Leftists, this teen must be crushed!!!

Or they might just be transgender. Keep in mind, Ms. Cole is NOT suing that the treatment was wrong, she is suing that her own doctors didn't follow established guidelines.

There is no such thing as a “transgender”.

One's gender sex is set at conception, and cannot be changed. That's a hard, undeniabley, immutable scientific fact.

Biology does not yield to the insane delusions of fucked-up mental cases. It never has, and it never will.
Or they might just be gay or going through a phase. You are suggesting life altering procedures to a young child when they are going through puberty. They don’t have it all figured out yet and are not sure what they are going through.

Or maybe they know exactly what they are going through. That's why I leave it to medical experts and not religious fanatics to work out. I admit I'm not qualified to figure it out, but I leave it to people who are.

Maybe, but again, how do you know for sure if what they are going through is genuine? What if they are wrong? What if their parents are encouraging them into it, when the parents don’t fully understand what is going on?

Again, why we need medical experts to evaluate.

Ok, so you are suggesting that screwing up the lives of a few teenagers is acceptable because it’s rare? Of those 5000 not getting treatments, how many are children, and how many are claiming they are sure they are in the wrong gender? Maybe it’s rare because most people realize it’s wrong to start pumping their teenagers full of altering hormones and surgeries until they reach adulthood and can make that choice from an informed perspective?

Uh, guy, we give Ritalin to hundreds of thousands of kids who probably aren't ADHD because their teachers and parents can't handle them. Please don't give me this shit about how "we are harming the children" when it's nigh near impossible for most of them to get the treatment to start with.

Now, I'll fully admit, medical experts make mistakes. Heck, 250,000 Americans die every year from medical error. That doesn't mean you close down the hospitals.

Your responses from this thread and the bakery thread are saying a lot. You just assume that everyone is a hateful religious zealot. It never occurred to you that perhaps some people just care about rights and freedoms, and what the cotus actually says, and in this case, it has nothing to do with people being trans, this is just about doctors and parents allowing their children to make these decisions, when most of the time, the kids don’t know what they want.

No, 12 years of Catholic School taught me that the religious are never to be trusted, and will happily impose themselves on you if given the chance. This is why they need to be slapped down hard when they try this shit.

You want to believe in your magic sky fairy, do it in your own home and churches. Leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

You cannot even fathom that people do things for stated reasons, with you, there must always be an ulterior motive.
Everyone has an ulterior motive. Some of you are too stupid to realize it.

You see, America was a pretty good place after the new deal. We got a middle class, the rich paid their fair share, and government provided ample services.

And then the rich figured out they could get REALLY STUPID WHITE PEOPLE to vote against their own economic interests by manipulating their religious, sexual and racial fears.

That you can't see the strings, is kind of your own damned fault.
There is no such thing as a “transgender”.

One's gender sex is set at conception, and cannot be changed. That's a hard, undeniabley, immutable scientific fact.

Biology does not yield to the insane delusions of fucked-up mental cases. It never has, and it never will.

See, ThisIsMe this is the kind of religious fanatic I am talking about. ^^^^^
Or maybe they know exactly what they are going through. That's why I leave it to medical experts and not religious fanatics to work out. I admit I'm not qualified to figure it out, but I leave it to people who are.

Again, why we need medical experts to evaluate.

Uh, guy, we give Ritalin to hundreds of thousands of kids who probably aren't ADHD because their teachers and parents can't handle them. Please don't give me this shit about how "we are harming the children" when it's nigh near impossible for most of them to get the treatment to start with.

Now, I'll fully admit, medical experts make mistakes. Heck, 250,000 Americans die every year from medical error. That doesn't mean you close down the hospitals.

No, 12 years of Catholic School taught me that the religious are never to be trusted, and will happily impose themselves on you if given the chance. This is why they need to be slapped down hard when they try this shit.

You want to believe in your magic sky fairy, do it in your own home and churches. Leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

Everyone has an ulterior motive. Some of you are too stupid to realize it.

You see, America was a pretty good place after the new deal. We got a middle class, the rich paid their fair share, and government provided ample services.

And then the rich figured out they could get REALLY STUPID WHITE PEOPLE to vote against their own economic interests by manipulating their religious, sexual and racial fears.

That you can't see the strings, is kind of your own damned fault.

Or maybe they know exactly what they are going through. That's why I leave it to medical experts and not religious fanatics to work out. I admit I'm not qualified to figure it out, but I leave it to people who are.
No, as a young child, they don’t know, they are going through things and are still developing. The medical experts, as posted by this article, are the ones at fault, because they are encouraging these transitions, telling them stories of suicide and all that if they don’t let their child start transitioning. The parents are just as bad as they want to push their child into it as well.

Again, you wouldn’t let your child make other life changing decisions, why this one?

Uh, guy, we give Ritalin to hundreds of thousands of kids who probably aren't ADHD because their teachers and parents can't handle them. Please don't give me this shit about how "we are harming the children" when it's nigh near impossible for most of them to get the treatment to start with.

I don’t know much about Ritalin. Is it something that is permanently life altering? From the light reading I’ve done, it seems that it’s not. Now,
I’m not agreeing with the use of Ritalin, because i don’t know much about it, but if it is harmful, then it is also wrong, but, just because we give kids Ritalin is not an excuse to also do other harmful things to them.

No, 12 years of Catholic School taught me that the religious are never to be trusted, and will happily impose themselves on you if given the chance. This is why they need to be slapped down hard when they try this shit.

You want to believe in your magic sky fairy, do it in your own home and churches. Leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

Why do you keep bringing religion into this? I’ve already said I’m not coming at this from a religious angle.

Everyone has an ulterior motive. Some of you are too stupid to realize it.

No, not everyone. So, because you want to think that they do, you assume they have one, but they just don’t realize it. Maybe it’s just that they don’t.

And then the rich figured out they could get REALLY STUPID WHITE PEOPLE to vote against their own economic interests by manipulating their religious, sexual and racial fears.
And again, the religious argument. Why can’t you let that go, as I’ve mentioned, I’m not discussing this from a religious angle, but you keep dragging it back in.

Also, you act as if the whole religious angle was some sort of grand scheme by rich people to use againsnt religious people. Where’s the plan? Show me these rich people who have this master plan to control the unsuspecting religious people by making them fear gay people…

Sorry, I don’t know why my whole post got wrapped into the quote…
I can't really respond to your drivel because you messed up the quotes, but here goes.

No, as a young child, they don’t know, they are going through things and are still developing. The medical experts, as posted by this article, are the ones at fault, because they are encouraging these transitions, telling them stories of suicide and all that if they don’t let their child start transitioning. The parents are just as bad as they want to push their child into it as well.

Again, you wouldn’t let your child make other life changing decisions, why this one?
The child didn't make the decision, the parents, doctors made it as well. Again, we don't know what the entire case was, but given how rare it is for trans kids to get treatment, it must have been pretty compelling.

If there was malpractice, then there should be consequences. I don't think there was, I think this is just someone who enjoys the attention the Religious Zealots are giving her now. She's going to be very sad when they move on to the next thing.

Also, you act as if the whole religious angle was some sort of grand scheme by rich people to use againsnt religious people. Where’s the plan? Show me these rich people who have this master plan to control the unsuspecting religious people by making them fear gay people…

Wow, guy, this happened pretty much out in the open, with the rise of the Moral Majority back in the 1980's, where big corporations got behind these nutty preachers and they took over the GOP.

Now the big corporations are backing away, because they got what they wanted, a devastated Middle class with no power.

I could lay it all out for you, but you still wouldn't understand it.
So out of the thousands of teens who have gotten therapy for gender dysphoria, you could only find one who really regrets it?

I totally support her right to sue her medical practitioners for malpractice if malpractice occurred.

I suspect when her medical records are presented to the court, it might not be such a clear cut story, though.
Mutilation isn't therapy, it's just sanctioned self-harm, something medical professionals should oppose.
And there, you have it. According to Incel Joe, hard science, immutable biology, in opposition to the insane delusions of fucked-up mental cases, is “religious fanaticism”. You cannot make this shit up.

See, ThisIsMe this is the kind of religious fanatic I am talking about. ^^^^^

And there, you have it. According to Joe, hard science, immutable biology, in opposition to the insane delusions of fucked-up mental cases, is “religious fanaticism”. You cannot make this shit up.

Um, yeah, um, where is your medical Degree from, Mormon Bob? Or your Ph.D. in psychology.

You're a Mormon mutant who strings wires because he couldn't hack being an IT Guy.

Hard science shows that the brains of Transgenders resemble their identified gender more than their biological gender.

A 2016 review reported that early-onset androphilic transgender women have a brain structure similar to cisgender women's and unlike cisgender men's, but that they have their own brain phenotype.[2] It also reported that gynephilic trans women differ from both cisgender female and male controls in non-dimorphic brain areas.[2] The available research indicates that the brain structure of androphilic trans women with early-onset gender dysphoria is closer to that of cisgender women than that of cisgender men.[2] It also reports that gynephilic trans women differ from both cisgender female and male controls in non-dimorphic brain areas.[2] Cortical thickness, which is generally thicker in cisgender women's brains than in cisgender men's brains, may also be thicker in trans women's brains, but is present in a different location to cisgender women's brains.[2] For trans men, research indicates that those with early-onset gender dysphoria and who are gynephilic have brains that generally correspond to their assigned sex, but that they have their own phenotype with respect to cortical thickness, subcortical structures, and white matter microstructure, especially in the right hemisphere.[2] Hormone therapy can also affect transgender people's brain structure; it can cause transgender women's brains to become closer to those of cisgender women, and morphological changes observed in the brains of trans men might be due to the anabolic effects of testosterone.[2]
Um, yeah, um, where is your medical Degree from, Mormon Bob? Or your Ph.D. in psychology.

You're a Mormon mutant who strings wires because he couldn't hack being an IT Guy.

Hard science shows that the brains of Transgenders resemble their identified gender more than their biological gender.

A 2016 review reported that early-onset androphilic transgender women have a brain structure similar to cisgender women's and unlike cisgender men's, but that they have their own brain phenotype.[2] It also reported that gynephilic trans women differ from both cisgender female and male controls in non-dimorphic brain areas.[2] The available research indicates that the brain structure of androphilic trans women with early-onset gender dysphoria is closer to that of cisgender women than that of cisgender men.[2] It also reports that gynephilic trans women differ from both cisgender female and male controls in non-dimorphic brain areas.[2] Cortical thickness, which is generally thicker in cisgender women's brains than in cisgender men's brains, may also be thicker in trans women's brains, but is present in a different location to cisgender women's brains.[2] For trans men, research indicates that those with early-onset gender dysphoria and who are gynephilic have brains that generally correspond to their assigned sex, but that they have their own phenotype with respect to cortical thickness, subcortical structures, and white matter microstructure, especially in the right hemisphere.[2] Hormone therapy can also affect transgender people's brain structure; it can cause transgender women's brains to become closer to those of cisgender women, and morphological changes observed in the brains of trans men might be due to the anabolic effects of testosterone.[2]

Yes, with very fancy, high-tech equipment, it is possible to find subtle differences from one human brain to another, and to identify a loose correlation between the traits thus revealed, and the sexes of those whose brain are examined.

But it is nowhere close to the point where such an examination can be made these traits in any one brain, and from those traits, make a solid statement about whether that individual is a man or a woman. To try to make that link is much more akin to superstition or pseudoscience than to any actual science.

In the mean time, we've know about the biological traits that truly distinguish men from women for as long as mankind has existed, and we do not need any fancy technological equipment or advanced medical degrees to observe these traits and to know exactly what they mean and why they matter. In fact, without this understanding, and the proper practical application thereof, Mankind would have died out a long time ago.

Archaeologists can examine the skeleton of a human being who has been dead for thousands of years, and clearly determine whether those bones are the remains of a man or a woman. Your modern pseudoscientific witch doctors, with their fancy high-tech brain scans, cannot make nearly so reliable a determination of the sex of a living human being whose brain they have scanned.

Yes, with very fancy, high-tech equipment, it is possible to find subtle differences from one human brain to another, and to identify a loose correlation between the traits thus revealed, and the sexes of those whose brain are examined.

But it is nowhere close to the point where such an examination can be made these traits in any one brain, and from those traits, make a solid statement about whether that individual is a man or a woman. To try to make that link is much more akin to superstition or pseudoscience than to any actual science.

Except you can link those subtle differences to specific behavior.

In the mean time, we've know about the biological traits that truly distinguish men from women for as long as mankind has existed, and we do not need any fancy technological equipment or advanced medical degrees to observe these traits and to know exactly what they mean and why they matter. In fact, without this understanding, and the proper practical application thereof, Mankind would have died out a long time ago.

Nonsense. Most of history, 2/3rds of children born never got past childhood. But this funny thing happened. Scientists cured diseases and stopped calling Plague's "God's Will".
So people could limit themselves to two kids and be reasonably sure they could have someone to succeed them. And some people could decide they really didn't want to have kids. Thank Satan we have all that fancy equipment!

Archaeologists can examine the skeleton of a human being who has been dead for thousands of years, and clearly determine whether those bones are the remains of a man or a woman. Your modern pseudoscientific witch doctors, with their fancy high-tech brain scans, cannot make nearly so reliable a determination of the sex of a living human being whose brain they have scanned.

Since a skeleton isn't a live person, not sure what your point is. Given most people are cremated these days, seems kind of... silly.

I guess when future archeologists don't find that many bodies after a certain point, they'll conclude humans went extinct in 2000.
Except you can link those subtle differences to specific behavior.

Of course you can.

Ever hear the term “tomboy”?

A girl who likes things that are usually more popular among boys, and less popular among girls, is still a girl.

Between myself and my wife, I've noticed an inversion in our taste in movies, with regard to what is generally popular by gender.

I love romantic movies, romantic comedies and such, which are generally more popular among women, to the point that they are known in our culture as “chick flicks”. My wife doesn't care so much for them.

My wife loves bloody, violent horror-type movies. I really don't care for them.

But there is no question at all that I am a man, even though I like movies of a sort that generally appeal more to women, and my wife is a woman, even though she likes movies that generally appeal more to men.

If your pseudoscientific witch doctors were to examine my brain, and my wife's they might even be able to find some “feminine” component in my brain patterns, and some “masculine” component in my wife's brain, that explain our respective tastes in movies. I bet that if they know what to look for, they could find similar discord in anyone's brain, in different places, that may or may not manifest in the form of that individual having some inclination that is more like that of their opposite sex.

I'd bet that nearly everyone has some of these variances.

And looking at these variances, I bet that your pseudoscientific witch doctors will never be able to verifiably find a purely “male” human brain nor a purely “female” human brain, that the distinction is very fuzzy, and extremely subjective.

Meanwhile, the morphological differences that very clearly distinguish men from women are very sharp, solid, and objective, and you don't need any fancy high-tech equipment nor any advanced degrees in any pseudoscientific witchcraft to clearly see and understand these differences.

It's just crazy to disregard the obvious, observable physical evidence, and go chasing after vague superstitions, to try to make the distinction between men and women.
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Of course you can.

Ever hear the term “tomboy”?

A girl who likes things that are usually more popular among boys, and less popular among girls, is still a girl.

Um, yeah, but there's a major difference between a "tomboy" (Hint, nobody uses that term anymore now that women have careers and expectations) and someone who is gender dysphoric.

If your pseudoscientific witch doctors were to examine my brain,

(No, no. Must resist making cheap shot jokes... must resist... oh, fuck, no, this is too good!)

Do they have a setting for "Psycho Cultist". Sorry, Bob, even allowing that none of us are our best selves on the internet, you went over the crazy line when you started calling for the execution of women for having abortions.

Even the fucking Nazis didn't do that. (They did execute people who performed them, though.)

So if it isn't due to brain structure/chemistry, why do you think some people are transgender? Oh, that's right, you don't think that's an actual thing.

You see, the funny thing is, you have all these opinions on LGBTQ people, but I'm getting a feeling that you don't actually know any (or at least any who are out in front of you.)
So out of the thousands of teens who have gotten therapy for gender dysphoria, you could only find one who really regrets it?

I totally support her right to sue her medical practitioners for malpractice if malpractice occurred.

I suspect when her medical records are presented to the court, it might not be such a clear cut story, though.

I can't really respond to your drivel because you messed up the quotes, but here goes.

No, as a young child, they don’t know, they are going through things and are still developing. The medical experts, as posted by this article, are the ones at fault, because they are encouraging these transitions, telling them stories of suicide and all that if they don’t let their child start transitioning. The parents are just as bad as they want to push their child into it as well.

Again, you wouldn’t let your child make other life changing decisions, why this one?

The child didn't make the decision, the parents, doctors made it as well. Again, we don't know what the entire case was, but given how rare it is for trans kids to get treatment, it must have been pretty compelling.

If there was malpractice, then there should be consequences. I don't think there was, I think this is just someone who enjoys the attention the Religious Zealots are giving her now. She's going to be very sad when they move on to the next thing.

Also, you act as if the whole religious angle was some sort of grand scheme by rich people to use againsnt religious people. Where’s the plan? Show me these rich people who have this master plan to control the unsuspecting religious people by making them fear gay people…

Wow, guy, this happened pretty much out in the open, with the rise of the Moral Majority back in the 1980's, where big corporations got behind these nutty preachers and they took over the GOP.

Now the big corporations are backing away, because they got what they wanted, a devastated Middle class with no power.

I could lay it all out for you, but you still wouldn't understand it.

The child didn't make the decision, the parents, doctors made it as well. Again, we don't know what the entire case was, but given how rare it is for trans kids to get treatment, it must have been pretty compelling.

Oh, it was the parents, the doctors, and I’m sure the school had some part in it.

Again, you keep on about how rare it is. So, I’m your mind, because it’s rare, you think it’s acceptable to have gender reassignment surgeries and hormone treatments when the child is still a teenager? When they are still growing..developing, they are still forming their identity and don’t really know what it is they are feeling or going through?

Again, what other life altering decisions are you going to let them have?

I don't think there was, I think this is just someone who enjoys the attention the Religious Zealots are giving her now.

The doctors tells the parents she will commit suicide if she doesn’t transition, and so they go through with it, and now she regrets it….and that’s somehow religions fault?
So out of the thousands of teens who have gotten therapy for gender dysphoria, you could only find one who really regrets it?

I totally support her right to sue her medical practitioners for malpractice if malpractice occurred.

I suspect when her medical records are presented to the court, it might not be such a clear cut story, though.
So just fk her huh? That’s truly you
I can't really respond to your drivel because you messed up the quotes, but here goes.

No, as a young child, they don’t know, they are going through things and are still developing. The medical experts, as posted by this article, are the ones at fault, because they are encouraging these transitions, telling them stories of suicide and all that if they don’t let their child start transitioning. The parents are just as bad as they want to push their child into it as well.

Again, you wouldn’t let your child make other life changing decisions, why this one?

The child didn't make the decision, the parents, doctors made it as well. Again, we don't know what the entire case was, but given how rare it is for trans kids to get treatment, it must have been pretty compelling.

If there was malpractice, then there should be consequences. I don't think there was, I think this is just someone who enjoys the attention the Religious Zealots are giving her now. She's going to be very sad when they move on to the next thing.

Also, you act as if the whole religious angle was some sort of grand scheme by rich people to use againsnt religious people. Where’s the plan? Show me these rich people who have this master plan to control the unsuspecting religious people by making them fear gay people…

Wow, guy, this happened pretty much out in the open, with the rise of the Moral Majority back in the 1980's, where big corporations got behind these nutty preachers and they took over the GOP.

Now the big corporations are backing away, because they got what they wanted, a devastated Middle class with no power.

I could lay it all out for you, but you still wouldn't understand it.

Wow, guy, this happened pretty much out in the open, with the rise of the Moral Majority back in the 1980's, where big corporations got behind these nutty preachers and they took over the GOP.

Now the big corporations are backing away, because they got what they wanted, a devastated Middle class with no power.

Ok, so some corporations got behind some preachers, who are already against same sex relations. But where is the big master plan to instill fear into religious people about homosexuality?
Oh, it was the parents, the doctors, and I’m sure the school had some part in it.

Again, you keep on about how rare it is. So, I’m your mind, because it’s rare, you think it’s acceptable to have gender reassignment surgeries and hormone treatments when the child is still a teenager? When they are still growing..developing, they are still forming their identity and don’t really know what it is they are feeling or going through?

Again, what other life altering decisions are you going to let them have?

Whichever ones are appropriate. For instance, we let them make decisions without their parents on whether or not to get an abortion or use birth control.

The doctors tells the parents she will commit suicide if she doesn’t transition, and so they go through with it, and now she regrets it….and that’s somehow religions fault?

Well, how sincere was her suicidal tendencies? Look, I don't doubt the doctors got it wrong in her case. But the parents live with her seven days a week, so when they say, "If you don't let her live as a boy, she'll kill herself", they probably didn't think that was too far out in left field, given her behavior.

Ok, so some corporations got behind some preachers, who are already against same sex relations. But where is the big master plan to instill fear into religious people about homosexuality?

You got it in reverse. Let me walk you through it.

Just one example. It's 2004. The American people are getting ready to throw George W. Bush out on his can for lying us into a war in Iraq and generally messing up the economy. and then lo and behold, suddenly, George W. Bush was going to save us from the evil gays getting married in Massachusetts. Why, he was going to enshrine it in the constitution that you love so much.

And then he gets elected and suddenly, forgets the whole thing. Never mentions it again. What he did do was defang the regulatory agencies watching the banks and let them loot them.

He didn’t mention religion…it looks like he was citing science…religion didn’t enter into his response.
Read closer... everything this guy screams is about morality.
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Here we have a minor who was transitioned before reaching adulthood, and now regrets it.

But too late, she has already had her perfectly normal body parts mutilated, and she can never have children.

Now she is suing anyone and everyone who helped her transition.

This teen must be crushed into ash, otherwise, only more of this will occur, and the next thing you know it won't be allowed at all.

As we now, the Swamp will never allow this, so it should not be hard to take the teens will to live away by crushing her into dust.
You morons need to stop pretending you give a fuck about the mental health of teen girls. You don’t. You just use them as an excuse to whine about transgendered people. Did you give a fuck about any girl’s issue before this? No. Not one bit. You’re faux outrage retards.
Whichever ones are appropriate. For instance, we let them make decisions without their parents on whether or not to get an abortion or use birth control.

Well, how sincere was her suicidal tendencies? Look, I don't doubt the doctors got it wrong in her case. But the parents live with her seven days a week, so when they say, "If you don't let her live as a boy, she'll kill herself", they probably didn't think that was too far out in left field, given her behavior.

You got it in reverse. Let me walk you through it.

Just one example. It's 2004. The American people are getting ready to throw George W. Bush out on his can for lying us into a war in Iraq and generally messing up the economy. and then lo and behold, suddenly, George W. Bush was going to save us from the evil gays getting married in Massachusetts. Why, he was going to enshrine it in the constitution that you love so much.

And then he gets elected and suddenly, forgets the whole thing. Never mentions it again. What he did do was defang the regulatory agencies watching the banks and let them loot them.

Read closer... everything this guy screams is about morality.

Whichever ones are appropriate. For instance, we let them make decisions without their parents on whether or not to get an abortion or use birth control.

Yeah, and those things should also have parental advice when being done. Also, neither of those are life altering procedures to the child.

Well, how sincere was her suicidal tendencies? Look, I don't doubt the doctors got it wrong in her case. But the parents live with her seven days a week, so when they say, "If you don't let her live as a boy, she'll kill herself", they probably didn't think that was too far out in left field, given her behavior.

Yeah, the doctor did get it wrong, and the parents should have told him he was wrong if that was the case. The parents, not the doctor would be the one to know this. The doctor is not a psychologist as far as I’m aware.

So, I’m your GWB scenario, where is the plan from big business to instill fear of gay people into religious people?

Read closer... everything this guy screams is about morality.

Is morality exclusive to religion?

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