Let down by Obama, some black voters ask: Is it even worth backing Clinton?


Will Obama eventually be called an Uncle Tom?


Jacksonville, Fla. — During those two electric Novembers, the chance to elect a black president, and then keep him in office, seized Regenia Motley’s neighborhood.

Nightclubs were registering voters. Churches held fish fries after loading buses that ferried parishioners to the polls. A truck hoisted a big sign that said “Obama.” And residents waited in long lines at precincts across the community.

But as Motley and some friends sought shade recently under a mulberry tree and looked across the landscape of empty lots and abandoned houses that has persisted here, they wondered whether they would ever bother voting again.

“What was the point?” asked Motley, 23, a grocery store clerk. “We made history, but I don’t see change.”

Let down by Obama some black voters ask Is it even worth backing Clinton - The Washington Post

Yeah...we'll see come November next year. I'm not worried.
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
Actually, I laugh at you because you are a bitter, worthless blithering idiot.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Like I said. You laugh to hide your ignorance. If you had something intelligent to add you would. But you dont. So you retreat to snark and things you heard in the schoolyard today that sounded neato.

You should try it; your ignorance is easy to see.

If that is the case, it should be easy for Republicans to convince them why voting Republican is the better option

Maybe you can tell us

I am not a Republican so I am not the right person to ask.

However, we saw in 2014 that the default was the Republicans over the Democrats. You may not remember this but the Democrats got their asses kicked all over the country.

With stupid corrupt and incompetent candidates like Hillary Clinton and that clown Sanders don't expect the Democrats to do very well in 2016. Obama's dismal record is going to be one hellva burden to overcome.

The only thing the Democrats have going for them is that in the Senate the Republicans have more seats at risk.
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
You'll have to excuse the drone. the idiot predicted "400 electoral votes for Hillary" ...LOL.. thats all you need to know about him.:cuckoo:
400 huh?

That is a pretty tall order

Obama got 365 in 2008. If Hillary can convert South Carolina, Georgia, Tenn, KY or West Virginia, she only needs two to get to 400

Jeb Bush is the only candidate that can keep her from getting 400. Run anyone else in the clown car and she will get well over 400

If that is the case, it should be easy for Republicans to convince them why voting Republican is the better option

Maybe you can tell us

I am not a Republican so I am not the right person to ask.

However, we saw in 2014 that the default was the Republicans over the Democrats. You may not remember this but the Democrats got their asses kicked all over the country.

With stupid corrupt and incompetent candidates like Hillary Clinton and that clown Sanders don't expect the Democrats to do very well in 2016. Obama's dismal record is going to be one hellva burden to overcome.

The only thing the Democrats have going for them is that in the Senate the Republicans have more seats at risk.

I sincerely hope Republicans use the 2014 Congressional elections as a guide for how to win in 2016
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
You'll have to excuse the drone. the idiot predicted "400 electoral votes for Hillary" ...LOL.. thats all you need to know about him.:cuckoo:
400 huh?

That is a pretty tall order

Obama got 365 in 2008. If Hillary can convert South Carolina, Georgia, Tenn, KY or West Virginia, she only needs two to get to 400

Jeb Bush is the only candidate that can keep her from getting 400. Run anyone else in the clown car and she will get well over 400
LOL..She wont win any of those and will loose FL and OH. Stat is blinded by Hillary love he thinks she'll win "Texas":lmao:
I think this is the perfect opportunity for a republicrat to convince all minorities that being self reliant and breaking the cycle of dependence on government is the only way out of poverty.

Rand Paul has been doing just that.

The democrooks have taken the black vote for granted for the last 50 years, just as the republicrats did after the war of northern aggression. Now the democrooks are about to switch to a new victim in the hispanic community. If they lose the black vote, the hispanics aren't going to offset that loss, even if the illegals vote. Once the democrooks lose, it will be far easier to deport at least the worst of the illegals.

chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
You'll have to excuse the drone. the idiot predicted "400 electoral votes for Hillary" ...LOL.. thats all you need to know about him.:cuckoo:
400 huh?

That is a pretty tall order

Obama got 365 in 2008. If Hillary can convert South Carolina, Georgia, Tenn, KY or West Virginia, she only needs two to get to 400

Jeb Bush is the only candidate that can keep her from getting 400. Run anyone else in the clown car and she will get well over 400
LOL..She wont win any of those and will loose FL and OH. Stat is blinded by Hillary love he thinks she'll win "Texas":lmao:

I love it when RWNJS can't spell!

Texas is not even in the projection.

I never really believed in the existence of stupid Jews.

And then I encountered you.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

If that is the case, it should be easy for Republicans to convince them why voting Republican is the better option

Maybe you can tell us

I am not a Republican so I am not the right person to ask.

However, we saw in 2014 that the default was the Republicans over the Democrats. You may not remember this but the Democrats got their asses kicked all over the country.

With stupid corrupt and incompetent candidates like Hillary Clinton and that clown Sanders don't expect the Democrats to do very well in 2016. Obama's dismal record is going to be one hellva burden to overcome.

The only thing the Democrats have going for them is that in the Senate the Republicans have more seats at risk.

I sincerely hope Republicans use the 2014 Congressional elections as a guide for how to win in 2016

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
You'll have to excuse the drone. the idiot predicted "400 electoral votes for Hillary" ...LOL.. thats all you need to know about him.:cuckoo:
400 huh?

That is a pretty tall order

Obama got 365 in 2008. If Hillary can convert South Carolina, Georgia, Tenn, KY or West Virginia, she only needs two to get to 400

Jeb Bush is the only candidate that can keep her from getting 400. Run anyone else in the clown car and she will get well over 400
LOL..She wont win any of those and will loose FL and OH. Stat is blinded by Hillary love he thinks she'll win "Texas":lmao:

Hillary would give Jeb a run for his money in Florida. Jeb is the only one who can take it. Rubio can't beat Hillary in any swing state

Ohio is off the table for Republicans. Run Walker and you might get Wisconsin, but I doubt it
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
You'll have to excuse the drone. the idiot predicted "400 electoral votes for Hillary" ...LOL.. thats all you need to know about him.:cuckoo:
400 huh?

That is a pretty tall order

Obama got 365 in 2008. If Hillary can convert South Carolina, Georgia, Tenn, KY or West Virginia, she only needs two to get to 400

Jeb Bush is the only candidate that can keep her from getting 400. Run anyone else in the clown car and she will get well over 400
LOL..She wont win any of those and will loose FL and OH. Stat is blinded by Hillary love he thinks she'll win "Texas":lmao:

Hillary would give Jeb a run for his money in Florida. Jeb is the only one who can take it. Rubio can't beat Hillary in any swing state

Ohio is off the table for Republicans. Run Walker and you might get Wisconsin, but I doubt it
The PPP Ohio poll should come out today. Hillary will still be leading.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Lets look at the demographics for 2016

Those unlikely to vote Republican
Gays 100%
Blacks 90%
Hispanics 70%
Asians 65%
Women 60%

Yup, if I were Republican I would be smug right now
Romney won the vote of white married women handily in 2014.
How many blacks will actually show up to pull the lever for an old white woman who makes more in an hour than they see in a decade?
Yeah, Dems ought to be terrified.
Chuckle, chuckle...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You misspelled cluck cluck. Because you're as dumb as a chicken.
Lets look at the demographics for 2016

Those unlikely to vote Republican
Gays 100%
Blacks 90%
Hispanics 70%
Asians 65%
Women 60%

Yup, if I were Republican I would be smug right now
Romney won the vote of white married women handily in 2014.
How many blacks will actually show up to pull the lever for an old white woman who makes more in an hour than they see in a decade?
Yeah, Dems ought to be terrified.
Chuckle, chuckle...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You misspelled cluck cluck. Because you're as dumb as a chicken.
Poor fake Rabbi, reduced all the way down to cluck-cluck.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
You'll have to excuse the drone. the idiot predicted "400 electoral votes for Hillary" ...LOL.. thats all you need to know about him.:cuckoo:
The prediction stands. The GOP has absolutely no idea what kind of firestorm is about to hit it.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Yeah, the party that controls Congress, the majority of governorships and the majority of state houses is about to win the White House too.
The question is what will Democrats do when they are a force only in shitholes like LA and Detroit?
I think this is the perfect opportunity for a republicrat to convince all minorities that being self reliant and breaking the cycle of dependence on government is the only way out of poverty.

Rand Paul has been doing just that.

The democrooks have taken the black vote for granted for the last 50 years, just as the republicrats did after the war of northern aggression. Now the democrooks are about to switch to a new victim in the hispanic community. If they lose the black vote, the hispanics aren't going to offset that loss, even if the illegals vote. Once the democrooks lose, it will be far easier to deport at least the worst of the illegals.

Great idea

Why don't Republicans do that? If they do, those minorities will vote Republican for generations

The problem is that the Republican "Pick yourself up by your bootstrap" lectures ring hollow. There are no jobs in those communities, no opportunities for advancement. The poor lack the ability to relocate and even if they do, they are shunned in the new communities

OK Republicans...stand up
Put your money where your mouth is and convince your wealthy benefactors to invest in those communities.

Bring jobs and they will vote for you
Bring empty plattitudes and they will ignore you
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
You'll have to excuse the drone. the idiot predicted "400 electoral votes for Hillary" ...LOL.. thats all you need to know about him.:cuckoo:
The prediction stands. The GOP has absolutely no idea what kind of firestorm is about to hit it.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Yeah, the party that controls Congress, the majority of governorships and the majority of state houses is about to win the White House too.
The question is what will Democrats do when they are a force only in shitholes like LA and Detroit?
Enjoy your wet dreams.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
Actually, I laugh at you because you are a bitter, worthless blithering idiot.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Like I said. You laugh to hide your ignorance. If you had something intelligent to add you would. But you dont. So you retreat to snark and things you heard in the schoolyard today that sounded neato.

No. I laugh because you are a total asswipe and a complete partisan. Too funny.

In 2013, 21% of the voters in Virginia were black, just like in the GE of 2012, and they went for McAuliff (D) 9 to 1.

In 2016, black voters are going to be about 12-14% of the electorate, right in line with the national demographic, and the Democratic nominee is going to get 9 out of every 10 black votes, right in line with electoral history.

Democrats generally get around 90% of the black vote because black voters know that the Democratic Party does not hate them, and they know that the GOP does. You can put up Ben Carson like a poster child, but it won't change the fact that the vast majority of the GOP base is white, racist, bigoted and homophobic. And smart black voters know this.

This guy cant even think for himself...He lives in his delusional world fed to him by the leftist... His brain function is waning
You're assuming he had brain function. I think it's fair to say he destroyed his 2 functioning brain cells a long time ago.
I think this is the perfect opportunity for a republicrat to convince all minorities that being self reliant and breaking the cycle of dependence on government is the only way out of poverty.

Rand Paul has been doing just that.

The democrooks have taken the black vote for granted for the last 50 years, just as the republicrats did after the war of northern aggression. Now the democrooks are about to switch to a new victim in the hispanic community. If they lose the black vote, the hispanics aren't going to offset that loss, even if the illegals vote. Once the democrooks lose, it will be far easier to deport at least the worst of the illegals.

Great idea

Why don't Republicans do that? If they do, those minorities will vote Republican for generations

The problem is that the Republican "Pick yourself up by your bootstrap" lectures ring hollow. There are no jobs in those communities, no opportunities for advancement. The poor lack the ability to relocate and even if they do, they are shunned in the new communities

OK Republicans...stand up
Put your money where your mouth is and convince your wealthy benefactors to invest in those communities.

Bring jobs and they will vote for you
Bring empty plattitudes and they will ignore you
Those communities have been run by Democrats for generations. There's the problem right there. Communities run by Republicans feature blacks doing well, going to good schools and living their lives. Communities run by Democrats feature blacks running for the lives.
I think this is the perfect opportunity for a republicrat to convince all minorities that being self reliant and breaking the cycle of dependence on government is the only way out of poverty.

Rand Paul has been doing just that.

The democrooks have taken the black vote for granted for the last 50 years, just as the republicrats did after the war of northern aggression. Now the democrooks are about to switch to a new victim in the hispanic community. If they lose the black vote, the hispanics aren't going to offset that loss, even if the illegals vote. Once the democrooks lose, it will be far easier to deport at least the worst of the illegals.

Great idea

Why don't Republicans do that? If they do, those minorities will vote Republican for generations

The problem is that the Republican "Pick yourself up by your bootstrap" lectures ring hollow. There are no jobs in those communities, no opportunities for advancement. The poor lack the ability to relocate and even if they do, they are shunned in the new communities

OK Republicans...stand up
Put your money where your mouth is and convince your wealthy benefactors to invest in those communities.

Bring jobs and they will vote for you
Bring empty plattitudes and they will ignore you
Those communities have been run by Democrats for generations. There's the problem right there. Communities run by Republicans feature blacks doing well, going to good schools and living their lives. Communities run by Democrats feature blacks running for the lives.

Very true

Seems Republicans should be able to walk in and convince people how much better their lives would be with Republican government

To start: You have to actually have a presence in those neighborhoods. Not just a drive through speech spouting plattitudes and empty promises....actually have Republicans residing in those communities

Let those communities know that if they have a problem, if they need jobs....Republicans are there for them

But Republicans won't do that
The rightwing media will not let them
I think this is the perfect opportunity for a republicrat to convince all minorities that being self reliant and breaking the cycle of dependence on government is the only way out of poverty.

Rand Paul has been doing just that.

The democrooks have taken the black vote for granted for the last 50 years, just as the republicrats did after the war of northern aggression. Now the democrooks are about to switch to a new victim in the hispanic community. If they lose the black vote, the hispanics aren't going to offset that loss, even if the illegals vote. Once the democrooks lose, it will be far easier to deport at least the worst of the illegals.

Great idea

Why don't Republicans do that? If they do, those minorities will vote Republican for generations

The problem is that the Republican "Pick yourself up by your bootstrap" lectures ring hollow. There are no jobs in those communities, no opportunities for advancement. The poor lack the ability to relocate and even if they do, they are shunned in the new communities

OK Republicans...stand up
Put your money where your mouth is and convince your wealthy benefactors to invest in those communities.

Bring jobs and they will vote for you
Bring empty plattitudes and they will ignore you
Those communities have been run by Democrats for generations. There's the problem right there. Communities run by Republicans feature blacks doing well, going to good schools and living their lives. Communities run by Democrats feature blacks running for the lives.

Very true

Seems Republicans should be able to walk in and convince people how much better their lives would be with Republican government

To start: You have to actually have a presence in those neighborhoods. Not just a drive through speech spouting plattitudes and empty promises....actually have Republicans residing in those communities

Let those communities know that if they have a problem, if they need jobs....Republicans are there for them

But Republicans won't do that
The rightwing media will not let them
Republicans dont need to convince anyone of anything. The facts speak for themselves. But facts pale in comparison to the multi generational brainwashing that has gone on. You are Exhibit A in that. You post crap after crap and can never explain why if Democrats are so great for blacks every place run by Democrats features poverty, misery, corruption and crime for its black residents.

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