Lesbian D I V O R C E! :-O

Oh, I see. Gay marriage should be banned because they might get divorced like everyone else?

Good one, right wingers.

It's a "pretend" marriage....nowhere else in nature do females mate with each other so it's by definition PERVERSE.....let's hope the "step-daughter" hasn't been so messed up by these freaks that she can't have a normal life.

You know, I am straight, and so is every member of my immediate and extended family, "as far as I know" but I am very saddened to read all the caustic remarks directed at homosexuals, in this thread.

This is not the first time homosexuals have divorced, and while I didn't know Jane Lynch was gay, it has to be a fact that they can be as happy or unhappy as any heterosexual. Their wounds go as deeply as anyone's and to suggest otherwise is very telling of those who would prefer to make light of, or fun of, anyone in pain for any reason where there has been no victims other than the perpetrators own.
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Oh, I see. Gay marriage should be banned because they might get divorced like everyone else?

Good one, right wingers.

It's a "pretend" marriage....nowhere else in nature do females mate with each other so it's by definition PERVERSE.....let's hope the "step-daughter" hasn't been so messed up by these freaks that she can't have a normal life.

You know, I am straight, and so is every member of my immediate and extended family, "as far as I know" but I am very saddened to read all the caustic remarks directed at homosexuals, in this thread.

This is not the first time homosexuals have divorced, and while I didn't know Jane Lynch was gay, it has to be a fact that they can be as happy or unhappy as any heterosexual. Their wounds go as deeply as anyone's and to suggest otherwise is very telling of those who would prefer to make light of, or fun of, anyone in pain for any reason where there has been no victims other than the perpetrators own.

Okay. I don't begrudge you your opinion and you shouldn't judge me by mine. I'm sickened by this trend in society to accept perversion as the "new normal". Seinfeld's show saying "not that there's anything wrong with that" disgusted me. AIDS is what's wrong with that. Young persons lured into disgusting practices they then have to defend and repeat because of the stigma attached to it. When we turn our heads away, we sanctify this garbage....I will not.
It's a "pretend" marriage....nowhere else in nature do females mate with each other so it's by definition PERVERSE.....let's hope the "step-daughter" hasn't been so messed up by these freaks that she can't have a normal life.

You know, I am straight, and so is every member of my immediate and extended family, "as far as I know" but I am very saddened to read all the caustic remarks directed at homosexuals, in this thread.

This is not the first time homosexuals have divorced, and while I didn't know Jane Lynch was gay, it has to be a fact that they can be as happy or unhappy as any heterosexual. Their wounds go as deeply as anyone's and to suggest otherwise is very telling of those who would prefer to make light of, or fun of, anyone in pain for any reason where there has been no victims other than the perpetrators own.

Okay. I don't begrudge you your opinion and you shouldn't judge me by mine. I'm sickened by this trend in society to accept perversion as the "new normal". Seinfeld's show saying "not that there's anything wrong with that" disgusted me. AIDS is what's wrong with that. Young persons lured into disgusting practices they then have to defend and repeat because of the stigma attached to it. When we turn our heads away, we sanctify this garbage....I will not.

----"and you shouldn't judge me by mine."

I have not judged you. I think you a worthy poster and am happy you are on board at USMB. It takes a variety of people with varied positions to make this a good place to come and respectively agree or disagree, on topics.

I hope you make a great day. :)
I have not judged you. I think you a worthy poster and am happy you are on board at USMB. It takes a variety of people with varied positions to make this a good place to come and respectively agree or disagree, on topics.

I hope you make a great day. :)

Jane Lynch has announced she is divorcing her wife Dr. Lara Embry.
It comes just three years after the Glee actress, 52, and the clinical psychologist tied the knot. :eusa_shifty:


Was another woman involved? :eusa_eh:

She has grown especially close to Lara’s daughter and spoke last March about her relationship with the youngster.

She said: ‘My greatest pleasure is Haden, my stepdaughter". :eek:

Read more: Jane Lynch divorcing wife Lara Embry after three years | Mail Online

Was another woman involved? yes. she has a bigger strap on


Yes...because women cannot possibly survive without that male organ......:lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh, I see. Gay marriage should be banned because they might get divorced like everyone else?

Good one, right wingers.

It's a "pretend" marriage....nowhere else in nature do females mate with each other so it's by definition PERVERSE.....let's hope the "step-daughter" hasn't been so messed up by these freaks that she can't have a normal life.

How ironic.
It's a "pretend" marriage....nowhere else in nature do females mate with each other so it's by definition PERVERSE.....let's hope the "step-daughter" hasn't been so messed up by these freaks that she can't have a normal life.

You know, I am straight, and so is every member of my immediate and extended family, "as far as I know" but I am very saddened to read all the caustic remarks directed at homosexuals, in this thread.

This is not the first time homosexuals have divorced, and while I didn't know Jane Lynch was gay, it has to be a fact that they can be as happy or unhappy as any heterosexual. Their wounds go as deeply as anyone's and to suggest otherwise is very telling of those who would prefer to make light of, or fun of, anyone in pain for any reason where there has been no victims other than the perpetrators own.

Okay. I don't begrudge you your opinion and you shouldn't judge me by mine. I'm sickened by this trend in society to accept perversion as the "new normal". Seinfeld's show saying "not that there's anything wrong with that" disgusted me. AIDS is what's wrong with that. Young persons lured into disgusting practices they then have to defend and repeat because of the stigma attached to it. When we turn our heads away, we sanctify this garbage....I will not.
I take it you are too stupid to know that gay women have the lowest instance of HIV/AIDS of all demographic groups.
I take it you are too stupid to know that gay women have the lowest instance of HIV/AIDS of all demographic groups.

They weren't talking about women in that Seinfeld episode ya nosebleed. :doubt:
Yes...because women cannot possibly survive without that male organ......:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yet you try to replicate it with a dildo...why is that? Oh, and good luck coming up with more females to lure into perversion without that "male organ".
Jane Lynch has announced she is divorcing her wife Dr. Lara Embry.
It comes just three years after the Glee actress, 52, and the clinical psychologist tied the knot. :eusa_shifty:


Was another woman involved? :eusa_eh:

She has grown especially close to Lara’s daughter and spoke last March about her relationship with the youngster.

She said: ‘My greatest pleasure is Haden, my stepdaughter". :eek:

Read more: Jane Lynch divorcing wife Lara Embry after three years | Mail Online

Oh, I see. Gay marriage should be banned because they might get divorced like everyone else?

Good one, right wingers.

Where in the OP's post does he say gay marriage should be banned?

Be specific.

Try reading his other posts in this thread. I think it is pretty clear what his views are.
Try reading his other posts in this thread. I think it is pretty clear what his views are.

Thanks for not banning me....most sites won't allow me to air my views on this subject....I intend to make others rethink their acceptance of all this and proponents to come up with why we should accept it at all....and do it within the rules here. :eusa_angel:
Try reading his other posts in this thread. I think it is pretty clear what his views are.

Thanks for not banning me....most sites won't allow me to air my views on this subject....I intend to make others rethink their acceptance of all this and proponents to come up with why we should accept it at all....and do it within the rules here. :eusa_angel:

:lmao: :lmao:
Try reading his other posts in this thread. I think it is pretty clear what his views are.

Thanks for not banning me....most sites won't allow me to air my views on this subject....I intend to make others rethink their acceptance of all this and proponents to come up with why we should accept it at all....and do it within the rules here. :eusa_angel:

:lmao: :lmao:

He made me really think.....
Try reading his other posts in this thread. I think it is pretty clear what his views are.

Thanks for not banning me....most sites won't allow me to air my views on this subject....I intend to make others rethink their acceptance of all this and proponents to come up with why we should accept it at all....and do it within the rules here. :eusa_angel:

Live and let live.....this is not a blight on society nor does it negatively impact it, IMO. The fact that gay marriage is accepted in many states only serves to drum up business for divorce lawyers. This is only an issue to those who make it an issue.
Try reading his other posts in this thread. I think it is pretty clear what his views are.

Live an let live.....this is not a blight on society nor does it negatively impact it, IMO. The fact that gay marriage is accepted in many states only serves to drum up business for divorce lawyers. This is only an issue to those who make it an issue.

And here's the reason I didn't crap on "gay marriage" in the OP....I don't care if they pretend to be married unless and until they try to adopt kids.....there's where the idiocy ENDS far as I'm concerned. But if they want to have a legalized relationship and survivor benefits, good for them....that doesn't effect anybody but them. Leftists enjoy pigeon-holing us on the right as bigots/racists/misogynists etc. because they usually have no basis for believing what they claim to believe and so they refuse to allow us to laugh at them about it. Again, thanks for keeping this forum objective and open to all opinions....I draw a lot of "views" and that will bring in advertising dollars to keep the servers fresh and hopefully a salary for you mods. :thup:
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