That can be expected. You know I’m right. You know I’m right that if someone told you about that schizophrenic, you would have forgotten about it by the next day. You wouldn’t have cared. Why bother caring about caring about someone you don’t even know? I know I would forget by the next day if someone told me that. Because you think the LGBT is gross, you pretend to care about the mental health attached.

You think like an 8th grader but I’ll do my best to break it down for you: you finding it gross is your SUBJECTIVE OPINION. Therefore you thinking this is some societal problem is based on nonsense. Like you do get that right? You thinking it’s gross doesn’t somehow make it more of an objective disorder.
Lol um no it’s not clear. You didn’t address the hypothetical I raised. That can be expected. You know I’m right. You know I’m right that if someone told you about that schizophrenic, you would have forgotten about it by the next day. You wouldn’t have cared. Why bother caring about caring about someone you don’t even know? I know I would forget by the next day if someone told me that. Because you think the LGBT is gross, you pretend to care about the mental health attached.

You think like an 8th grader but I’ll do my best to break it down for you: you finding it gross is your SUBJECTIVE OPINION. Therefore you thinking this is some societal problem is based on nonsense. Like you do get that right? You thinking it’s gross doesn’t somehow make it more of an objective disorder.

No Son, I am the one that thinks as the adult.

Your use of the mentally I’ll is delicious though.

They are not portrayed in the media as anywhere near normal. They are portrayed as individuals that need mental help.

Now if the media stoped treating these trans as “darlings”, but instead treated them as folks who needed mental help, our society would progress at a far faster pace then we are dealing with this nonsense.

Here we have a minor who was transitioned before reaching adulthood, and now regrets it.

But too late, she has already had her perfectly normal body parts mutilated, and she can never have children.

Now she is suing anyone and everyone who helped her transition.

This teen must be crushed into ash, otherwise, only more of this will occur, and the next thing you know it won't be allowed at all.

As we now, the Swamp will never allow this, so it should not be hard to take the teens will to live away by crushing her into dust.
Like the sawmill. I get charged by the inch too.
No Son, I am the one that thinks as the adult.

Your use of the mentally I’ll is delicious though.

They are not portrayed in the media as anywhere near normal. They are portrayed as individuals that need mental help.

Now if the media stoped treating these trans as “darlings”, but instead treated them as folks who needed mental help, our society would progress at a far faster pace then we are dealing with this nonsense.
But many of them live completely functional lives and are happy the way they are. You should probably know, as well, that this is a NOT a disorder according to the DSM. So your opinion is all the more subjective. See in order for something to be a mental disorder it must be something that interferes with their quality of life as cause of their own thinking.
But many of them live completely functional lives and are happy the way they are. You should probably know, as well, that this is a NOT a disorder according to the DSM. So your opinion is all the more subjective. See in order for something to be a mental disorder it must be something that interferes with their quality of life as cause of their own thinking.

So cutting off perfectly good, normal body parts does not interfere with quality of life? 🤪🤪🤪🤪

You are as I described earlier, either sharing in the delusion, or profiteering from them.

You really can’t make this 💩 up.
So cutting off perfectly good, normal body parts does not interfere with quality of life? 🤪🤪🤪🤪

You are as I described earlier, either sharing in the delusion, or profiteering from them.

You really can’t make this 💩 up.
Right I understand you are in the 8th grade so you think genitals is the greatest thing ever or whatever. To adults, however, they find other things more important. Quality
of life is about feeling happy. I would agree with you i wouldn’t want to lose my genitalia. They do I guess. Not sure why it matters so much to you. Why do you even care?

I don’t see how I am sharing in a delusion. Like what delusion are you even talking about? Do you even know what the word means?
Right I understand you are in the 8th grade so you think genitals is the greatest thing ever or whatever. To adults, however, they find other things more important. Quality
of life is about feeling happy. I would agree with you i wouldn’t want to lose my genitalia. They do I guess. Not sure why it matters so much to you. Why do you even care?

I don’t see how I am sharing in a delusion. Like what delusion are you even talking about? Do you even know what the word means?


You have just provided proof the delusion exists.
So cutting off perfectly good, normal body parts does not interfere with quality of life? 🤪🤪🤪🤪

You are as I described earlier, either sharing in the delusion, or profiteering from them.

So by your logic, we need to put an end to all cosmetic surgery, because it alters an otherwise healthy human body.

Wait, you don't have "logic", just your bizarre fears.
So by your logic, we need to put an end to all cosmetic surgery, because it alters an otherwise healthy human body.

Wait, you don't have "logic", just your bizarre fears.

Wait, you haven’t told us yet if you are pre op or post op.

Only someone “transitioning” would make such a lame comparison

Here we have a minor who was transitioned before reaching adulthood, and now regrets it.

But too late, she has already had her perfectly normal body parts mutilated, and she can never have children.

Now she is suing anyone and everyone who helped her transition.

This teen must be crushed into ash, otherwise, only more of this will occur, and the next thing you know it won't be allowed at all.

As we now, the Swamp will never allow this, so it should not be hard to take the teens will to live away by crushing her into dust.
Considering the patient voluntarily did this it would be hard to sue.
Sorry, made the mistake of trying to talk to you like you were an adult. Won't make that mistake again.

I suspect poor Norm went to a bar and discovered his new lady friend pees standing up.

For a time I made the mistake of addressing you as a Cis male. Sorry I misgendered you.

That lady friend at the bar, was that you?
People post videos celebrating their transitions, too. The few who are posting videos of their abortions are doing it so other people can understand that they are not alone.

A sex change that she asked for. Hmmmm... where she could have said "no" at any time. Hmmmmmm

Uh, that was kind of the master plan. What they've been doing since the 1980's, pretty much. And when they can generate real fear, like some school letting a trans kid use the shower or AIDS, they go hysteric about that.

And every year, the GOP slowly chips away at worker and consumer protections, and you all sit their with your big dumb smiles like this is normal.

Then stop picking on LGBTQ+ people.

Why not a drag queen? Frankly, if you think a kid is suddenly going to say, "Hey, a drag queen read me a story today and I thought that was so cool, I want you to cut off my dick!" then you are a bit delusional.

Yes, we need to brainwash these kids into being little Christians.

Dude, I went to Catholic School Hell for 12 years. THAT'S the kind of shit I wouldn't want to inflict on a child. And I mean old school back in the 1970's when the psycho nuns still used to hit kids with rulers. That some kid read about a gay character in a YA novel just isn't a big deal.

People post videos celebrating their transitions, too. The few who are posting videos of their abortions are doing it so other people can understand that they are not alone.

I meant the people post videos celebrating their abortion, saying there should be an abortion holiday or some such. I looked for it but I can’t seem to find the video anymore.

Regardless, if abortion is no more than just removing a lump a cells, then why is it a life changing experience?

A sex change that she asked for. Hmmmm... where she could have said "no" at any time. Hmmmmmm

Sounds like she was more coerced into it. It sounds like she’s is saying the doctors prodded her into it. At 12 years old, after many hours of watching videos of transition influencers, she decided she was a boy. The parents the put her on puberty blockers, and then the doctors started pushing sex change surgeries.

This is exactly the scenario I’m talking about when I say that kids at 12 and 13 years old are still developing, they are going through things, and they don’t know what it is they are going through.

The child might be gay, or it may be a phase. There may be other underlying issues that make things confusing for them. There are too many factors that need to be considered before they jump to transition procedures.

And when they can generate real fear, like some school letting a trans kid use the shower or AIDS, they go hysteric about that.

Uh, when a trans person uses the opposite shower than their birth sex, people have issues with that, especially parents who have kids i school.

AIDS was a scare for sure, but it was also new and misunderstood. People always go through a “scare” when a new things like that come out.

Then stop picking on LGBTQ+ people.

People are not picking on LGBTQ+ people, they are just voicing their concerns when kids are involved.

Why not a drag queen? Frankly, if you think a kid is suddenly going to say, "Hey, a drag queen read me a story today and I thought that was so cool, I want you to cut off my dick!" then you are a bit delusional.

Why a drag queen? I never said a kid would chop off genitalia because a drag queen read them a book, I just asked why people feel they need to dress up as the opposite sex to read books to kids, considering drag queens are just doing it as a show.

Yes, we need to brainwash these kids into being little Christians.

Who said anything about brainwashing anyone?
hat lady friend at the bar, was that you?
Ah, so you admit you picked up a shemale at a bar? Don't worry, we all believe you have a case of the not-gays.
Now run along, the grownups are talking.

I meant the people post videos celebrating their abortion, saying there should be an abortion holiday or some such. I looked for it but I can’t seem to find the video anymore.
Okay, let me know when you find the video, we can discuss it.

Regardless, if abortion is no more than just removing a lump a cells, then why is it a life changing experience?
Because of the shame religious whackadoodles put on those lumps of cells.


Sounds like she was more coerced into it. It sounds like she’s is saying the doctors prodded her into it. At 12 years old, after many hours of watching videos of transition influencers, she decided she was a boy. The parents the put her on puberty blockers, and then the doctors started pushing sex change surgeries.

And now, the rest of the story...

According to self-reports, Brockman came out as trans after exhibiting gender-diverse behavior starting around age 9. In May 2017, at age 12, Brockman wrote a letter to both parents, asking to be referred to as a boy and by the names Ky or Chi.

On November 30, 2017, Brockman had a consultation with an endocrinologist who advised against beginning hormone therapy. The family sought a second opinion on Brockman’s insistence and gave legal consent for medical transition.

Important note. The first doctor didn't tell her what she wanted to hear, so she whined to her parents until she got a doctor who would go along with it.

At age 14, Brockman’s chest was groped at school by a bully. This traumatic event led to daily use of a chest binder. Brockman asked Taylor for a referral to plastic surgeon Hop Le. Brockman then had a psychological evaluation with Susanne Watson, who recommended honoring Brockman’s request for top surgery.

So again, she INSISTED on the Top Surgery. Today she makes it sound like she woke up and found her titties were gone.

Oh, wait, it gets better. According to her own lawyers.

The lawyers claim Brockman has had these conditions:

  • pornography addiction
  • disruptive behavior disorder (diagnosed September 12, 2012)
  • encounter for school problem (diagnosed November 26, 2013)
  • ADHD (diagnosed October 9, 2015)
  • general anxiety
  • social anxiety
  • speech difficulties
  • depression
  • pubertal struggles associated with significantly increased negative emotions
  • body dysmorphia and serious self-image concerns
  • symptoms of an eating disorder
  • learning disabilities
  • autism spectrum symptoms
  • a cleft palate for which surgery had been performed
  • concerns about being sexually abused or raped, that eventually materialized into a sexual assault
  • exposure to only negative aspects about being female, without any discussion of the positive aspects of being female, including menstrual cycles, pregnancy, childbirth, male domination, and similar distorting ideas
  • difficulty at school
  • trouble with social interaction and learning
  • social troubles
  • severe distress
  • ongoing confusion regarding her gender
  • suicidal ideation

This is exactly the scenario I’m talking about when I say that kids at 12 and 13 years old are still developing, they are going through things, and they don’t know what it is they are going through.

Um, yeah, puberty sucks. Cole seems like she was all sorts of damaged goods.

The child might be gay, or it may be a phase. There may be other underlying issues that make things confusing for them. There are too many factors that need to be considered before they jump to transition procedures.

I agree, due diligence is needed. The problem in Cole's case is that she seems like such a completely damaged person that I can kind of understand how doctors might have made a good faith mistake.

Uh, when a trans person uses the opposite shower than their birth sex, people have issues with that, especially parents who have kids i school.

AIDS was a scare for sure, but it was also new and misunderstood. People always go through a “scare” when a new things like that come out.

So when Right WIng Preachers went out and screamed this was "God's Punishment for sodomites!", they were just confused by the novelty of it all?

People are not picking on LGBTQ+ people, they are just voicing their concerns when kids are involved.
OH, "voicing their concerns" with crazy laws like "don't say gay". Or starting riots at school board meetings. Or threatening the lives of school board members. Or going into the library and removing books. It's all so benign when you put it that way, just put on this pink triangle so we can identify you.

Why a drag queen? I never said a kid would chop off genitalia because a drag queen read them a book, I just asked why people feel they need to dress up as the opposite sex to read books to kids, considering drag queens are just doing it as a show.
Why not dress up? If you are reading a story to a kid that emphasizing tolerance, why not dress up to underscore your point? Just like when they read other stories, they sometimes dress up as the characters.
Ah, so you admit you picked up a shemale at a bar? Don't worry, we all believe you have a case of the not-gays.
Now run along, the grownups are talking.

Okay, let me know when you find the video, we can discuss it.

Because of the shame religious whackadoodles put on those lumps of cells.


And now, the rest of the story...

According to self-reports, Brockman came out as trans after exhibiting gender-diverse behavior starting around age 9. In May 2017, at age 12, Brockman wrote a letter to both parents, asking to be referred to as a boy and by the names Ky or Chi.

On November 30, 2017, Brockman had a consultation with an endocrinologist who advised against beginning hormone therapy. The family sought a second opinion on Brockman’s insistence and gave legal consent for medical transition.

Important note. The first doctor didn't tell her what she wanted to hear, so she whined to her parents until she got a doctor who would go along with it.

At age 14, Brockman’s chest was groped at school by a bully. This traumatic event led to daily use of a chest binder. Brockman asked Taylor for a referral to plastic surgeon Hop Le. Brockman then had a psychological evaluation with Susanne Watson, who recommended honoring Brockman’s request for top surgery.

So again, she INSISTED on the Top Surgery. Today she makes it sound like she woke up and found her titties were gone.

Oh, wait, it gets better. According to her own lawyers.

The lawyers claim Brockman has had these conditions:

  • pornography addiction
  • disruptive behavior disorder (diagnosed September 12, 2012)
  • encounter for school problem (diagnosed November 26, 2013)
  • ADHD (diagnosed October 9, 2015)
  • general anxiety
  • social anxiety
  • speech difficulties
  • depression
  • pubertal struggles associated with significantly increased negative emotions
  • body dysmorphia and serious self-image concerns
  • symptoms of an eating disorder
  • learning disabilities
  • autism spectrum symptoms
  • a cleft palate for which surgery had been performed
  • concerns about being sexually abused or raped, that eventually materialized into a sexual assault
  • exposure to only negative aspects about being female, without any discussion of the positive aspects of being female, including menstrual cycles, pregnancy, childbirth, male domination, and similar distorting ideas
  • difficulty at school
  • trouble with social interaction and learning
  • social troubles
  • severe distress
  • ongoing confusion regarding her gender
  • suicidal ideation

Um, yeah, puberty sucks. Cole seems like she was all sorts of damaged goods.

I agree, due diligence is needed. The problem in Cole's case is that she seems like such a completely damaged person that I can kind of understand how doctors might have made a good faith mistake.

So when Right WIng Preachers went out and screamed this was "God's Punishment for sodomites!", they were just confused by the novelty of it all?

OH, "voicing their concerns" with crazy laws like "don't say gay". Or starting riots at school board meetings. Or threatening the lives of school board members. Or going into the library and removing books. It's all so benign when you put it that way, just put on this pink triangle so we can identify you.

Why not dress up? If you are reading a story to a kid that emphasizing tolerance, why not dress up to underscore your point? Just like when they read other stories, they sometimes dress up as the characters.

Joe, admit it, you find me hot. And you are willing to disguise yourself just to be close to me.

Can’t blame ya, really, I’ve got that Harrison Ford vibe. But you’d have to fight off the real women to get a shot at me.

Let’s face it Joe, I’m just not into the type that finds heterosexuality yucky.

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