Let Europeans Freeze

... then this narcissist would not be able to lose in a military conflict - even if he had to transform the whole planet into a nuclear hell ...

Good. Then I wouldn't have to sit here and read internet posts from someone whose name I can't even pronounce.
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To defeat and control Europe without a shot. NATO is obsolete, Putin owns Europe.
Nordstream2 is very important to our European allies. They didn't have to invest billions in infrastructure and storage to pay twice as much for US natural gas. Are you sober? Russia also needs that European market.
Nordstream2 is very important to our European allies. They didn't have to invest billions in infrastructure and storage to pay twice as much for US natural gas. Are you sober? Russia also needs that European market.
You are one stupid dumbass. Russia holds all the aces and Europeans are paying the price.
Nazi, shut up!
See reality, slave.
Poland didn´t renew contracts with Gazprom. They now rely on the spot market. Current price: 2300 $/1000 cbm.
German price: 300

Now put on your slave muzzle and eat all the lies that are launched against Russia.

To defeat and control Europe without a shot. NATO is obsolete, Putin owns Europe.

Do you know what is a "Zeitenwende"? This means a new unkown historical epoche will come. A pre-reaction of such a moment of history is a step back into old "known" structures. Such structures are for example the cold war of the USA, the Russian empire under czaress Catherine, the absolute power of the Chinese emperors and so on and so on. A characteristic of such times is it that old men dominate world politics and so war never is far. This is a reaction of fear. Russia - better to say the Russians oligarchs - live in fear of Europe. That's why they try to flee into a new kind of Soviet Union with satelite states. This will fail again - but gives some people an illusion of security. Also the extremist politics of the new republicans in the USA is a sign of deep fear. Only one man has to lead - all others have to obey. And China for example also lives in fear - for example in fear of Taiwan because the Chinese in Taiwan show to all other Chinese that the leading communists in China are a superflous relict of a past which is long over but thsi "over" never was realized. The more superflous and wrong this and similar concepts are now in the third millenium - the more fight many people for this absurdity. And the fight for absurdities in the lands of the Muslims is also nothing new. ... The philosophically interesting thing asides from all this brutal nonsense: they all try to supress something what we don't know. We call it normally "the future". But why live they all in fear of what kind of future? And why do specially criminals and supporters of a criminal mind live in this fear? ... Seems it will come a very interesting good new future. ...
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And a warning to all Ukrainians: Without any doubt you will lose a war with Russia - totally independent from the amount of weapons other nations deliver to you. Russia broke the international law by threatening the Ukraine with military power. But if Russia likes to be more criminal and likes to conquer your country then no one else is able to help you. Not the USA and also not Europe. If Russia will conquer your country then your first duty is to protect your own people's life and not to die in a senseless war. Your only chance to be free again will then be an asymetric war. The underground will be your only real chance to free your country again as far as I can see. Hopefully the Russian government will not be so stupid to do so. God may help everyone who will be able to stop this war before it will begin.
It’s a fool’s game to try to occupy a nation that doesn’t want you to —especially if before your invasion civilians were allowed to own firearms.
Explains why Nitwit’s polack ass wants Russia destroyed.
It was the Poles who didn´t want a new contract. The contracts are running out and must be renewed. Poland didn´t because the US told them to do so. Now they are not selling gas to Poland because the prices in Asia are better. Fuck the monkeys in Warsaw, they don´t serve their own people well.
Russia needs to sell gas. They can't eat it.
They can can produce fertilizers from it, or use it to warm greenhouses. Actually they already do it. They are (after the previous sanctions and counter-sanctions) exporting much more food, than importing.
So, when European energy-dependent industry collapsed - Russia and the USA will buy it for a song and move in their countries.
Nordstream2 is very important to our European allies. They didn't have to invest billions in infrastructure and storage to pay twice as much for US natural gas. Are you sober? Russia also needs that European market.
Russia needs the European market only if they can not only to sell, but also to buy something useful (in the Russian understanding of the term) on it. With all these sanctions attractiveness of the market is falling down catastrophically.
It’s a fool’s game to try to occupy a nation that doesn’t want you to —especially if before your invasion civilians were allowed to own firearms.

A firearms seller from Kharkov wrote, that people don't buy weapon to fight against army, they buy weapon to defend themselves from deserters and bandits. But Kharkov is quite pro-Russian city.
It’s a fool’s game to try to occupy a nation that doesn’t want you to —especially if before your invasion civilians were allowed to own firearms.

Empty phrase. The totally senseless weapon fetishism of the USA is not comparable with any other nation in the world. The root of Russia is in the Ukraine. And the Krim had been indeed since 1799 territory of Russia - if it had been illegal what the leading Soviet Krushchev had done in the 1950ies - what I don't doubt. That's a problem for the international court (laws of nations) - or a problem which money is able to solve. Not very important.
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Russia needs the European market only if they can not only to sell, but also to buy something useful (in the Russian understanding of the term) on it.

"Russians" and "Europeans" are trading since decades of thousands of years with each other. Indeed Russians are Europeans. And the USA is by the way also an European nation - a child of the englightenment. And everyone trades with China too.
Empty phrase. The totally senseless weapon fetishism of the USA is not comparable with any other nation in the world. The root of Russia is in the Ukraine. And the Krim had been indeed since 1799 territory of Russia - if it had been illegal what the leading Soviet Krushchev had done in the 1950ies - what I don't doubt. That's a problem for the international court (laws of nations) - or a problem which money is able to solve.
The “senseless weapon fetishism“ of the United States may be our greatest strength.

I personally would not want to live in any nation that refuses to trust honest citizens with firearms. I don’t trust a government that doesn’t trust me.


If the Ukraine would not have made a deal to give up its nukes the Russians would not be threatening it today.

As much as 85 percent of the gas injected in Europe’s underground gas storage facilities last summer is already withdrawn,”
What happened to the lost secrets of Atlantis, aka windmills ans solar panels, that were going to replace the need for fossil fuels?
The “senseless weapon fetishism“ of the United States may be our greatest strength. ...

What a nonsense. Germany never did do anything bad to the USA in whole history. But you attacked Germany without any reason to have to so so, murdered Germans in masses, reduced Germany to rubble and made it to a little helpless unimportant country. And now you expect to be loved also from Germans for all the stupidties you made in world war 1+2 - while all this "solutions" explode since decades country by country. And now you attack Germany since your last Iraq war (which had been a crown of your amoral stupidity in international anti-politics) - with nonsense, bullshit and idiocies.

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