Let Europeans Freeze

I know that you are not able to think. You are a Nazi. So what do you expect from me? To fire on you with silver bullets? Your problem when your soul finds no rest nor peace.
That´s quite off topic. And vast bullshit. And what is a Nazi?
You made Hitler in and after World War 1! A mad made man overtook a mad made country. And so continued world war 1 in world war 2. You are always good in winning wars - but you are not good in winning peace. In your last war in the Iraq you created for example the terror organisation ISIS and lots of babies.
Which is why I have proposed that since we are great at destroying things but poor at nation rebuilding we just go to war when absolutely necessary. We then destroy the capacity of the enemy to attack us and then we LEAVE. No nation rebuilding. Just a warning that if necessary we will come back and this time put the enemy back in the Stone Age.
Which is why I have proposed that since we are great at destroying things but poor at nation rebuilding we just go to war when absolutely necessary. ...

War is man made and not a natural law. War is never necessary.
... We then destroy the capacity of the enemy to attack us and then we LEAVE. No nation rebuilding. Just a warning that if necessary we will come back and this time put the enemy back in the Stone Age.

... put "the enemy" (men, women, children who you don't know) back into your own stone age ...
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A big roof over the USA and finished is the biggest psychiatric hospital of the world.

That's one of the best joke's I've ever heard. You saved the ass of your ally Stalin and sold a big part of Europe to the Soviets and call this "we saved you from Russia"? You saved the Russian Soviets from us and the problem which you try to solve today (or which will bring the world into a nuclear world war 3) would not exist if you would not be so stupid - and so funny - idiots.

You saved the ass of your ally Stalin

But he was your ally first, eh?

and sold a big part of Europe to the Soviets and call this "we saved you from Russia"?

Yup. Saved West Germany from Russia. It was in all the papers.
Yup. Saved West Germany from Russia. It was in all the papers.

You needed Germany to save your own ass. That's all. A strategy of the cold war had by the way been to make Germany to a nuclear hell in case of a Soviet invasion and to stop them in this way.
You needed Germany to save your own ass. That's all. A strategy of the cold war had by the way been to make Germany to a nuclear hell in case of a Soviet invasion and to stop them in this way.

Why would we need you two-time losers to save our ass?
For example an extremely cruel stupid idiot far from reality who "forgot" to remember all the Nazi nonsense he told to me since years.
Maybe, the definition of "Nazi" varies. For people like you for example, everyone who does not share 100 % of their opinions, is a "Nazi".
In reality though, "Nazi", National Socialist, is a political leaning, like all other, that people give themselves. Thus, you cannot label people Nazi. That is unacceptable and equal to "Jew" ("Wer Jude ist bestimme ich") back then or, brand new, "unvaccinated".
... put "the enemy" (men, women, children who you don't know) back into your own stone age ...
War is hell.

Don’t fret. The United States is far too compassionate to ever adopt my approach. Plus rebuilding nations means big bucks for many corporations.

Of course we also have corruption.

War is man made and not a natural law. War is never necessary.
That’s like saying crime is man made and not a natural law. Therefore you have no right to use a weapon for legitimate self defense.
Molotov-Ribbentrop never happened?

The secret part of the Molotow-Ribbentrop pact started word war 2 with the decision to eliminate Poland again - what means by the way that the USA was on the side of someone who had started world war 2. Stalin was by the way indeed very surprised when Hitler attacked Russia.

How many times did you get dropped on your head?
Btw, didn't Germany declare war on the US in 1941, a few days after the attack on Pearl Harbor?
Why would we need you two-time losers to save our ass?

First: Your idea had been to eliminate Germany (and also Austria-Hungaria) complete and to wipe out all Germans as you had done before with the Red Indians in Northamerica. You doubled your economy with world war 1. Today a German of the year 1913 has only 1/2 descendent - you have 3 descendants. And after world war 2 when you found out in Korea what you had done you knew when Germany will totally fall then the whole western world will fall. France, GB, Spain, Italy and so on - and in the end also the USA will be only a myth any longer. So you made out of Germany a buffer. If the Soviets had overtaken the unimportant rest of Germany then you had made out of Germany a nuclear hell and had called this "bad luck" or "price for freedom".

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