Legendary coach Joe Paterno is dead


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
They said it was from complications of lung cancer but he looked pretty healthy when he was fired. He would have had a hell of a legacy if it wasn't for that (alleged) homosexual pedophile he had working for him.
It's more complicated than "turning a blind eye". You could ask if he had the legal or moral duty to act on rumors even if it would undermine the entire football program. It was a tough decision and Paterno avoided it until it was too late. I think he deserved to be fired but he was fired so that others in the university might keep their own jobs.
They say one mistake shouldn't prevent him from being recognized for what he accomplished.

But man, WHAT a fucking "mistake" he made.

He did his duty in the most minimal way conceivable.

Meanwhile, in all other respects, and for ALL intents and purposes, he did nothing -- not even as much as actually lifting a finger -- to prevent it from continuing.

I'm sorry his last days had to be filled with such misery. Really. But I cannot work up too much sorrow, now, about his passing knowing what we know about this whole sordid story.
Regardless of the terrible things he has apparently done in his life.....his death will be very difficult for his family. A person can 'look good' up till a couple of days before they lose their life to the fucking cancer crap. I know.....my Mother battled lung cancer. But people used to walk into her home and tell me that if I had not told them she was terminal....they would have never known she was dying with cancer.
It was about 2 days before she slipped away, that it was apparent how bad it all was. (from a physical side)....I already knew everything else.
But I hope the Paterno family can find peace.....because even tho he has passed on, those awful stories will probably never stop.
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His death isn't going to be difficult for anyone in his family. The man was 85 years old. He had been sick for a long time. His death, if any feeling to be attributed to his family is one of relief. They deserve respect and to be left alone.
His death isn't going to be difficult for anyone in his family. The man was 85 years old. He had been sick for a long time. His death, if any feeling to be attributed to his family is one of relief. They deserve respect and to be left alone.

They do deserve respect and privacy, I agree.
But his family loved him, and while I am sure they wanted his suffering to end.......they are going to miss him. Which is something that is difficult.
Having a loved one in your life for however many years....then one day they are gone.........isn't a pleasant experience.
I don't know anyone who doesn't think death is a difficult thing......
He looked pretty good and apparently felt that he had a couple more years left in him. He's fired and he is dead in a month. I wonder if the old coach "accidentally" took too much medication.
He looked pretty good and apparently felt that he had a couple more years left in him. He's fired and he is dead in a month. I wonder if the old coach "accidentally" took too much medication.

Hard to tell.
I have often wondered what goes thru a person's mind, when they know they are dying with cancer and there is no hope.
He was 85 after all........

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