Leftists use Ohio State knife attack to demand more gun control laws - are these people even sane??


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
At least they haven't demanded Knife Control. Yet.

The leftists are obsessed with government taking people's guns away. How did that work out with the alcohol prohibition in the 20s and 30s? And with the various drug bans?

Is there any evidence that these leftist laws accomplished ANYTHING, besides creating legions of criminals out of formerly law-abiding users, and setting up well-funded genuine criminal organizations with huge gangs of thugs, kidnappers, and murderers?

They've been doing it for years, despite getting the same results time after time.

Isn't a classic definition of insanity, the act of doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result?

Thank God we voted a lot of them out of power a few weeks ago.

It's a good first step.


Progressives Demand Gun Control After Knife Attack At Ohio State

Progressives Demand Gun Control After Knife Attack At Ohio State University

Progressive activists used a brutal knife attack at Ohio State University on Monday as a pretext for demanding stricter gun control laws.

November 28, 2016 By Bre Payton

Progressives used a brutal knife attack at Ohio State University (OSU) on Monday as an excuse to demand more gun control, even after authorities declared that they had no evidence the attacker even used a gun during his rampage.

The attacker reportedly struck pedestrians with his vehicle and proceeded to stab several others, harming at least nine individuals, one of whom is in critical condition. Despite OSU’s initial tweets stating there was an active shooter on campus, authorities later said there was no evidence that the attacker used a gun during his attack. The victims are being treated for stab wounds and injuries sustained from being struck by the attacker’s vehicle.

An OSU police officer shot and killed the machete-wielding attacker, believed to be an immigrant from Somalia, the university’s public safety director said in a statement, according to WNYC.

Even though there is currently no evidence a gun was used by the attacker, and even though a good guy with a gun was solely responsible for ending the attacker’s rampage, various progressive activists, celebrities, and journalists spent the morning using the attack as a pretext for demanding even stricter gun control laws.
I have a better chance of being killed by some limp wrist Liberal in their mini-van while they drive down the road on their cellphone and ignoring the road and road safety than being killed by some gun owning American Citizen!

These idiots will use any tragedy to further their anti-gun agenda.
Have their gun laws ever done anything besides create gun-free zones for criminals to safely do their thing?
As a matter of fact, gun free zones where created so that criminals could harm law abiding citizens. It is a good way to make government more controlling resulting in the elimination of the 2A. Every tyrannical politician's wet dream.
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Maybe this will be a snowflake reality check.....TRUMP supporters are NOT your enemy.....but RADICALIZED ISLAMIC TERRORISTS that are actively trying to kill you are.

Let's keep this in perspective.

Ben Carson.....not a threat.
Muslim student who hates America crashes car into crowd of students and then starts stabbing them with a BUTCHER KNIFE.....THREAT!
At least they haven't demanded Knife Control. Yet.

The leftists are obsessed with government taking people's guns away. How did that work out with the alcohol prohibition in the 20s and 30s? And with the various drug bans?

Is there any evidence that these leftist laws accomplished ANYTHING, besides creating legions of criminals out of formerly law-abiding users, and setting up well-funded genuine criminal organizations with huge gangs of thugs, kidnappers, and murderers?

They've been doing it for years, despite getting the same results time after time.

Isn't a classic definition of insanity, the act of doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result?

Thank God we voted a lot of them out of power a few weeks ago.

It's a good first step.


Progressives Demand Gun Control After Knife Attack At Ohio State

Progressives Demand Gun Control After Knife Attack At Ohio State University

Progressive activists used a brutal knife attack at Ohio State University on Monday as a pretext for demanding stricter gun control laws.

November 28, 2016 By Bre Payton

Progressives used a brutal knife attack at Ohio State University (OSU) on Monday as an excuse to demand more gun control, even after authorities declared that they had no evidence the attacker even used a gun during his rampage.

The attacker reportedly struck pedestrians with his vehicle and proceeded to stab several others, harming at least nine individuals, one of whom is in critical condition. Despite OSU’s initial tweets stating there was an active shooter on campus, authorities later said there was no evidence that the attacker used a gun during his attack. The victims are being treated for stab wounds and injuries sustained from being struck by the attacker’s vehicle.

An OSU police officer shot and killed the machete-wielding attacker, believed to be an immigrant from Somalia, the university’s public safety director said in a statement, according to WNYC.

Even though there is currently no evidence a gun was used by the attacker, and even though a good guy with a gun was solely responsible for ending the attacker’s rampage, various progressive activists, celebrities, and journalists spent the morning using the attack as a pretext for demanding even stricter gun control laws.
Knife control is fairly common in some states. So is machete control.

These were all issues left to the various states by the Federal Constitution.

If states want to regulate knives they may. Cities may also. There are several cities that have knife control independently of their state.

The state where I live has a form of "constitutional carry" for knives of any kind, up to and unless you are a convicted felon. Then there are severe limitations on X-con's for knives the same as for guns.
At least they haven't demanded Knife Control. Yet.

The leftists are obsessed with government taking people's guns away. How did that work out with the alcohol prohibition in the 20s and 30s? And with the various drug bans?

Is there any evidence that these leftist laws accomplished ANYTHING, besides creating legions of criminals out of formerly law-abiding users, and setting up well-funded genuine criminal organizations with huge gangs of thugs, kidnappers, and murderers?

They've been doing it for years, despite getting the same results time after time.

Isn't a classic definition of insanity, the act of doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result?

Thank God we voted a lot of them out of power a few weeks ago.

It's a good first step.


Progressives Demand Gun Control After Knife Attack At Ohio State

Progressives Demand Gun Control After Knife Attack At Ohio State University

Progressive activists used a brutal knife attack at Ohio State University on Monday as a pretext for demanding stricter gun control laws.

November 28, 2016 By Bre Payton

Progressives used a brutal knife attack at Ohio State University (OSU) on Monday as an excuse to demand more gun control, even after authorities declared that they had no evidence the attacker even used a gun during his rampage.

The attacker reportedly struck pedestrians with his vehicle and proceeded to stab several others, harming at least nine individuals, one of whom is in critical condition. Despite OSU’s initial tweets stating there was an active shooter on campus, authorities later said there was no evidence that the attacker used a gun during his attack. The victims are being treated for stab wounds and injuries sustained from being struck by the attacker’s vehicle.

An OSU police officer shot and killed the machete-wielding attacker, believed to be an immigrant from Somalia, the university’s public safety director said in a statement, according to WNYC.

Even though there is currently no evidence a gun was used by the attacker, and even though a good guy with a gun was solely responsible for ending the attacker’s rampage, various progressive activists, celebrities, and journalists spent the morning using the attack as a pretext for demanding even stricter gun control laws.

abstraction is a very difficult task for a gun lover, aka a person with a fetish for guns.
The people blaming the USA for Islamic terrorism are the same asshole who love Fidel Castro. Their opinions should have no value.
The people blaming the USA for Islamic terrorism are the same asshole who love Fidel Castro. Their opinions should have no value.

The apocryphal "people blaming the USA for Islamic terrorism" are ignorant, if they exist. The root cause of terror was the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Mandates which carved out new nations in the middle east at the end of WW I; and later, Imperialism in these lands, and in Africa; the creation of Israel in 1948 and the nation building by the CIA in Iran during the Eisenhower Administration.

Few people express "love" for Fidel Castro, in fact the only love I'm aware of has been expressed by the Cuban People in Cuba, and even there his legacy is mixed.

I hope I've exposed your post as the usual bullshit of a crazy right winger, please soil more threads with your crap as I'm willing to expose both your foolishness, partisanship and your ignorance.
The left are control freaks, they love imposing restrictions, rules, and banning things especially if it pisses people off. I think they get off having control and power over others. They are pretty fucked up mentally that's for sure.
At this point it is plain that even the democrats cannot believe just how stupid their voters actually are.
Left wing idiots are much better at attacking the U.S. Constitution than they are dealing with hostile foreign regimes. By focusing on so-called gun violence (which wasn't a factor) the left gets to change the argument from federally ordered sanctuary for potential terrorists who freaking hate us (which they are mentally unable to deal with) to an issue related to violating the Constitutional rights of citizens which they are good at.
The people blaming the USA for Islamic terrorism are the same asshole who love Fidel Castro. Their opinions should have no value.

The apocryphal "people blaming the USA for Islamic terrorism" are ignorant, if they exist. The root cause of terror was the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Mandates which carved out new nations in the middle east at the end of WW I; and later, Imperialism in these lands, and in Africa; the creation of Israel in 1948 and the nation building by the CIA in Iran during the Eisenhower Administration.

Few people express "love" for Fidel Castro, in fact the only love I'm aware of has been expressed by the Cuban People in Cuba, and even there his legacy is mixed.

I hope I've exposed your post as the usual bullshit of a crazy right winger, please soil more threads with your crap as I'm willing to expose both your foolishness, partisanship and your ignorance.

Hillary Clinton said this: "Donald Trump is being used as a recruiting sergeant for ISIS. The kind of language and rhetoric Trump has used is giving aid and comfort to our adversaries."

In a Friday CNN interview, Hussam Ayloush, of the group CAIR's Los Angeles chapter, said American foreign policy has helped fuel the rage that drives Muslim radicals to kill in the name of their faith.

“Let’s not forget that some of our own foreign policy, as Americans, as the west, have fueled that extremism,”


Also, about CASTRO:

I understand people wanting a simple answer (he's evil). Others want to understand him. My family was in poverty under Batista, and Castro. https://t.co/oYuXrjiQmb

— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) November 28, 2016

Fidel Castro was a great revolutionary. Learn more about his life & legacy. https://t.co/6nfsCM5krS

— Danny Glover (@mrdannyglover) November 28, 2016



So, when you say to me: "I hope I've exposed your post as the usual bullshit of a crazy right winger, please soil more threads with your crap as I'm willing to expose both your foolishness, partisanship and your ignorance."....you can shove it up your ****.

Now, prove to me noone on the left claims America is responsible for Islamic terrorism and prove to me how no one on the left praised Castro.
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Left wing idiots are much better at attacking the U.S. Constitution than they are dealing with hostile foreign regimes. By focusing on so-called gun violence (which wasn't a factor) the left gets to change the argument from federally ordered sanctuary for potential terrorists who freaking hate us (which they are mentally unable to deal with) to an issue related to violating the Constitutional rights of citizens which they are good at.

This is so true because really, all they care about is having a stupid and compliant citizenry that they can control.

That's why the LEFT flips the FUCK OUT about the word "TRUMP" written in CHALK on a sidewalk, but don't GIVE A FLYING FUCK about Muslims throwing homosexuals off of buildings in Syria.

Libs are mentally ill.

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