Legal excuse to kill


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Stand your Ground Law is a license to kill. If I want to kill someone and walk, all I would have to do is provoke someone into punching me and I can pull a gun and shoot them dead and claim I felt my life was threatened and claim self defense. That is exactly what evidence and witness show Zimmerman did. His own words support this is what he did. How do we know that he did not throw the first punch. There is no evidence that when 911 asked him. “are you following him“ and he said “yeah“ that he actually did stop because his prior actions and history of defiance and arrogance and being untouchable narcissist and wanna be law enforcer, he did not comply. There no evidence that when Zimmerman said; “s** he’s running” that he did not hang up and continue to follow Trayvon. It is totally inconceivable that Trayvon “walking fast” or “running away” from Zimmerman suddenly turned around and followed him and punched him without being provoked. We only have Zimmerman’s account and the little evidence we have heard do not support his account of that night.
What made him use deadly force against a 140lb kid when it was not necessary. All the had to do was use equally physical force. What was Zimmerman doing with his hands when Trayvon was on top of him with his head in “both” his hands banging it against the concrete. “grass”
Zimmerman’s biggest mistake is his ego and his thinking Americans are stupid. His own words and the words of his supporters do not support the known evidence.
“Are you following him” “yeah”
“We don’t need you to do that” “OK”
“S**** he’s running”
“These a** h**** always get away”
“F**** C***”
“What are “YOU” doing around “HERE?”
When Zimmerman, confronted Trayvon and asked him “what are “you” doing around here” his actions were no different than that of a southern sheriff confronting a black man for a host of reasons
Zimmerman made up his mind that this is one a**h*** that was not getting away.
Deadly force was not necessary against this lanky 14lb kid. All Zimmerman war reasonable legally to do was to use equally physically force which he being bigger and had more strength had an advantage over this lanky 14lb kid.

What was Zimmerman doing with his hands when Trayvon had his head in his hands
? Unstrapping his holster, taking out his gun, bringing to Trayvon’s chest and pulling the trigger. No possible of a man that was losing conscientious. No evidence that Zimmerman used any physical force at all? WHY NOT? 1st degree premeditated murder.

2012 Stand Your Ground Law is no different from the 1955 pre-civil right law that allowed Emmit Till to be murdered and his murderers set free.

Civil rights charges possible in Trayvon case
DOJ reviewing possible federal charges in Trayvon Martin case - WSMV Channel 4
Did anyone notice the back of Zimmerman’s head when he was leaving the court room today?
There should be a scar on the back of his head. even 44 days later.
Hopefully this upcoming trial and attention the SYG law is getting, will clarify how it is intended to be used by lawful citizens, in fact people who apply for a CC permit should be tested to make sure they understand the law, and sign off saying as much.
No where in the law as I understand it, does it allow for a person to stalk, follow, pursue, provoke, confront or engage another person then kill them when they are forced to use the same law to defend themselves.
Trayvon may have thought Zimmerman was a stalking pedophile or out to hurt him in some way? How do we know?
If the actions I just described have to be spelled out in the wording of the law should it be reviewed and or modified, then so be it but citizens should have the rights and protections it was intended to be used for.
Zimmerman may have to be the example to clarify once and for all the laws meaning and intention. Why should a law have to be tossed because of some one like Zimmerman or others abusing it? Just clarify or modify it instead, and make it perfectly CLEAR that those who abuse will be arrested and charged should the evidence point in that direction.
Apparently the SP found something in the evidence that would suggest Zimmerman wasn't adhering to the SYG law as it was intended.
I also think it would be a good idea to make it mandatory for "Citizen" patrol volunteers to take a course in proper procedures and understanding of the laws, and having them be "certified" to be a "citizen" neighborhood watchman, including perhaps a psych test to rule out mental problems like being overly paranoid.

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