Let down by Obama, some black voters ask: Is it even worth backing Clinton?

chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
Actually, I laugh at you because you are a bitter, worthless blithering idiot.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Like I said. You laugh to hide your ignorance. If you had something intelligent to add you would. But you dont. So you retreat to snark and things you heard in the schoolyard today that sounded neato.

No. I laugh because you are a total asswipe and a complete partisan. Too funny.

In 2013, 21% of the voters in Virginia were black, just like in the GE of 2012, and they went for McAuliff (D) 9 to 1.

In 2016, black voters are going to be about 12-14% of the electorate, right in line with the national demographic, and the Democratic nominee is going to get 9 out of every 10 black votes, right in line with electoral history.

Democrats generally get around 90% of the black vote because black voters know that the Democratic Party does not hate them, and they know that the GOP does. You can put up Ben Carson like a poster child, but it won't change the fact that the vast majority of the GOP base is white, racist, bigoted and homophobic. And smart black voters know this.
Democrats have successfully pulled the wool over blacks eyes. McAuliff? Really. That guy is a moron.
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
Actually, I laugh at you because you are a bitter, worthless blithering idiot.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Like I said. You laugh to hide your ignorance. If you had something intelligent to add you would. But you dont. So you retreat to snark and things you heard in the schoolyard today that sounded neato.

No. I laugh because you are a total asswipe and a complete partisan. Too funny.

In 2013, 21% of the voters in Virginia were black, just like in the GE of 2012, and they went for McAuliff (D) 9 to 1.

In 2016, black voters are going to be about 12-14% of the electorate, right in line with the national demographic, and the Democratic nominee is going to get 9 out of every 10 black votes, right in line with electoral history.

Democrats generally get around 90% of the black vote because black voters know that the Democratic Party does not hate them, and they know that the GOP does. You can put up Ben Carson like a poster child, but it won't change the fact that the vast majority of the GOP base is white, racist, bigoted and homophobic. And smart black voters know this.
Democrats have successfully pulled the wool over blacks eyes. McAuliff? Really. That guy is a moron.
You dispute the statistics?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I am wondering just how long it will take ghetto blacks to understand they are nothing but pawns and votes to the democrats and are patronized by white racist left wing liberals.

How long?
I am wondering just how long it will take ghetto blacks to understand they are nothing but pawns and votes to the democrats and are patronized by white racist left wing liberals.

How long?

Maybe you can explain why "ghetto blacks" or any black should vote Republican
Lets look at the demographics for 2016

Those unlikely to vote Republican
Gays 100%
Blacks 90%
Hispanics 70%
Asians 65%
Women 60%

Yup, if I were Republican I would be smug right now
Hispanics likelier at 80% to not vote GOP. Goodbye New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado and maybe even Arizona. 31 EV, more than Florida.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

After getting pounded in 2012, Republicans held a post election autopsy to find out why they lost and what they need to do for 2016

Key findings were they need to do better with the Hispanic vote and women. The black and gay vote is lost forever

Essentially, they need to find a way to win swing states. If anything, they have lost ground in those states

The Republicans are heading from -11 (2012) to -20 in the female vote in 2016.

They are heading from -44 (2012) to possibly -60 in the Latino vote in 2016. Part of that, of course, is the female vote among Latinos.

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Women will generally not vote for Hillary just because she is a woman...but some will
If 5% of the women vote for Clinton because they want to see a woman elected President in their lifetime, then the womens vote will go over 60%

That is a huge margin for Republicans to make up
I am wondering just how long it will take ghetto blacks to understand they are nothing but pawns and votes to the democrats and are patronized by white racist left wing liberals.

How long?

They are slaves on the Democrat Welfare Plantation. The only thing is they don't have to pick cotton. The only work they have to do is cast a vote for the Democrats every election cycle and they get all the collard greens, watermellon and corn bread their little heart's desire.
Lets look at the demographics for 2016

Those unlikely to vote Republican
Gays 100%
Blacks 90%
Hispanics 70%
Asians 65%
Women 60%

Yup, if I were Republican I would be smug right now
Romney won the vote of white married women handily in 2014.
How many blacks will actually show up to pull the lever for an old white woman who makes more in an hour than they see in a decade?
Yeah, Dems ought to be terrified.
Lets look at the demographics for 2016

Those unlikely to vote Republican
Gays 100%
Blacks 90%
Hispanics 70%
Asians 65%
Women 60%

Yup, if I were Republican I would be smug right now
Romney won the vote of white married women handily in 2014.
How many blacks will actually show up to pull the lever for an old white woman who makes more in an hour than they see in a decade?
Yeah, Dems ought to be terrified.
Chuckle, chuckle...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Lets look at the demographics for 2016

Those unlikely to vote Republican
Gays 100%
Blacks 90%
Hispanics 70%
Asians 65%
Women 60%

Yup, if I were Republican I would be smug right now
Romney won the vote of white married women handily in 2014.
How many blacks will actually show up to pull the lever for an old white woman who makes more in an hour than they see in a decade?
Yeah, Dems ought to be terrified.

Yeap, the democrats have used the victim strategy very well. We all know how it works. A fucking moron like rightwinger is just a useful dick pushing their lies and agenda.

Read my signature. I know a fucking moron like rightwinger will not do that.

They are piece of shit pawns. They are a bag of fucking cliches. Rightwinger and every fucking moron like him show their ignorance on a daily basis, and his post right there proves it.
Lets look at the demographics for 2016

Those unlikely to vote Republican
Gays 100%
Blacks 90%
Hispanics 70%
Asians 65%
Women 60%

Yup, if I were Republican I would be smug right now
Romney won the vote of white married women handily in 2014.
How many blacks will actually show up to pull the lever for an old white woman who makes more in an hour than they see in a decade?
Yeah, Dems ought to be terrified.

Yeap, the democrats have used the victim strategy very well. We all know how it works. A fucking moron like rightwinger is just a useful dick pushing their lies and agenda.

Read my signature. I know a fucking moron like rightwinger will not do that.

They are piece of shit pawns. They are a bag of fucking cliches. Rightwinger and every fucking moron like him show their ignorance on a daily basis, and his post right there proves it.
Rage, rage, rage!!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Maybe you can explain why "ghetto blacks" or any black should vote Republican

Well for one thing voting for Democrats have only gotten them increased poverty, decreased family income, very high minority unemployment, substandard education, more public debt and higher inner city crime in Democrat controlled areas.

Democrats have pretty much been a disaster for this country and it has affected the minority community more than anybody.

One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. Electing Clinton or Sanders or any of these other destructive Left candidates will get them more of the same. They would be idiots to continue with the same failed policies.
I am wondering just how long it will take ghetto blacks to understand they are nothing but pawns and votes to the democrats and are patronized by white racist left wing liberals.

How long?

They are slaves on the Democrat Welfare Plantation. The only thing is they don't have to pick cotton. The only work they have to do is cast a vote for the Democrats every election cycle and they get all the collard greens, watermellon and corn bread their little heart's desire.

If that is the case, it should be easy for Republicans to convince them why voting Republican is the better option

Maybe you can tell us

Women will generally not vote for Hillary just because she is a woman...but some will
If 5% of the women vote for Clinton because they want to see a woman elected President in their lifetime, then the womens vote will go over 60%

That is a huge margin for Republicans to make up

Women are not as stupid as you think they are.

Women in general are not like the Black voting community that always vote their race and welfare check before the good of the country.

Women in general will usually do the right thing for the country before voting their gender.

I think the thing that the Democrats have to make up for is Hillary's record of corruption and incompetency. That is a bigger factor than gender. As we are seeing in her falling confidence polls that is a tremendous burden for the Democrat Party to overcome.
I am wondering just how long it will take ghetto blacks to understand they are nothing but pawns and votes to the democrats and are patronized by white racist left wing liberals.

How long?
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
Actually, I laugh at you because you are a bitter, worthless blithering idiot.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Like I said. You laugh to hide your ignorance. If you had something intelligent to add you would. But you dont. So you retreat to snark and things you heard in the schoolyard today that sounded neato.

No. I laugh because you are a total asswipe and a complete partisan. Too funny.

In 2013, 21% of the voters in Virginia were black, just like in the GE of 2012, and they went for McAuliff (D) 9 to 1.

In 2016, black voters are going to be about 12-14% of the electorate, right in line with the national demographic, and the Democratic nominee is going to get 9 out of every 10 black votes, right in line with electoral history.

Democrats generally get around 90% of the black vote because black voters know that the Democratic Party does not hate them, and they know that the GOP does. You can put up Ben Carson like a poster child, but it won't change the fact that the vast majority of the GOP base is white, racist, bigoted and homophobic. And smart black voters know this.

This guy cant even think for himself...He lives in his delusional world fed to him by the leftist... His brain function is waning
chuckle, chuckle...
People laugh at what they dont understand.
You laugh a lot.
You'll have to excuse the drone. the idiot predicted "400 electoral votes for Hillary" ...LOL.. thats all you need to know about him.:cuckoo:
The prediction stands. The GOP has absolutely no idea what kind of firestorm is about to hit it.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Lets look at the demographics for 2016

Those unlikely to vote Republican
Gays 100%
Blacks 90%
Hispanics 70%
Asians 65%
Women 60%

Yup, if I were Republican I would be smug right now
Romney won the vote of white married women handily in 2014.
How many blacks will actually show up to pull the lever for an old white woman who makes more in an hour than they see in a decade?
Yeah, Dems ought to be terrified.

Yeap, the democrats have used the victim strategy very well. We all know how it works. A fucking moron like rightwinger is just a useful dick pushing their lies and agenda.

Read my signature. I know a fucking moron like rightwinger will not do that.

They are piece of shit pawns. They are a bag of fucking cliches. Rightwinger and every fucking moron like him show their ignorance on a daily basis, and his post right there proves it.

Everyone is a victim

The poor are victims, the working class are victims, farmers are victims, retirees are victims, the overtaxed underappreciated wealthy are victims

The political party that can convince the most of these "victims" that they can help them will win

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