Lest we forget...

main source my ass.

I presented multiple sources.

Sounds like more terrorist supporters hasbara

The facts are simple, the massacre story is a lie.

Stories of mass rapes and the killing of children as they slept are wildly exaggerated

Its all just more Arab Muslim hasbara nonsense

The accusation includes mass rape and murder of children in their beds.

Can you substantiate any other incidence of any Judaic forces having been found unequivocally guilty of mass rape ?

Or of entering homes and killing dozens of children as they sleep ?

take your time ;--)

Again you might find one rogue soldier who's guilty of one or the other but mass rape and murder by entire Judiac oganizations ? , I call BS
'I Saw Fit to Remove Her From the World'
Newly revealed documents obtained by Haaretz tell the long-hidden story of what Ben-Gurion described as a 'horrific atrocity': In August 1949 an IDF unit caught a Bedouin girl, held her captive in a Negev outpost, gang-raped her, executed her at the order of the platoon commander and buried her in a shallow grave in the desert. Twenty soldiers who took part in the episode, including the platoon commander, were court-martialed and sent to prison.
read more: 'I saw fit to remove her from the world'
I'm a little confused over what the anti-Israeli argument is over this. I mean, we all agree that it was during the conflict, yes? And we all agree there was a "clash" in modern terminology, yes? And we all agree that people died, yes?

Are the anti-Israelis trying to make the case that in this one village the Palestinians were all just sitting around drinking tea one day and Israel came in and slaughtered the lot?

It seems to me that we are not arguing facts here, so much as narrative -- what it means. Obviously it will mean something different to the Palestinians than to the Jewish people. The Jewish people would see it as a necessary military objective to achieve their goals of independence. The Palestinians will mythologize it to "prove" that they are victims of Israel's "evil".

One side will "see it as a necessary..." the other side will "mythologize it"?

While a third side will sit back and ask what all the fuss is over one tiny village when bigger mass murders have been committed by other people at the same time. Like the deaths of hundreds of Jews at the hands of the British who stopped them from landing in Palestine
main source my ass.

I presented multiple sources.

Sounds like more terrorist supporters hasbara

The facts are simple, the massacre story is a lie.

Stories of mass rapes and the killing of children as they slept are wildly exaggerated

Its all just more Arab Muslim hasbara nonsense

The accusation includes mass rape and murder of children in their beds.

Can you substantiate any other incidence of any Judaic forces having been found unequivocally guilty of mass rape ?

Or of entering homes and killing dozens of children as they sleep ?

take your time ;--)

Again you might find one rogue soldier who's guilty of one or the other but mass rape and murder by entire Judiac oganizations ? , I call BS
'I Saw Fit to Remove Her From the World'
Newly revealed documents obtained by Haaretz tell the long-hidden story of what Ben-Gurion described as a 'horrific atrocity': In August 1949 an IDF unit caught a Bedouin girl, held her captive in a Negev outpost, gang-raped her, executed her at the order of the platoon commander and buried her in a shallow grave in the desert. Twenty soldiers who took part in the episode, including the platoon commander, were court-martialed and sent to prison.
read more: 'I saw fit to remove her from the world'

Thats an awfully detailed account for not having any references. ;--)

Not one.

What documents ? When interviewed ( when, where and by who'm ) none of the supposed eye witnesses actually claim to have seen anything or been involved. If Yehuda is to be believed, how does such a complex plan be relayed through sign language among a group of men who don't speak Hebrew ? how does Yehuda even know what conversations took place if he doesn't understand the language and spoke mostly in sign as he claims ?

It might also be of note that the entire story surrounds foreign nationals fighting for the newly formed IDF. If the story can be believed at all.

So where are these newly released documents ? What is the story based off of ? It would be clear from the op eds initial few paragraphs that none of the soldiers still alive today actually saw or participated in.

But lets review.

You claimed that a massacre of epic proportions occurred. Including mass rape and the murder of children in their beds.

You were asked to substantiate the claim and all we got was a bunch of hasbara nonsense from WIKI part of which directly refutes your claim.

You were asked to provide some framework for your claim and make note of any other incidents of mass rape and murder.

Instead you provide one single undocumented Op Ed piece, with exactly zero references claiming that 1 girl was raped by a group of foreign recruits.

Kinda looks like your hasbara doesn't stand up to scrutiny there Finger.

I'll repeat, its a war and in war bad things happen, however, even if your bed time story without references of a single rape by a group of foreign nationals fighting for the IDF 60 years ago is true. How does that compare to Arab Muslims stabbing pregnant woman in the streets today ? Or the murder of Israeli children by Arab Muslims today ? How does it compare to using children as human shields by Arab Muslims today ?

You are right.

Lest we ever forget, where the real atrocities are occurring. Right now, today, the Arab Muslims are committing one horrendous act after another. Lest we ever forget
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main source my ass.

I presented multiple sources.

Sounds like more terrorist supporters hasbara

The facts are simple, the massacre story is a lie.

Stories of mass rapes and the killing of children as they slept are wildly exaggerated

Its all just more Arab Muslim hasbara nonsense

The accusation includes mass rape and murder of children in their beds.

Can you substantiate any other incidence of any Judaic forces having been found unequivocally guilty of mass rape ?

Or of entering homes and killing dozens of children as they sleep ?

take your time ;--)

Again you might find one rogue soldier who's guilty of one or the other but mass rape and murder by entire Judiac oganizations ? , I call BS
'I Saw Fit to Remove Her From the World'
Newly revealed documents obtained by Haaretz tell the long-hidden story of what Ben-Gurion described as a 'horrific atrocity': In August 1949 an IDF unit caught a Bedouin girl, held her captive in a Negev outpost, gang-raped her, executed her at the order of the platoon commander and buried her in a shallow grave in the desert. Twenty soldiers who took part in the episode, including the platoon commander, were court-martialed and sent to prison.
read more: 'I saw fit to remove her from the world'

Apart from being a deflection and of topic it shows that the Jews are prepared to hold their own accountable for their actions. What do you islamonazi scum do when one of yours is found guilty of rape, you murder the raped person and give the rapist money to staqrt a new life.

By the way an IDF unit is not "an entire Judiac organization" is it

Can you substantiate any other incidence of any Judaic forces having been found unequivocally guilty of mass rape ?

Again you might find one rogue soldier who's guilty of one or the other but mass rape and murder by entire Judiac oganizations ? , I call BS
I posted one example as reported in 'I saw fit to remove her from the world'

Here is another account
These guilty men also claim that the IDF personnel of the Sdom Battalion were “a rabble,” soldiers pressed into service with no military background nor even prior ties to the State, since they were almost all new immigrants from diverse nations. He even claims the soldiers could barely communicate and had to use hand signals to make themselves understood. This claim is undercut by the narrative itself, which includes reference to a vote taken by the men about the fate of the Bedouin girl. When the commander asks the men to vote on whether to rape her or make her a kitchen slave, they’re heard to cheer in unison: “We want to fuck.” They seem to have been able to communicate this quite well despite the alleged language barriers.

What happened at Nirim would’ve been buried in the dustbin of history were it not for the trial of those responsible for the Kfar Kassem massacre during the 1956 War of 50 Palestinian villagers returning from work, who knew nothing about a shoot to kill curfew. The Border Police killed scores of these innocent Palestinians. Defense lawyers in the case offered the Nirim incident as an example of previous IDF murders of civilians to show a pattern of such conduct. One of the lawyers brought the case files to the Tel Aviv University law school archives, where they were preserved until two Haaretz reporters reported this tragedy in 2003.¨
Israel’s Historic Disregard for Lives and Rights of Negev Bedouin
The Kafr Qasim massacre took place in the Israeli Arab village of Kafr Qasim situated on the Green Line, at that time, the de facto border between Israel and the Jordanian West Bank on October 29, 1956. It was carried out by the Israel Border Police (Magav), who murdered Arab civilians returning from work during a curfew, imposed earlier in the day, on the eve of the Sinai war, of which they were unaware.[1] In total 48 people died, of which 19 were men, 6 were women and 23 were children aged 8–17. Arab sources usually give the death toll as 49, as they include the unborn child of one of the women.[2]

The border policemen who were involved in the shooting were brought to trial and found guilty and sentenced to prison terms, but all received pardons and were released in a year.[3] The brigade commander was sentenced to pay the symbolic fine of 10 prutot (old Israeli cents).[4] The Israeli court found that the command to kill civilians was “blatantly illegal”.[5]

In December 2007, President of Israel Shimon Peres formally apologised for the massacre.
The new curfew regulations were imposed in the absence of the laborers, who were at work and ignorant of the new rules.[8] At 4.30 p.m., the mukhtar (mayor) of Kafr Qasim was informed of the new time. He asked what would happen to the about 400 villagers working outside the village in the fields that were not aware of the new time. An officer assured him that they would be taken care of. When word of the curfew change was sent, most returned immediately, but others did not.

Between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., in nine separate shooting incidents, the platoon led by Lt. Gabriel Dahan that was stationed in Kafr Qasim all together killed nineteen men, six women, ten teenage boys (age 14-17), six girls (age 12-15), and seven young boys (age 8-13), who did not make it home before curfew.[9]One survivor, Jamal Farij, recalls arriving at the entrance to the village in a truck with 28 passengers:

'We talked to them. We asked if they wanted our identity cards. They didn't. Suddenly one of them said, 'Cut them down' - and they opened fire on us like a flood.'[10]

One Israeli soldier, Shalom Ofer, later admitted: 'We acted like Germans, automatically, we didn't think', but never expressed remorse or regret for his actions.[11]

The many injured were left unattended, and could not be succoured by their families because of the 24-hour curfew. The dead were collected and buried in a mass grave by Arabs, taken for that purpose, from the nearby village of Jaljuliya. When the curfew ended, the wounded were picked up from the streets and trucked to hospitals.
Kafr Qasim massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel does not target civilians
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I'm a little confused over what the anti-Israeli argument is over this. I mean, we all agree that it was during the conflict, yes? And we all agree there was a "clash" in modern terminology, yes? And we all agree that people died, yes?

Are the anti-Israelis trying to make the case that in this one village the Palestinians were all just sitting around drinking tea one day and Israel came in and slaughtered the lot?

It seems to me that we are not arguing facts here, so much as narrative -- what it means. Obviously it will mean something different to the Palestinians than to the Jewish people. The Jewish people would see it as a necessary military objective to achieve their goals of independence. The Palestinians will mythologize it to "prove" that they are victims of Israel's "evil".

One side will "see it as a necessary..." the other side will "mythologize it"?

While a third side will sit back and ask what all the fuss is over one tiny village when bigger mass murders have been committed by other people at the same time. Like the deaths of hundreds of Jews at the hands of the British who stopped them from landing in Palestine

Interesting to see you minimizing a massacre. Good job.

How many were killed?

There is no way to determine the exact number of casualties at Deir Yassin. On the evening of the attack, Irgun commander Mordehai Raanan manufactured his second easily detectable falsehood of the day, and reported that ‘we counted 254 dead.’ Later he said that he had invented a large figure to scare the Arabs. Bodies were scattered about in the houses and buried under rubble, and no body counts at all had been made. A study by Bir Zeit University researchers in 1987 concluded that there were 107 civilian dead and 12 wounded, in addition to 13 fighters. This study was based on interviews of refugees native to the village. 26

However, since the population of the village was swelled by refugees to as many as 1,200 people, it is possible, even likely, that villagers did not happen to know all the people who were casualties.

In the body count estimates, we find that Haganah intelligence officer Mordehai Gihon who came on April 9, said, “I estimated that there were four cisterns ( or pits) full of bodies, and in each pit there were 20 bodies, and several tens more in the quarry.” 27 This might add up to around 110.

On April 12, 1948 doctors Avigdori and Druyan of the Histadrut Medical association reported seeing: “in the Wadi 25 bodies, one over the other, uncovered, children and women.” 28

Yehoshua Arieli, Gadna Youth leader who came on April 12 as well (apparently after the doctors) said, “There were three or four concentrations of bodies. Each in the corner of a house… It was difficult to get the bodies out of two houses. We got permission to blow up the houses with the bodies. In the morning we did it. We buried about seventy bodies in a communal grave and blew up two groups, with about twenty bodies in each.” 29

Again, we get about 110 bodies, but they could not all be the same bodies. Even assuming that the bodies in the corners of the houses were actually in cisterns or pits outside the houses, the bodies in the quarry found earlier by Gihon are not the same as the ones in the two houses that were blown up. They could not be, since the bodies would not have been moved from the quarry back into the houses and placed in such a way that they could not be extracted!. This suggests that there were more than 110 dead, perhaps 140. But we still have not accounted for 25 bodies that were in the Wadi, as reported by the doctors. These could have been moved sometime on April 12th and thrown into cisterns, but it seems unlikely.
The Eilabun massacre was committed by soldiers of Israel Defense Forces during Operation Hiram on 30 October 1948. A total of 14 men from the Palestinian Christian village of Eilabun (Eilaboun) were killed, 14 of them executed by the Israeli forces after the village had surrendered.[1][2] The remaining villagers were expelled to Lebanon,[1] living as refugees for some months before being allowed to return.[1]
Eilabun massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lest we forget, Israel does not target civilians
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The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 120 fighters from the Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi attacked Deir Yassin, a Palestinian Arab village of roughly 600 people near Jerusalem. The assault occurred as Jewish militia sought to retaliate against the blockade of Jerusalem by Palestinian Arab forces during the civil war that preceded the end of British rule in Palestine.[1] The Palestinians tried to resist the attack, but the village fell after fierce house-to-house fighting.

During and after the battle for the village, 107 Palestinians were murdered, including women and children—some were shot, while others died when hand grenades were thrown into their homes.[2] Several villagers were taken prisoner and may have been killed after being paraded through the streets of West Jerusalem.[3] Four of the attackers were killed, with around 35 injured.[4]

The killings were condemned by the leadership of the Haganah—the Jewish community's main paramilitary force—and by the area's two chief rabbis. The Jewish Agency for Israel sent Jordan's King Abdullah a letter of apology, which he rebuffed.[1] Abdullah held the Jewish Agency responsible for the massacre, because they were the head of Jewish affairs in Palestine.[5] He warned about "terrible consequences" if more incidents like that occurred.[6]

The deaths became a pivotal event in the Arab–Israeli conflict for their demographic and military consequences. The narrative was exaggerated and used by various parties to attack each other—by Palestinians against Israeli forces; by the Haganah to hide their complicity in the affair; and by the Israeli left to accuse the Irgun and Lehi of violating the Jewish principle of purity of arms, thus exposing Israel's behaviour to the world.[7] News of the killings sparked terror among Palestinians, encouraging them to flee from their towns and villages in the face of Jewish troop advances, and it strengthened the resolve of Arab governments to intervene, which they did five weeks later.[1]
Deir Yassin massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, I reject the idea that it was a legitimate military objective and that there were military forces there beyond just the villagers ...

Why would a hill overlooking the major highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv NOT be a military objective during the siege of Jerusalem?
The myth of the Dier Yassin massacre



For 64 years, since 1948, the recollection of the so-called "massacre" of the Arab village of Deir Yassin has been a crucible and a formative experience in Arab Jewish relations, in Israel in particular, but also throughout the whole Arab world.

The massacre story has been an important factor in establishing the idea of a Palestinian nation.

The so-called massacre has also been exploited by Israel’s left to undermine acceptance of and confidence in the Zionist state.
Op-Ed: Book Review... oh a book review
Yes, I reject the idea that it was a legitimate military objective and that there were military forces there beyond just the villagers ...

Why would a hill overlooking the major highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv NOT be a military objective during the siege of Jerusalem?

One reason would be that Deir Yassin had had a pact with both Haganah and Givat Shaul and there is no evidence given that they violated it. Haganah did not need to bother with it, and could set it's sights on more strategic targets. Participants have stated that the reason was economic (booty) and to panic the Arabs.

Even if it were a legitimate military target (and I do not believe it was) - how does that justify walking into homes and killing in cold blood of women and children? Keep in mind that the people who instigated this massacre (Irgun and Lehi) were the same ones who were also involved in numerous terrorist acts - market bombings, bus bombings etc aimed at civilians.

68 years ago today - The Deir Yassin Massacre Israel forces murder 200 Palestinians including women and children - American Herald Tribune

During the 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine in protest of the mass Jewish immigration into the country, the Irgun’s tactics included bus and marketplace bombings. The Lehi broke away from the Irgun in 1940, and carried out assassinations against the British to force them out of Palestine.

The Irgun and Lehi commanders approached the Haganah commander in Jerusalem at first, seeking his approval. He did not agree at first, because the villagers had signed a non-aggression pact, and suggested that they attack another village instead. He eventually yielded to their demand, on condition that they remain in the village so that it would not become an Arab military base. The Lehi further proposed than any villagers who would not flee should be killed to terrify the others and make an example out of them.

The head of the Red Cross in Palestine visited Deir Yassin on April 11th, and noted that more than 200 men, women, and children were dead. An Irgun fighter would testify years later that they executed 80 prisoners after the fighting was over.

Irgun and Legi troops took some of the survivors, including women and children onto trucks to West Jerusalem. There, they were spat at, and stoned, their hands above their heads. Their bodies were later discovered in quarries.
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Why was Deir Yassin a target?

Deir Yassin Massacre: A Target by Default
Deir Yassin wasn’t in the Haganah’s sights. The Haganah was aiming to conquer the more strategically important village of al-Kastal, and was looking for help wherever it could get it—even from rivals it did not particularly respect or consider quite as legitimate, such as members of Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Lehi, or Stern Gang (two Jewish underground organizations that, beginning in the 1930s, engaged in terrorist operations against Palestinians and British Mandate personnel).

But militants from both Irgun and the Stern Gang were uninterested in joining forces at al-Kastal. They wanted to make a statement of their own, for two reasons: by mounting an independent operation against a high-visibility target of their choosing, they’d be entering the war against Arabs in earnest—grabbing a piece of the vistory pie they were betting on—and lifting their own profile in what was then seen as the Jews’ battle for independence. As such, Irgun and the Stern Gang’s agendas would get a lift, too—or so they hoped. (This would be Irgun’s and the Stern Gang’s first joint operation since 1942.)

Their second aim was more sinister, but not a secret, as it fell in line with Irgun’s Revisionist beliefs, which opposed either the partition of Palestine or its sharing with Palestinians: killing residents of the village they’d choose for their target—those residents who did not flee—as a means of terrifying the country’s other Palestinian residents, and inducing them to take flight as well. The Haganah approved—and agreed to provide covering fire during the operation.

The target Irgun and the Stern Gand chose: Deir Yassin.


Can you substantiate any other incidence of any Judaic forces having been found unequivocally guilty of mass rape ?

Again you might find one rogue soldier who's guilty of one or the other but mass rape and murder by entire Judiac oganizations ? , I call BS
I posted one example as reported in 'I saw fit to remove her from the world'

Here is another account
These guilty men also claim that the IDF personnel of the Sdom Battalion were “a rabble,” soldiers pressed into service with no military background nor even prior ties to the State, since they were almost all new immigrants from diverse nations. He even claims the soldiers could barely communicate and had to use hand signals to make themselves understood. This claim is undercut by the narrative itself, which includes reference to a vote taken by the men about the fate of the Bedouin girl. When the commander asks the men to vote on whether to rape her or make her a kitchen slave, they’re heard to cheer in unison: “We want to fuck.” They seem to have been able to communicate this quite well despite the alleged language barriers.

What happened at Nirim would’ve been buried in the dustbin of history were it not for the trial of those responsible for the Kfar Kassem massacre during the 1956 War of 50 Palestinian villagers returning from work, who knew nothing about a shoot to kill curfew. The Border Police killed scores of these innocent Palestinians. Defense lawyers in the case offered the Nirim incident as an example of previous IDF murders of civilians to show a pattern of such conduct. One of the lawyers brought the case files to the Tel Aviv University law school archives, where they were preserved until two Haaretz reporters reported this tragedy in 2003.¨
Israel’s Historic Disregard for Lives and Rights of Negev Bedouin

Please, the only references in your second op ed piece is back to the first.

Although there was a reference to "her rant" which didn't have anything to do with the alleged incident.

If you were in grade school this level of non existent references wouldn't fly. Let alone in higher education.

Oh and check the bibliography of that book ;--) and of course the reference section ;--)
The Kafr Qasim massacre took place in the Israeli Arab village of Kafr Qasim situated on the Green Line, at that time, the de facto border between Israel and the Jordanian West Bank on October 29, 1956. It was carried out by the Israel Border Police (Magav), who murdered Arab civilians returning from work during a curfew, imposed earlier in the day, on the eve of the Sinai war, of which they were unaware.[1] In total 48 people died, of which 19 were men, 6 were women and 23 were children aged 8–17. Arab sources usually give the death toll as 49, as they include the unborn child of one of the women.[2]

The border policemen who were involved in the shooting were brought to trial and found guilty and sentenced to prison terms, but all received pardons and were released in a year.[3] The brigade commander was sentenced to pay the symbolic fine of 10 prutot (old Israeli cents).[4] The Israeli court found that the command to kill civilians was “blatantly illegal”.[5]

In December 2007, President of Israel Shimon Peres formally apologised for the massacre.
The new curfew regulations were imposed in the absence of the laborers, who were at work and ignorant of the new rules.[8] At 4.30 p.m., the mukhtar (mayor) of Kafr Qasim was informed of the new time. He asked what would happen to the about 400 villagers working outside the village in the fields that were not aware of the new time. An officer assured him that they would be taken care of. When word of the curfew change was sent, most returned immediately, but others did not.

Between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., in nine separate shooting incidents, the platoon led by Lt. Gabriel Dahan that was stationed in Kafr Qasim all together killed nineteen men, six women, ten teenage boys (age 14-17), six girls (age 12-15), and seven young boys (age 8-13), who did not make it home before curfew.[9]One survivor, Jamal Farij, recalls arriving at the entrance to the village in a truck with 28 passengers:

'We talked to them. We asked if they wanted our identity cards. They didn't. Suddenly one of them said, 'Cut them down' - and they opened fire on us like a flood.'[10]

One Israeli soldier, Shalom Ofer, later admitted: 'We acted like Germans, automatically, we didn't think', but never expressed remorse or regret for his actions.[11]

The many injured were left unattended, and could not be succoured by their families because of the 24-hour curfew. The dead were collected and buried in a mass grave by Arabs, taken for that purpose, from the nearby village of Jaljuliya. When the curfew ended, the wounded were picked up from the streets and trucked to hospitals.
Kafr Qasim massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel does not target civilians

Really ? more from WIKI ?

Please. Is there really no way we can step up the conversation a little
Yes, I reject the idea that it was a legitimate military objective and that there were military forces there beyond just the villagers ...

Why would a hill overlooking the major highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv NOT be a military objective during the siege of Jerusalem?

One reason would be that Deir Yassin had had a pact with both Haganah and Givat Shaul and there is no evidence given that they violated it. Haganah did not need to bother with it, and could set it's sights on more strategic targets. Participants have stated that the reason was economic (booty) and to panic the Arabs.

Even if it were a legitimate military target (and I do not believe it was) - how does that justify walking into homes and killing in cold blood of women and children? Keep in mind that the people who instigated this massacre (Irgun and Lehi) were the same ones who were also involved in numerous terrorist acts - market bombings, bus bombings etc aimed at civilians.

68 years ago today - The Deir Yassin Massacre Israel forces murder 200 Palestinians including women and children - American Herald Tribune

During the 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine in protest of the mass Jewish immigration into the country, the Irgun’s tactics included bus and marketplace bombings. The Lehi broke away from the Irgun in 1940, and carried out assassinations against the British to force them out of Palestine.

The Irgun and Lehi commanders approached the Haganah commander in Jerusalem at first, seeking his approval. He did not agree at first, because the villagers had signed a non-aggression pact, and suggested that they attack another village instead. He eventually yielded to their demand, on condition that they remain in the village so that it would not become an Arab military base. The Lehi further proposed than any villagers who would not flee should be killed to terrify the others and make an example out of them.

The head of the Red Cross in Palestine visited Deir Yassin on April 11th, and noted that more than 200 men, women, and children were dead. An Irgun fighter would testify years later that they executed 80 prisoners after the fighting was over.

Irgun and Legi troops took some of the survivors, including women and children onto trucks to West Jerusalem. There, they were spat at, and stoned, their hands above their heads. Their bodies were later discovered in quarries.

More Arab Muslim hasbara.

I see no evidence to support these wild accusations.

What we do know is that both sides found it advantageous to spread stories of violence and atrocities trying to scare the other away.

Is there so much as ONE person alive today who can corroborate any of it and if so how do we know they are being truthful.
Yes, I reject the idea that it was a legitimate military objective and that there were military forces there beyond just the villagers ...

Why would a hill overlooking the major highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv NOT be a military objective during the siege of Jerusalem?

One reason would be that Deir Yassin had had a pact with both Haganah and Givat Shaul and there is no evidence given that they violated it. Haganah did not need to bother with it, and could set it's sights on more strategic targets. Participants have stated that the reason was economic (booty) and to panic the Arabs.

Even if it were a legitimate military target (and I do not believe it was) - how does that justify walking into homes and killing in cold blood of women and children? Keep in mind that the people who instigated this massacre (Irgun and Lehi) were the same ones who were also involved in numerous terrorist acts - market bombings, bus bombings etc aimed at civilians.

68 years ago today - The Deir Yassin Massacre Israel forces murder 200 Palestinians including women and children - American Herald Tribune

During the 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine in protest of the mass Jewish immigration into the country, the Irgun’s tactics included bus and marketplace bombings. The Lehi broke away from the Irgun in 1940, and carried out assassinations against the British to force them out of Palestine.

The Irgun and Lehi commanders approached the Haganah commander in Jerusalem at first, seeking his approval. He did not agree at first, because the villagers had signed a non-aggression pact, and suggested that they attack another village instead. He eventually yielded to their demand, on condition that they remain in the village so that it would not become an Arab military base. The Lehi further proposed than any villagers who would not flee should be killed to terrify the others and make an example out of them.

The head of the Red Cross in Palestine visited Deir Yassin on April 11th, and noted that more than 200 men, women, and children were dead. An Irgun fighter would testify years later that they executed 80 prisoners after the fighting was over.

Irgun and Legi troops took some of the survivors, including women and children onto trucks to West Jerusalem. There, they were spat at, and stoned, their hands above their heads. Their bodies were later discovered in quarries.

More Arab Muslim hasbara.

I see no evidence to support these wild accusations.

What we do know is that both sides found it advantageous to spread stories of violence and atrocities trying to scare the other away.

Is there so much as ONE person alive today who can corroborate any of it and if so how do we know they are being truthful.
The article provides sources sweetcheeks...including eyewitness testimony;)
Yes, I reject the idea that it was a legitimate military objective and that there were military forces there beyond just the villagers ...

Why would a hill overlooking the major highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv NOT be a military objective during the siege of Jerusalem?

One reason would be that Deir Yassin had had a pact with both Haganah and Givat Shaul and there is no evidence given that they violated it. Haganah did not need to bother with it, and could set it's sights on more strategic targets. Participants have stated that the reason was economic (booty) and to panic the Arabs.

Even if it were a legitimate military target (and I do not believe it was) - how does that justify walking into homes and killing in cold blood of women and children? Keep in mind that the people who instigated this massacre (Irgun and Lehi) were the same ones who were also involved in numerous terrorist acts - market bombings, bus bombings etc aimed at civilians.

68 years ago today - The Deir Yassin Massacre Israel forces murder 200 Palestinians including women and children - American Herald Tribune

During the 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine in protest of the mass Jewish immigration into the country, the Irgun’s tactics included bus and marketplace bombings. The Lehi broke away from the Irgun in 1940, and carried out assassinations against the British to force them out of Palestine.

The Irgun and Lehi commanders approached the Haganah commander in Jerusalem at first, seeking his approval. He did not agree at first, because the villagers had signed a non-aggression pact, and suggested that they attack another village instead. He eventually yielded to their demand, on condition that they remain in the village so that it would not become an Arab military base. The Lehi further proposed than any villagers who would not flee should be killed to terrify the others and make an example out of them.

The head of the Red Cross in Palestine visited Deir Yassin on April 11th, and noted that more than 200 men, women, and children were dead. An Irgun fighter would testify years later that they executed 80 prisoners after the fighting was over.

Irgun and Legi troops took some of the survivors, including women and children onto trucks to West Jerusalem. There, they were spat at, and stoned, their hands above their heads. Their bodies were later discovered in quarries.

More Arab Muslim hasbara.

I see no evidence to support these wild accusations.

What we do know is that both sides found it advantageous to spread stories of violence and atrocities trying to scare the other away.

Is there so much as ONE person alive today who can corroborate any of it and if so how do we know they are being truthful.
The article provides sources sweetcheeks...including eyewitness testimony;)

Check it again

The article provided Zero links. No references and is an op ed piece with a picture.

there is not a shred of corroborating evidence offered
Yes, I reject the idea that it was a legitimate military objective and that there were military forces there beyond just the villagers ...

Why would a hill overlooking the major highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv NOT be a military objective during the siege of Jerusalem?

One reason would be that Deir Yassin had had a pact with both Haganah and Givat Shaul and there is no evidence given that they violated it. Haganah did not need to bother with it, and could set it's sights on more strategic targets. Participants have stated that the reason was economic (booty) and to panic the Arabs.

Even if it were a legitimate military target (and I do not believe it was) - how does that justify walking into homes and killing in cold blood of women and children? Keep in mind that the people who instigated this massacre (Irgun and Lehi) were the same ones who were also involved in numerous terrorist acts - market bombings, bus bombings etc aimed at civilians.

68 years ago today - The Deir Yassin Massacre Israel forces murder 200 Palestinians including women and children - American Herald Tribune

During the 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine in protest of the mass Jewish immigration into the country, the Irgun’s tactics included bus and marketplace bombings. The Lehi broke away from the Irgun in 1940, and carried out assassinations against the British to force them out of Palestine.

The Irgun and Lehi commanders approached the Haganah commander in Jerusalem at first, seeking his approval. He did not agree at first, because the villagers had signed a non-aggression pact, and suggested that they attack another village instead. He eventually yielded to their demand, on condition that they remain in the village so that it would not become an Arab military base. The Lehi further proposed than any villagers who would not flee should be killed to terrify the others and make an example out of them.

The head of the Red Cross in Palestine visited Deir Yassin on April 11th, and noted that more than 200 men, women, and children were dead. An Irgun fighter would testify years later that they executed 80 prisoners after the fighting was over.

Irgun and Legi troops took some of the survivors, including women and children onto trucks to West Jerusalem. There, they were spat at, and stoned, their hands above their heads. Their bodies were later discovered in quarries.

More Arab Muslim hasbara.

I see no evidence to support these wild accusations.

What we do know is that both sides found it advantageous to spread stories of violence and atrocities trying to scare the other away.

Is there so much as ONE person alive today who can corroborate any of it and if so how do we know they are being truthful.
The article provides sources sweetcheeks...including eyewitness testimony;)

Check it again

The article provided Zero links. No references and is an op ed piece with a picture.

there is not a shred of corroborating evidence offered
Look at the other article I linked t which says the same and includes footnotes.

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