Legislation to End Fossil Fuel Tax Breaks Introduced by Sen. Sanders, Rep. Ellison


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Legislation to End Fossil Fuel Tax Breaks Introduced by Sen. Sanders, Rep. Ellison

Legislation to End Fossil Fuel Tax Breaks Introduced by Sen. Sanders, Rep. Ellison - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont

Friday, November 22, 2013

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21 – As House and Senate budget negotiators look for ways to lower deficits, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) today introduced legislation to eliminate tax loopholes and subsidies that support the oil, gas and coal industries.

The End Polluter Welfare Act of 2013 would remove tax breaks, close loopholes, end taxpayer-funded fossil fuel research and prevent companies from escaping liability for spills or deducting cleanup costs. Under current law, these subsidies are expected to cost taxpayers more than $100 billion in the coming decade.
End the Polluter Welfare Act…I love it. And when are they going to do away with subsidies for the real polluters….agriculture?

I demand $10/gal milk!
I would love to see gas spike at ten bucks a gallon right before the 2014 election.
Legislation to End Fossil Fuel Tax Breaks Introduced by Sen. Sanders, Rep. Ellison

Legislation to End Fossil Fuel Tax Breaks Introduced by Sen. Sanders, Rep. Ellison - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont

Friday, November 22, 2013

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21 – As House and Senate budget negotiators look for ways to lower deficits, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) today introduced legislation to eliminate tax loopholes and subsidies that support the oil, gas and coal industries.

The End Polluter Welfare Act of 2013 would remove tax breaks, close loopholes, end taxpayer-funded fossil fuel research and prevent companies from escaping liability for spills or deducting cleanup costs. Under current law, these subsidies are expected to cost taxpayers more than $100 billion in the coming decade.

So basically the government will recoup enough to fund 10 whole days of its current spending over a decade while increasing the costs of oil companies doing business, who will then pass it on to their customers.

Yeah, that's a great fucking idea.
Well, these aren't subsidies. That's a lie, but nonetheless, these tax breaks should be repealed. They are unfair.
yep, just what the people need now in this economy

but, Democrats care for ya
Listen folks, the worlds future energy source will be nuclear.

Nuclear fuel is a substance that is used in nuclear power stations to produce heat to power turbines. Heat is created when nuclear fuel undergoes nuclear fission.

Now that the uranium is in a gaseous form, it is easier to work with. You can put the gas into a centrifuge and spin it up. The centrifuge creates a force thousands of times more powerful than the force of gravity. Because the U-238 atoms are slightly heavier than the U-235 atoms, they tend to move out toward the walls of the centrifuge. The U-235 atoms tend to stay more toward the center of the centrifuge.

Centrifuges are the key to our energy future. We need all the centrifuges we i.e. the world can get our hands on to make the fuel we need to power the world's future energy needs.

Don't let Israel's fear mongering distract us from our true needs.

We, i.e. the world needs Iran's centrifuges to help produce our future energy needs

Do you agree, yes/no and state why?
America can never have pollution free air until Nutty Old Uncle Bernie's beloved Vermont outlaws all heating of homes and businesses. Particularly inflicting fines and jail time on those who cut a single tree to feed their fireplace/wood stove.

Fat chance of that......
Listen folks, the worlds future energy source will be nuclear.

Nuclear fuel is a substance that is used in nuclear power stations to produce heat to power turbines. Heat is created when nuclear fuel undergoes nuclear fission.

Now that the uranium is in a gaseous form, it is easier to work with. You can put the gas into a centrifuge and spin it up. The centrifuge creates a force thousands of times more powerful than the force of gravity. Because the U-238 atoms are slightly heavier than the U-235 atoms, they tend to move out toward the walls of the centrifuge. The U-235 atoms tend to stay more toward the center of the centrifuge.

Centrifuges are the key to our energy future. We need all the centrifuges we i.e. the world can get our hands on to make the fuel we need to power the world's future energy needs.

Don't let Israel's fear mongering distract us from our true needs.

We, i.e. the world needs Iran's centrifuges to help produce our future energy needs

Do you agree, yes/no and state why?

No. Iran cannot be trusted with any nuclear material.
Nor, really, can anyone else. Fukushima is a hard lesson and will be repeated if we continue to use fission reactors. Plus the problem of nuclear waste is not going away.
Legislation to End Fossil Fuel Tax Breaks Introduced by Sen. Sanders, Rep. Ellison

Legislation to End Fossil Fuel Tax Breaks Introduced by Sen. Sanders, Rep. Ellison - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont

Friday, November 22, 2013

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21 – As House and Senate budget negotiators look for ways to lower deficits, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) today introduced legislation to eliminate tax loopholes and subsidies that support the oil, gas and coal industries.

The End Polluter Welfare Act of 2013 would remove tax breaks, close loopholes, end taxpayer-funded fossil fuel research and prevent companies from escaping liability for spills or deducting cleanup costs. Under current law, these subsidies are expected to cost taxpayers more than $100 billion in the coming decade.

Won't pass. Too many Congressmen get money from such companies.

More evidence that the govt isn't about representing the people.

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