Leftists, this teen must be crushed!!!

yet here we are all talking about her.
And we need to, because this case illustrates just one of the consequences we've been warning about ever since the trans trend became trendy. If the kids are too young to get a tattoo, they're too young to do this messing with their bodies.
Thanks to "The Blaze". The regular MSM? No way. Doesn't fit their biased agenda.


SanFran Chronicle


States have even named bills after her...

And we need to, because this case illustrates just one of the consequences we've been warning about ever since the trans trend became trendy. If the kids are too young to get a tattoo, they're too young to do this messing with their bodies.

I agree. This should not be allowed no matter what a doctor might say

SanFran Chronicle


States have even named bills after her...

So, are democrats going to change? Or is it full speed ahead toward turning young children into the opposite sex? Does this now mean you believe Fox News reports the facts?
The funny thing is the current woke left has far more in common with the old Moral Majority types than today's defenders of speech/religion/educational fairness.

They are the baddies this time around.

They are the most puritan gang of puritan thugs that ever existed!

Okay, Anger Issues, going to try to take you seriously.

1. Gender Dysphoria is listed in the DSM as a mental health condition....Treatment of this could include anything from therapy, to medication, to in extreme cases, surgery...But, that option should only be for adults who have formed the requisite information, and are the appropriate age...NOT minor children.

Except we give treatments to kids all the time. The main recipients of puberty blockers are not trans students, they are children undergoing early onset puberty. We pump ADHD kids full of Ritalin so their teachers don't have to deal with their antics. So please don't come back to me and scream "not minor children" when we do this to kids all the time.

2. And what is acceptable today, would be hopefully unacceptable tomorrow.

And if you have a valid complaint about the actual treatments besides you think trans people are icky and live in mortal fear of picking one up in a bar, then you can get back to me. It might well be that Gender Confirmation Treatments might be regarded the same way bleeding with leeches or lobotomies are now. But that will be based on science, not religion or transphobia.

3. Wrong....Adolescents do not have the fully formed brain to think of all of the consequences of this action...Those doctors that follow this path should face criminal charges...

Yes we throw children in prison for adult crimes all the time.
Except we give treatments to kids all the time. The main recipients of puberty blockers are not trans students, they are children undergoing early onset puberty. We pump ADHD kids full of Ritalin so their teachers don't have to deal with their antics. So please don't come back to me and scream "not minor children" when we do this to kids all the time.

1. And I am saying that the use of these drugs on our children are more harmful than good....

2. Precocious Puberty carries NO risk to health other than possibly height, and self-consciousness....NOT a reason to push drugs at kids...

3. ADHD IMHO, is over diagnosed....In many cases recommended by teachers who are too lazy to deal with kids with energy....

And if you have a valid complaint about the actual treatments besides you think trans people are icky and live in mortal fear of picking one up in a bar, then you can get back to me.
This is you trying to take a conversation seriously? Really?

Joe, I've been married to the same beautiful woman for 35 years this year....I assure you I am not looking for anything....

It might well be that Gender Confirmation Treatments might be regarded the same way bleeding with leeches or lobotomies are now. But that will be based on science, not religion or transphobia.
More likely it will be looked upon like the experiments of Joseph Mengele

Yes we throw children in prison for adult crimes all the time.
Throwing a minor in prison for murder is just not the same as mutilating a minor for a social agenda....I shouldn't have to say that....
1. And I am saying that the use of these drugs on our children are more harmful than good....

And when you get a medical degree, what you say might even have meaning.

2. Precocious Puberty carries NO risk to health other than possibly height, and self-consciousness....NOT a reason to push drugs at kids...
Yet puberty blockers are prescribed just the same so little Sally isn't the only girl in third grade with a rack.

3. ADHD IMHO, is over diagnosed....In many cases recommended by teachers who are too lazy to deal with kids with energy....

I agree. But we hand them out, just the same. Usually with the parents who are just as happy to have little Timmy calm the fuck down.

This is you trying to take a conversation seriously? Really?

Joe, I've been married to the same beautiful woman for 35 years this year....I assure you I am not looking for anything....

Yet you seem awfully freaked out by the concept of a transwoman even being out there.

More likely it will be looked upon like the experiments of Joseph Mengele
Not likely. Mengele was a sadist, not a scientist.

Throwing a minor in prison for murder is just not the same as mutilating a minor for a social agenda....I shouldn't have to say that....
You don't think that throwing kids into prison is part of a social agenda?
About time!

Chloe Cole, 18, is suing the hospitals and physicians who 'coerced' her to transition from a girl to a boy in the name of profit, Cole's attorneys announced in a press release Thursday obtained by TheBlaze.

"I am going forward in taking legal action because every second that goes by, more blood is spilled by the same individuals and medical centers that destroyed my body and childhood," Cole said in the statement.

"After we launched my lawsuit last year, there has been an explosion of both detransitioners and their lawsuits all over the country. Unfortunately, I am no longer alone in my pain and suffering," Cole also said.

Detransitioners are people who underwent chemical and/or surgical transition from one gender to the other, later returning to embracing their original, biological gender. Cole is among them.
From the link:

In addition to puberty blockers and off-label cross-sex hormone "treatment," Cole's doctors removed her breasts, performing a radical, double mastectomy.

"Chloe’s family sought medical treatment for her at Kaiser. Her physicians and other medical professionals violated the first norm of the profession, the Hippocratic Oath, when, instead of caring for her and providing medically competent diagnoses and treatment, they permanently disfigured her for profit," attorney Harmeet Dhillon said in the statement.

This when she was sixteen at the most.

I hope this lawsuit breaks Kaiser, or at least causes the insurance companies to force them to leave the kids alone. All these people understand is money.
Transgender surgery should not be done on minors.
That's the bottom line. Kids are notorious for changing their minds and do extreme things to attract attention or to be popular. Instead of mutilating them, let's treat them kindly, assure them that we love them no matter what, and let them make that choice only when they are actually mature enough to do so. If they're too young to get a tattoo, they're too young to have body parts removed or added just to feminize or masculinize their bodies.
Taking away rights that currently exist has consequences for everyone. This latest moral panic is just another flimflam job meant to let the Jesus fan club decide what is best for you.
Would you let your 13 year old daughter get a full face tattoo? Or have any other part of her body surgically altered?
Okay, Anger Issues, going to try to take you seriously.

Except we give treatments to kids all the time. The main recipients of puberty blockers are not trans students, they are children undergoing early onset puberty. We pump ADHD kids full of Ritalin so their teachers don't have to deal with their antics. So please don't come back to me and scream "not minor children" when we do this to kids all the time.

And if you have a valid complaint about the actual treatments besides you think trans people are icky and live in mortal fear of picking one up in a bar, then you can get back to me. It might well be that Gender Confirmation Treatments might be regarded the same way bleeding with leeches or lobotomies are now. But that will be based on science, not religion or transphobia.

Yes we throw children in prison for adult crimes all the time.

Disregard religion, young children shouldn’t be receive gender altering treatments. Just because a kid shows signs of attraction to the same sex doesn’t mean they think they are the other gender…they might just be gay…or they might be going through a phase that they may eventually grow out of.

If you start them on hormone treatments and gender reassignment surgery at that age, you will do severe damage to them later on in life.

Again, a parent wouldn’t let their 13 year old child choose to have any other body altering surgery, or a full length arm and face tattoo, so, why allow them to have gender treatments ?
Disregard religion, young children shouldn’t be receive gender altering treatments. Just because a kid shows signs of attraction to the same sex doesn’t mean they think they are the other gender…they might just be gay…or they might be going through a phase that they may eventually grow out of.

Or they might just be transgender. Keep in mind, Ms. Cole is NOT suing that the treatment was wrong, she is suing that her own doctors didn't follow established guidelines.

If you start them on hormone treatments and gender reassignment surgery at that age, you will do severe damage to them later on in life.

Yet that is probably the best point to do the treatment, before the full effects of puberty have kicked in.

Should also point out that VERY FEW trans kids are getting any kind of treatment at all. Less than 5000 are getting hormone treatments, and surgeries are rare.

Again, a parent wouldn’t let their 13 year old child choose to have any other body altering surgery, or a full length arm and face tattoo, so, why allow them to have gender treatments ?

Because those other things are optional and cosmetic.

The real problem here, Bible Boy, is you don't want transgender to be a thing. I would be all for strict scrutiny of administering treatment, and if these doctors engaged in malpractice, they should be sued.

But you don't want the treatments to happen at all. They make baby Jesus cry.
Or they might just be transgender. Keep in mind, Ms. Cole is NOT suing that the treatment was wrong, she is suing that her own doctors didn't follow established guidelines.

Yet that is probably the best point to do the treatment, before the full effects of puberty have kicked in.

Should also point out that VERY FEW trans kids are getting any kind of treatment at all. Less than 5000 are getting hormone treatments, and surgeries are rare.
They should be very rare, not a trendy new thing that everybody's doing to get attention.
Because those other things are optional and cosmetic.
And these are permanent and cosmetic, so should be very rare.
The real problem here, Bible Boy, is you don't want transgender to be a thing. I would be all for strict scrutiny of administering treatment, and if these doctors engaged in malpractice, they should be sued.

But you don't want the treatments to happen at all. They make baby Jesus cry.
Now you're just trying to deflect from the main issue, which is that kids are not mature enough to know if they want to be a fireman, policeman, or maybe Spider Man or a vampire when they grow up, much less permanently change their sexual identity. Better to let them grow up, encourage them and love them, then when they are adults they can make the mature decision to alter their bodies if they want to.
Or they might just be transgender. Keep in mind, Ms. Cole is NOT suing that the treatment was wrong, she is suing that her own doctors didn't follow established guidelines.

Yet that is probably the best point to do the treatment, before the full effects of puberty have kicked in.

Should also point out that VERY FEW trans kids are getting any kind of treatment at all. Less than 5000 are getting hormone treatments, and surgeries are rare.

Because those other things are optional and cosmetic.

The real problem here, Bible Boy, is you don't want transgender to be a thing. I would be all for strict scrutiny of administering treatment, and if these doctors engaged in malpractice, they should be sued.

But you don't want the treatments to happen at all. They make baby Jesus cry.

Or they might just be transgender. Keep in mind, Ms. Cole is NOT suing that the treatment was wrong, she is suing that her own doctors didn't follow established guidelines.

Or they might just be gay or going through a phase. You are suggesting life altering procedures to a young child when they are going through puberty. They don’t have it all figured out yet and are not sure what they are going through.

Yet that is probably the best point to do the treatment, before the full effects of puberty have kicked in.

Maybe, but again, how do you know for sure if what they are going through is genuine? What if they are wrong? What if their parents are encouraging them into it, when the parents don’t fully understand what is going on?

Should also point out that VERY FEW trans kids are getting any kind of treatment at all. Less than 5000 are getting hormone treatments, and surgeries are rare.

Ok, so you are suggesting that screwing up the lives of a few teenagers is acceptable because it’s rare? Of those 5000 not getting treatments, how many are children, and how many are claiming they are sure they are in the wrong gender? Maybe it’s rare because most people realize it’s wrong to start pumping their teenagers full of altering hormones and surgeries until they reach adulthood and can make that choice from an informed perspective?

Because those other things are optional and cosmetic.

…you wouldn’t let them make a life altering choice about a tattoo…but you would let them make a life altering choice about sexual reassignment surgery, as a teenager.

The real problem here, Bible Boy, is you don't want transgender to be a thing. I would be all for strict scrutiny of administering treatment, and if these doctors engaged in malpractice, they should be sued.

Lol “Bible Boy”…did you read the first sentence? Disregard religion. I’m not coming at this from an religious angle.

But you don't want the treatments to happen at all. They make baby Jesus cry.

Once a person reaches adulthood and can make an informed decision, then that’s fine.

Your responses from this thread and the bakery thread are saying a lot. You just assume that everyone is a hateful religious zealot. It never occurred to you that perhaps some people just care about rights and freedoms, and what the cotus actually says, and in this case, it has nothing to do with people being trans, this is just about doctors and parents allowing their children to make these decisions, when most of the time, the kids don’t know what they want.

You cannot even fathom that people do things for stated reasons, with you, there must always be an ulterior motive.
They should be very rare, not a trendy new thing that everybody's doing to get attention.

And these are permanent and cosmetic, so should be very rare.

Now you're just trying to deflect from the main issue, which is that kids are not mature enough to know if they want to be a fireman, policeman, or maybe Spider Man or a vampire when they grow up, much less permanently change their sexual identity. Better to let them grow up, encourage them and love them, then when they are adults they can make the mature decision to alter their bodies if they want to.

Yeah, what he/she said…

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