Legalization...If 18 to 20 year olds can't drink, smoke or buy guns....

They are still required to sign up for the draft. Should a major war happen then the draft could be reinstated.

It's either they are a adult at a certain age or not. Damaged Eagle is CORRECT.
Seems a pretty narrow viewpoint, but you're welcome to it.
Are conservatives truly this ignorant or truly this dishonest.

Those under 21 may purchase a firearm via an intrastate face-to-face transaction with another state resident.

And those under 21 may be lawfully gifted firearms.

The prohibition concerns solely those under 21 seeking to purchase a firearm from an FFL 01.
This is not true.

If the Democrats are successful in passing universal background checks there will be no private sales or gifts... all sales will be though an FFL via form 4473.

So, are you a liar or just incredibly ignorant of the laws Democrats are attempting to pass?

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Well gee. Thanks. I waited so long to get your blessing. I was concerned you wouldn't agree and hurt my wittle feelings.
Funny, dude!:auiqs.jpg: That's me. I form most of my opinions based on my vantage point and experience. Never ever on dubious political allegiances, as I have none.
When we legalize marijuana, will the Democrats demand a 21 year old age limit?

If not, why not? It is a form of smoking, is it not?

Try a 121 year old age limit. And even this is too soon to start a life full of alcohol or drugs.

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