Let Europeans Freeze

First: Your idea had been to eliminate Germany (and also Austria-Hungaria) complete

I hadn't been born yet when Austria-Hungary still existed.

and to wipe out all Germans

Dude! Don't smoke so much weed, it's making you paranoid.

No problem for me. In latest 300 years no German will exist any longer. 1913 had been the last year of the so called "good old time". This life is lost forever.
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Yes. You see your point and whatever you say to reach this point has nothing to do with anything else than to reach this point. Short: You don't believe in truth - you believe in strength. That's what you directly and indirectly learned from your Nazi-grandfather and your Nazi-father who sold their souls to a murderous ideology. You never learned to break their chains and to see that blood is not thicker than water.
You don´t know anything about me.
You don´t know anything about me.

The information that your grandfather and your father had been Nazis is from you yourselve when you tried to justify the racist Nazi nonsense which you said to me. And you know on your own that you broke many times here in this forum German laws with your hate speech. So what do you expect should I say to you?
After Olaf Scholz's words in Munich: "The genocide [of Russians] in Donbass is funny" number of supporters of "peaceful coexistence" decreased significantly. "A leopard can't change its spots", "No peace with genocide supporters" and so on...

This is a piece of hate propaganda that doesn't make any sense at all! Russia has nothing to gain by denying Germany or France the gas. The Ukraine probably!

Is there anybody on the board who cares enough to be able to sort this out? I couldn't read the article because of the paywall.
Wow!!! You can't be a dumb as you claim.
After Olaf Scholz's words in Munich: "The genocide [of Russians] in Donbass is funny" number of supporters of "peaceful coexistence" decreased significantly. "A leopard can't change its spots", "No peace with genocide supporters" and so on...

View attachment 603862

What is written there in this picture in Cyrillic letters? In which language?

The people in Cologne share something special. A very special feeling. The love to their city and their people. This feeling is very easy made to be be visible. And who saw it once discovers it suddenly everyhwere. ...
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The information that your grandfather and your father had been Nazis is from you yourselve when you tried to justify the racist Nazi nonsense which you said to me. And you know on your own that you broke many times here in this forum German laws with your hate speech. So what do you expect should I say to you?
1. I never unveiled if my grandfather and father were Nazis. I don´t even know them. Never saw them.
2. I never justified racism. But I call a spade a spade.
3. "Hate speech" is not a statutory offense.
Silver Cat

A serios word to the Polish: If I am right then the most people you lost in world war 2 had been Polish Jews. But the Polish Jews spoke yiddish - a German language - and so anti-Germanism and anti-Semitism is not clearly seperated in your country. And although many Polish had been heroes under the Nazis - relativelly it had been more heroes than in any other nation - did nevertheless many Polish also murder Jews or help to murder Jews. In the SS - the executors of the Holocaust - worked during the Holocaust also many naturalized Germans and not-Germans, specially Slaws. Your current government made laws which forbid to criticize all Polish people because of this mass-murder on Jews. But this is not the truth about the Holocaust.
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1. I never unveiled if my grandfather and father were Nazis.

What's wrong. You told me your father and your grandfather had been German Nazis and you was very proud to do so because of your own racism.

I don´t even know them. Never saw them.


2. I never justified racism. But I call a spade a spade.

What do you try to do now? To play to be a lawyer or an innocent victim of Jews, spade ... ah sorry: Nazi!

3. "Hate speech" is not a statutory offense.

It hurted German laws what you said to me.
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No problem for me. In latest 300 years no German will exist any longer. 1913 had been the last year of the so called "good old time". This life is lost forever.
It is even today. With almost 100 % of "Germans" denying their nationality, Germans ceased to exist. You are now managed clients.
It is even today. With almost 100 % of "Germans" denying their nationality, Germans ceased to exist. You are now managed clients.
I do not discuss with racist Nazis. And it makes also not a big sense to discuss with racist liars.
No monologs? How´s life in your rez, by the way?
Why for heavens sake do you still try to speak with me? I do not like to speak with you! If you have to say something to the theme then say it in the awareness of an extremely dangerous situation which is able to set the whole world on fire. Your vanity is irrelevant.
Why for heavens sake do you still try to speak with me? I do not like to speak with you! If you have to say something to the theme then say it in the awareness of an extremely dangerous situation which is able to set the whole world on fire. Your vanity is irrelevant.
Here is proof it was you who talked to me first:

It is shown again that you are just a bogus piece of shit with no trace of dignity and honor in you, just shit.
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Here is proof it was you who talked to me first:

It is shown again that you are just a bogus peace of shit with no trace of dignity and honor in you, just shit.
no comment, Nazi
If you think so, Soviet, US-American one. Ah sorry: imperialist, US-Russian one.

I once heard two guys say this, but couldnt understand them:

"Wir sind die anusliebenden Vergewaltiger
Wir schicken unsere schwulen Söhne nach Amerika
und befehle ihnen, deine ahnungslosen Geraden anzugreifen
fürchte uns und erfülle unsere Forderungen nach deiner Aufmerksamkeit"

"אנחנו האנסים האוהבים לפי הטבעת

אנחנו שולחים את בנינו ההומואים לאמריקה

וצווה עליהם לתקוף את הסטרייטים התמימים שלך

פחד מאיתנו והענק לדרישות שלנו לתשומת לבך"
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