Lessons learned, 2013


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
6 takeaways from Election Night 2013

At least, there is hope lessons will be learned.

And/but…Chris Christie ran as the un-Republican: Christie’s victory was much more about the Chris Christie brand than the Republican brand. *He spent very little time talking about his Republican credentials and much more time talking about his own accomplishments in the state. And the data in the exit polls proved that while New Jersey voters like (love?) Christie, they don’t like his party much. Just 38 percent of Garden State voters had a favorable view of the GOP while 58 percent had an unfavorable one. Christie and his allies will argue that his victory is evidence that a Republican can win in a blue state. But, did Christie really run as a “Republican”?
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LOLberals never give up, do they? The mission to verbally destroy republicans can never let up. Straight out of Sal's book.
One lesson should be that the tea party is much larger and stronger than liberals thought they were.
One lesson should be that the tea party is much larger and stronger than liberals thought they were.

And black is white and up is down. :D

Oh, that reminds me!!!!

How the tea party lost on Tuesday night

Winning is an awfully persuasive argument in politics — perhaps the most persuasive argument.

To be clear, there were lots of factors at play Tuesday. Cuccinelli and Young were both outspoken social conservatives, a reality that clearly cost the former and may have cost the latter. Local issues mattered, and so did the effective campaigns against the tea party candidates. So no, not everything that went wrong for tea party candidates was a direct result of voters’ desire to defy the movement.

Still, the overall pattern was not an encouraging one for the tea party. The movement remains a force in the GOP, and in Congress (see Cruz, Ted). But on Tuesday it had some of the wind knocked out of its sails.


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No matter how liberals want to spin it.

Christie had a big "R" next to his name on the ballot. . :thup:
The media motivated every fringe faction in the democrat party from screaming sodomites to bloody baby killer advocates to elect a mainline nationally known democrat and he barely squeaked by in Va. and had no coattails. The Va. delegates are unchanged with an overwhelming republican majority. Democrats lost big in a Christie landslide. What does that tell you about the democrat party? Normal democrats will vote for a reasonable candidate of either party but the democrat party base will always consist of baby killers and sodomites.
Christie is a mainstream Republican doing exceptionally well in blue state.

He does not take shit from either left or right or teap or libertarian.

He took 20% of the black vote in a blue state.

Guess what? If he keeps it up, sane Republicanism will be back in 2016 with a presidential victory.

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