Lesbian D I V O R C E! :-O

gays had it made when they were not allowed to be married.
No marriage, no divorce, no alimony

Be careful what you ask for :cuckoo:

No right to be at your loved one's side when they are dying because immediate family did not approve. No right to choose where your loved one is buried when they die. No right to keep from seeing your lawful spouse deported because they are not an American citizen and cannot receive a green card even if they are legally married in a state that recognizes their marriage. Yea, they had it made.
Live an let live.....this is not a blight on society nor does it negatively impact it, IMO. The fact that gay marriage is accepted in many states only serves to drum up business for divorce lawyers. This is only an issue to those who make it an issue.

And here's the reason I didn't crap on "gay marriage" in the OP....I don't care if they pretend to be married unless and until they try to adopt kids.....there's where the idiocy ENDS far as I'm concerned. But if they want to have a legalized relationship and survivor benefits, good for them....that doesn't effect anybody but them. Leftists enjoy pigeon-holing us on the right as bigots/racists/misogynists etc. because they usually have no basis for believing what they claim to believe and so they refuse to allow us to laugh at them about it. Again, thanks for keeping this forum objective and open to all opinions....I draw a lot of "views" and that will bring in advertising dollars to keep the servers fresh and hopefully a salary for you mods. :thup:

The reason gay couples should not raise kids. Their kids might end up straight and well adjusted despite their upbringing.

[ame=http://youtu.be/vS9H3vc49kY]We told Dads they're going to be Grandpas - YouTube[/ame]
Yes...because women cannot possibly survive without that male organ......:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yet you try to replicate it with a dildo...why is that? Oh, and good luck coming up with more females to lure into perversion without that "male organ".

I don't have a dildo, nor a strap on....nor does any lesbians I know. It's the failed ego of the male who can't imagine women being happy without their little penis'. It is a subject of great merriment with women. Even straight women laugh about the penile centric male ego.
Live an let live.....this is not a blight on society nor does it negatively impact it, IMO. The fact that gay marriage is accepted in many states only serves to drum up business for divorce lawyers. This is only an issue to those who make it an issue.

And here's the reason I didn't crap on "gay marriage" in the OP....I don't care if they pretend to be married unless and until they try to adopt kids.....there's where the idiocy ENDS far as I'm concerned. But if they want to have a legalized relationship and survivor benefits, good for them....that doesn't effect anybody but them. Leftists enjoy pigeon-holing us on the right as bigots/racists/misogynists etc. because they usually have no basis for believing what they claim to believe and so they refuse to allow us to laugh at them about it. Again, thanks for keeping this forum objective and open to all opinions....I draw a lot of "views" and that will bring in advertising dollars to keep the servers fresh and hopefully a salary for you mods. :thup:

You can laugh at us all you want. Lords know, we laugh at you all the time. :lol:
Adopting kids....as along as it is a loving, caring and nurturing environment, no harm. I know of male/female parents who should not have kids because they simply are not good parents.
This is something I know a little bit about. I agree in essence, but if there still is a social stigma, the rights of the prospective parents take a back seat to the welfare of the child.

That is how it must be.

Best interests of the child, I agree, will trump any cause or domestic arrangement, traditional or otherwise.
Try reading his other posts in this thread. I think it is pretty clear what his views are.

Thanks for not banning me....most sites won't allow me to air my views on this subject....I intend to make others rethink their acceptance of all this and proponents to come up with why we should accept it at all....and do it within the rules here. :eusa_angel:

No problem. What's one more troll? You just dig the hole deeper whenever a conservative comes up for re-election.
Yes...because women cannot possibly survive without that male organ......:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yet you try to replicate it with a dildo...why is that? Oh, and good luck coming up with more females to lure into perversion without that "male organ".

Most women after the age of 18 figure out how to take care of themselves without that male organ. For one, most men don't know how to take care of a woman with it.
Plus you obviously have never heard of flicking your bean. So unless your male organ has fingers or vibrates( not talking about a dildo), your point is invalid.
Most women after the age of 18 figure out how to take care of themselves without that male organ. For one, most men don't know how to take care of a woman with it.
Plus you obviously have never heard of flicking your bean. So unless your male organ has fingers or vibrates( not talking about a dildo), your point is invalid.

"flicking your bean"?
I'd be glad to prove whichever point you're referring to is "valid" but in my experience (other than fathering 5 sons and a daughter) arguing with a mod is a trap-door to a sure ban so you get last word.
So when did you make the conscientious decision to be heterosexual? I decided when I was eight years old that I wanted to live the heterosexual lifestyle, that being gay just wasn't what I wanted. How about you?

You'd had sex with both a male and a female at the age of eight?

"how about me" what?
Adopting kids....as along as it is a loving, caring and nurturing environment, no harm. I know of male/female parents who should not have kids because they simply are not good parents.

Two homosexual males raising a young boy is a "nuturing environment" in your opinion? Not in mine....the chances of that boy turning out normal are ZERO. They are not "parents"...they didn't produce that child....they bought it....for what reasons I can only imagine and none of them are good. As a boy I'd have taken my chances in an orphanage before I'd gone to live with a couple queers.
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Adopting kids....as along as it is a loving, caring and nurturing environment, no harm. I know of male/female parents who should not have kids because they simply are not good parents.

Two homosexual males raising a young boy is a "nuturing environment" in your opinion? Not in mine....the chances of that boy turning out normal are ZERO. They are not "parents"...they didn't produce that child....they bought it....for what reasons I can only imagine and none of them are good. As a boy I'd have taken my chances in an orphanage before I'd gone to live with a couple queers.

And....what makes you think that any self-respecting gay couple would have adopted you?
Most women after the age of 18 figure out how to take care of themselves without that male organ. For one, most men don't know how to take care of a woman with it.
Plus you obviously have never heard of flicking your bean. So unless your male organ has fingers or vibrates( not talking about a dildo), your point is invalid.

"flicking your bean"?
I'd be glad to prove whichever point you're referring to is "valid" but in my experience (other than fathering 5 sons and a daughter) arguing with a mod is a trap-door to a sure ban so you get last word.

That's nice. So 6 times, eh?
Yes...because women cannot possibly survive without that male organ......:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yet you try to replicate it with a dildo...why is that? Oh, and good luck coming up with more females to lure into perversion without that "male organ".

Most women after the age of 18 figure out how to take care of themselves without that male organ. For one, most men don't know how to take care of a woman with it.
Plus you obviously have never heard of flicking your bean. So unless your male organ has fingers or vibrates( not talking about a dildo), your point is invalid.

I might be missing something, I doubt it, but I have never had problems with that

what makes you think you can take care of a man?

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