Legalize all drugs

Legalize all drugs and release all the prisoners locked up because of them. Doing drugs is a personal choice and if one wants to do them ....Well, it is up to them to deal with the problems that come with doing them. It is their life and their right!

Locking people up for doing drugs creates even biggerproblems and the people locked up normally get far worse in their criminal behavior. Not good for our society. The war on drugs was a huge cluster fuck and it is time to end it.

Release all, remove the shit from their records and let them have personal freedom. This is what real liberterians would favor.
NO. Execute ALL drug dealers,traffickers,etc first offense USERS get rehab for 1 year repeat once its 10 years hard labor 3rd offense is firing squad. Time to take other nations tactics against drugs like Singapore etc.Drugs destroy the moral fabric of a nation and turn a nation of productive citizens into a nation of parasites and criminals. Just hell no.

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