Legit Wisconsin audit finds their election was safe and secure

I don't care what happened before. If you want to go with history you will find out Biden could not have won. He missed to many benchmarks of the winning candidate. You need to accept that fraud happened, you will feel better.

Oh please DO edjumukate us loon. Which "benchmarks" did Biden miss?
I don't care what happened before. If you want to go with history you will find out Biden could not have won. He missed to many benchmarks of the winning candidate. You need to accept that fraud happened, you will feel better.

I have already debunked all those lies in past post, why bring them up again.

I accept where the evidence leads, and it leads to not fraud.

You on the other hand after I gave you exact numbers still denied them and said you were going to believe the financial Planer that lied about being an expert mathematician instead of your own eyes. You are truly the political version of a flat earther.
I have already debunked all those lies in past post, why bring them up again.

I accept where the evidence leads, and it leads to not fraud.

You on the other hand after I gave you exact numbers still denied them and said you were going to believe the financial Planer that lied about being an expert mathematician instead of your own eyes. You are truly the political version of a flat earther.
You have debunked 0. So, all those states doing anything they could to block audits and investigations does not point to fraud? How so?
You have debunked 0.

Let me repeat this one more time for you....

You on the other hand after I gave you exact numbers still denied them and said you were going to believe the financial Planer that lied about being an expert mathematician instead of your own eyes. You are truly the political version of a flat earther.
Let me repeat this one more time for you....

You on the other hand after I gave you exact numbers still denied them and said you were going to believe the financial Planer that lied about being an expert mathematician instead of your own eyes. You are truly the political version of a flat earther.
There is a video from GA. you can use your eyes on too. In fact, there are a couple where you see the fraud taking place.
There is a video from GA. you can use your eyes on too.

I watched the hearings from Ga. At the start I was very open to the idea there could have been fraud.

They had a real life data analyst (my profession by the way) at the hearing. He talked about statistical anomalies. He said that an individual precinct going more than 75% for one candidate was rare and that a precinct going more than 90% for one candidate was a sure sign of fraud. This sounded pretty compelling so I did my own research. I looked at the 2016 results for Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Austin Tx. What I found was that not only is one precinct going 90% for one candidate not proof of fraud, it is pretty common, for candidates from both parties. So, this guy was either really bad at his job or he lied.

Tell me, how many of the things that you have been told have you actually investigated yourself to see if you were being told the truth? Has there been even one?
Wrong again. I already pointed to a law being changed by clerks. They cannot do that.

And they were put in their place and it did not effect the General election at all since that was during the primaries.

And they also would have kept more people from voting than the actual law did.

What do you have next?
And they were put in their place and it did not effect the General election at all since that was during the primaries.

And they also would have kept more people from voting than the actual law did.

What do you have next?
Over 200,000 votes? It sure does effect the outcome. Stop lying and get informed.
now you are just making shit up.

come on, you can do better than that. At least try a little

Confirmed: The Number of ‘Indefinitely Confined’ Wisconsin Voters Who Can Vote without IDs Increased from 60,000 in 2016 to Over 200,000 in 2020​

I am making nothing up. You are uninformed.
Not a Q-Kook style fraudit mind ya. These were nonpartisan professionals who actually knew what they're doing.

MADISON, Wis. -- A highly anticipated nonpartisan audit of the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin released Friday did not identify any widespread fraud in the battleground state, which a key Republican legislative leader said shows its elections are “safe and secure.”​
The report from the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau did make dozens of recommendations on how the state might improve its elections. It also determined that dozens of voting machines it reviewed worked correctly. Some conservatives have called for reviews of all voting machines.​
The audit didn't offer any evidence that the election won by President Joe Biden was “stolen” from Donald Trump, as Trump and some fellow conservatives have falsely claimed. Biden’s roughly 21,000-vote win over Trump in Wisconsin has withstood recounts and multiple court rulings.​

Could it be...?


lied to us?

Confirmed: The Number of ‘Indefinitely Confined’ Wisconsin Voters Who Can Vote without IDs Increased from 60,000 in 2016 to Over 200,000 in 2020​

I am making nothing up. You are uninformed.

Yes, you are making things up.

According to Wisconsin law, the voter, and only the voter decides if they are Indefinitely Confined or not and the state is not allowed to ask them to prove it.

Thus there is nothing illegal or fraudulent about the number going up. But your masters never told you this part, so you look like a moron...even though I gave you this exact information like a month ago.

This was the ruling of the case in which the clerks you talked about were involved. But, see you never look into anything for yourself, you just take what you are fed and smile like a good little sheep.

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