Leo/Ajay: Dianetics Comics {Turner TV}


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-bias vignette inspired by Switching Channels, and it's meant to ask the probing question, "What kinds of folklore/storytelling would interest U.S. President Donald Trump (and why)?"


Leonardo DiCaprio and Ajay Satan had become perfect media pen-pals, and Leo's provocative films and Ajay's provocative Internet blogs made them media diplomats of sorts. Leo was a super-celebrity, while Ajay was a struggling writer and professor at Yale University (and vigilantism-theater vaudevillian), trying to use old world avatars such as Perseus to devise new age vigilantism comics-stylized folklore involving Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, and Batman. Leo and Ajay were like twins, and TIME magazine called them the New School.


Ajay made a stick-figure color-pencil rendition of the DC Comics urban menace known as 'The Phantasm.' Leo coupled it with one of his favorite comics-painting renditions of the Phantasm being 'challenged' by the heroic urban sidekick Nightwing. The Phantasm collage Ajay Satan and Leo DiCaprio came up with was published in the prestigious New Yorker as a 'trophy' of modern age pedestrian-folklore graffiti. Leo was busy planning a Captain Planet eco-heroism film, while Ajay was trying to start a new comics enterprise with Kevin Smith and Tom Cruise.


Marvel loved Ajay's work and paired him for a Mysterio series of short-stories to be shown on a special run of Friday night Marvel cartoons on CBS at 8pm. The series, titled Mysterio's Metropolis, would feature terrorism and anarchy as storylines regarding new age passions about vigilantism and justice. Ajay wrote "Mysterio is to the American city what Billy the Kid was to the American frontier --- a censorship firecracker!" Mysterio represented the uncertainties of traffic and tragedy, and the fact that he had a head-covering crystal helmet signified his obsession with darkness. Ajay and Leo wanted Mysterio and Phantasm to become underworld sub-culture 'celebrities' to rival even the likes of Scarface and Frankenstein.


Ted Turner, lover of American TV and pioneer in the industry (a true godfather), wanted to incorporate Ajay and Leo's work with Mysterio in a new Civil War TV-drama about soldiers encountering a 'spectral spirit' (Mysterio) who throws them off course during a battle between the blue-and-the-gray. Ajay and Leo loved the idea, and soon there was Civil War ghost-story fever on American TV. Meanwhile, Ajay's successes helped him secure tenure at Yale University.


Leo, Ajay, and Turner formed a joint entertainment franchise called Dianetics Comics (an allusion to modern media-culture). Dianetics Comics would pursue projects about Blackhawk, Dick Tracy, Spider-Woman, Green Arrow, Mighty Mouse, Danger Mouse, and Mister Sinister. It was an ambitious enterprise which would make the trio legendary in American subconscious-storytelling. It would be the most successful media trio/partnership ever (toppling even the likes of DreamWorks and Planet Hollywood). Dianetics Comics was also invested in a time-portal fictionalized piece about the axe-killer woman Lizzy Borden.


Tom Cruise, member of the Church of Scientology and fan of Dianetics, was intrigued by the title 'Dianetics Comics' and wanted Leo to consider making a Green Lantern (DC Comics) film, since the Lantern was not as appreciated as other superheroes, and Cruise loved the Lantern! Leo discussed the idea with Ajay and Turner and they agreed that a new epic Green Lantern live-action film set in L.A. starring Josh Hartnett as Green Lantern John Stewart would complement Dianetics Comics. Turner suggested this was more 'exciting' in sub-culture scope than Turner-TV. Everyone loved comics and street-poetry.


Ajay and Leo began collecting countless water-guns as consumerism-idealism tokens/totems of modern imagination and playspaces. This was the age of toys after all --- Apple, Xbox, Fisher-Price, Tonka, Transformers, Barbie, Disney, etc. Ajay and Leo collected 1,000 water-guns in all and sometimes gave them to friends for special gifts from Dianetics Comics. This was a real imagination-driven enterprise. Dianetics Comics became what Orson Welles envisioned for media-society --- a jewelry for pedestrian daydreams.


Dianetics Comics decided to produce an ethnic-minority NAACP comics-adapted film about Black Panther (Marvel Comics) and soon thereafter, Ted Turner was assassinated by a member of the KKK. The media said, Dianetics Comics made Turner a martyr. Needless to say, Dianetics Comics changed the way we conceived of media networking and social entertainment and new age intellectualism. It was all neon. Turner was mourned by billions.


Actress/celebrity Kate Hudson, daughter of celebrity-parents, and co-owner of fitness-gear company Fabletics, tweeted, "Dianetics Comics reminded me how Ted Turner revolutionized access to the passion of media-art. I think what Ajay and Leo did will be remembered as some sort of 'vogue-aesthetics freak miracle'." Even U.S. President Donald Trump wondered how the impact of Dianetics Comics would shape consumerism consciousness and hence American destiny. Was America worth the fairy-tale?


American comics-artists had to assimilate a rich history of comics for new age entertainment which included Pink Panther, Danger Mouse, Superman, Batgirl, Fantastic Four, Justice League, Smurfs, Transformers, and G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. There was also Batul the Great, Asterix, Aesop's Fables, Little Orphan Annnie, and Shiva Comics. There were contributions from everywhere, and Dianetics Comics wanted to 'snuggle' into this new chic 'niche' of low-brow street-poetry. Comics were so darn easy-to-follow and silly that they reminded us of our playful side --- even horror-comics and religion-comics.


Dianetics Comics soon had a new competitor in Tom Cruise's own comics enterprise called Archangel Comics which was already producing a TV-series adapted Supergirl film directed by the great Steven Spielberg. Dianetics Comics countered with a Wes Andersen directed TV-series adapted Gotham (DC Comics) film. Supergirl (Archangel) and Gotham (Dianetics) were summertime rival films, and Cruise had voice-recordings of fan-reactions to Supergirl printed on vintage audio-tapes which he distributed with gift-players for Christmas to his 'Archangel club' (which included members Tom Hanks, Dan Brown, and Martha Stewart).


As Ajay Satan and Leo DiCaprio mourned the loss of their dear friend and elder Ted Turner, Cruise was busy filming a cowboy-comics themed film titled Cowboy Bebop (starring Jude Law). Ajay and Leo were making a nostalgia album of all the incredible achievements of the iconic Ted Turner. They wondered if Dianetics Comics would stand the 'windfall momentum' of Cruise's Archangel Comics. Would Ted watch over them?


Finally, Leo decided to act in a Dianetics Comics film about a pink-metallic superhuman named Iron-Man who had the ability to read minds and shoot lasers and was a defender of Christian values. The film was a parody of all the comics-films being made and was directed by the great Woody Allen who single-handedly resurrected DiCaprio's film with the ground-breaking Lewis Carroll stylized fame-themed film Celebrity. Iron-Man would become DiCaprio's new 'Jesus.'


TRUMP: Were you a fan of Ted Turner, Carter?
CARTER: I was in awe of him, Mr. President...
TRUMP: It's a culture of celebrity, Carter!
CARTER: Do your miss your times at Trump Taj Mahal?
TRUMP: No; I continue to serve the consumer.
CARTER: Are you a fan of Dianetics Comics?
TRUMP: I like what Ajay and Leo are still doing over there!
CARTER: They're making a new film about Swamp Thing.
TRUMP: Hail to the media age.




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