Leo/Ajay: Dark City Comics [Fan-Fic Dollars]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-era vignette inspired by Switching Channels.

It's really a culture-patriotism 'pseudo-fable' so I'd not consider it a non-politically idealized presentation, which is why I didn't feel secure posting it in the Writing section.

What do you think?


"Americans were investing in anime/manga featuring outlandish robotics and machinery and lasers and of course weapons and warfare. Was Capitalism creating a lasting scar on the face of nature-evolution in the time of tech and toys? Was humanity becoming more interested in stories about 'uniformity'?"


"A precocious Internet comics fan-fic writer/artist named Ajay Satan was distributing works about defiance among naturalist-writers of comics-characters such as Black Manta (DC Comics), Green Goblin (Marvel Comics), and Poison Ivy (DC Comics). Ajay admired the tradition of Thoreau's Walden and Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth. Ajay was the pedestrian-meteorologist who replaced the lost Jack Kerouac generation. This was the Internet-popcorn generation."


"However, a movie-star named Leo DiCaprio also was interested in naturalism-oriented storytelling, having made primalist films Django Unchained and The Revenant. Leo wanted to work with Ajay on a new project involving the eco-warrior Captain Planet defying the post-industrialization tendencies towards streamlined education. Leo and Ajay made a joint-venture called Dark City Comics. Ajay figured he and Leo could profit from the artistic-association. Dark City Comics would provide what the pedestrian labyrinth really lacked --- fan-fic dollars."


"Dark City Comics gained a cult-underground following among people in New Orleans (Louisiana, USA) and Oslo (Norway). The Dark City Comics Circle [DCCC] comprised the 'metaphysics antidote' to the modern urbanization-nihilism folklore surrounding urban vampires (blood-sucking humanoids). DCCC would address the very 'sane' problems of corrupt assets flowing in channels of the modern city completely dismissing spiritual sentiment in favor of 'efficient lifestyle.' Leo realized this was a 'folk-anthropology branch' of the Matrix aesthetic. Could neo-urbanism cater to creativity towards basic social schizophrenia?"


LEO: We should make fan-fic dollars, Ajay!
AJAY: I know what you mean, Leo; we made great stuff.
LEO: Dark City Comics has become analogous to Stark Trek.
AJAY: I think you're right...
LEO: Media can change we think about socialization.
AJAY: Are you a fan of Facebook and Wikipedia?
LEO: I like the various 'Wiki-Worlds' out there!
AJAY: I used to read Highlights Magazine for Children.
LEO: Did you have a fond childhood experience?
AJAY: I had a strange childhood experience, but I've learned much.
LEO: Are you still idealistic about marketing of rhetoric?
AJAY: You and I are both 'celebrities' but I'm teaching at Yale.
LEO: Lemme guess --- a Comparative Literature course titled Deviance and Administration.
AJAY: It would be about federalism as conducive to patriotism over time only.
LEO: You're still a 'radical.'
AJAY: I'm not opposed 'technically' to 'TrumpUSA.'



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