Legal status of LGBT and transgender people

I'm just telling you what was done in the day. In high skewl, if you did anything faggotry you were disciplined and that was that. No more faggotry
I have a slightly different viewpoint on faggotry. Be different, be weird, be disgusting if you must. Just do it out of my sight, do not throw it in my face. do not expect me to applaud your condition and above all do not expect me to give you special treatment.
View attachment 621493

And yet we deny or abridge the rights of firearm owners all the time.

If we can force a firearm owner to purchase a license and demand they pay for and attend training to exercise their right to bear arms then why not apply those same standards to any other right by forcing them to purchase licenses and attend training to exercise that right too.



There is no license to pay for in Missouri to carry a concealed or open firearm.
I have a slightly different viewpoint on faggotry. Be different, be weird, be disgusting if you must. Just do it out of my sight, do not throw it in my face. do not expect me to applaud your condition and above all do not expect me to give you special treatment.
I take offense to your posts and want you to do it out of sight from the rest of the forum.
There is no license to pay for in Missouri to carry a concealed or open firearm.


That's Missouri.

There's lots of states that violate the rights of firearm owners and those who want to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights.


I take offense to your posts and want you to do it out of sight from the rest of the forum.
I would suggest that you just ignore anything I post so as not to be offended. I wish that I could do the same when it comes to the LGBTQ community but the MSM, and its promotional agenda make that impossible.
I would suggest that you just ignore anything I post so as not to be offended. I wish that I could do the same when it comes to the LGBTQ community but the MSM, and its promotional agenda make that impossible.
Keep on wearing those blinders you'll live much better.
Every person that suffers from a sexual perversion, or is one gender and thinks they're another, or simply doesn't know what they are like the idiot Sniffy has nominated for the SC, should be committed for psychiatric treatment, because they're mentally ill.
So far, there is no definition in the law to which category they belong. Some of them have no gender at all, some have something in between a man and a woman. Their legal status is not defined anywhere.
In particular, the 19th amendment guarantees women the right to vote, but this does not apply to hermaphrodites, transgender people and LGBT people.

And if, for example, someone has undergone a species change operation, and married a corncob, then how are we supposed to determine his gender and family? This is also not stated anywhere. What is allowed to change in order to remain in the legal field? Removing the brain leaves the right to vote?
If the removal of a member leaves the right to vote and the removal of the brain does not, then what about "equality", is this not a violation of the "freedoms" of brainless people?

Many questions arise, many incidents.

You really don't bother to read about or research things before you start shooting your mouth off about your "expertise" on them, do you?

The 19th Amendment doesn't say anything about women specifically. Here's what it actually says:

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

As has already been explained to you ad nauseam because you're too fucking stupid to understand and retain information, citizens of the United States are assumed to start out with rights by default unless they are inhibited in some way by law. The 19th Amendment simply bars the government from passing laws that inhibit the right to vote on the basis of sex. Doesn't say anything about WHICH sex. Since no one has ever even considered passing a law preventing transgenders or intersex people from voting, they are assumed to already have that right. No other law needs to be passed to "grant" anything.

Please stop trying to be clever. It's as painful as watching a dog try to do someone's taxes.
No, he was correct. Women have more than one "reproductive organ", genius. We have a whole reproductive SYSTEM. Without the other organs, any one organ in the system is useless.
Appears he did not know the names of any of the other parts or would have used one. The dude only knows about penises. Go figure.

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