Let Europeans Freeze

Btw, didn't Germany declare war on the US in 1941, a few days after the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Hitler did do so. But this was without any relevance because Germany had not been able to attack the USA. I guess the main reason why Hitler did do so was his fear you could not do war against Germany and you would attack only Japan. But you did do him the favor to go in war with Germany.
I guess the main reason why Hitler did do so was his fear you could not do war against Germany and you would attack only Japan. But you did do him the favor to go in war with Germany.
Oh, my country had already been fighting pitched battles with Germany when Germany declared war on the US.

To whom are these fees paid?

To the own army. It gave once an agreement with Barack Obama to double the military houshild up to the year 2024. Indeed Germany only agreed to pay 50% more as far as I heard. But this agreement is anyway obsolete since Donald Trump had been president of the USA.
Maybe, the definition of "Nazi" varies. For people like you for example, everyone who does not share 100 % of their opinions, is a "Nazi".
In reality though, "Nazi", National Socialist, is a political leaning, like all other, that people give themselves. Thus, you cannot label people Nazi. That is unacceptable and equal to "Jew" ("Wer Jude ist bestimme ich") back then or, brand new, "unvaccinated".

If you think so, Nazi.
You got it. Laws are by the way also sometimes nothing else than crimes.

And "legitimate" is what exactly in this context? Your opinion?
You got it. Laws are by the way also sometimes nothing else than crimes.

And "legitimate" is what exactly in this context? Your opinion?
9/11 was an attack on this nation as was Pearl Harbor. We were well within our right to defend our nation from further attacks by employing military force.
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9/11 was an attack on this nation as was Pearl Harbor.

Hawaii was not territory of the USA. And the WTC had not been bombed down from a nation but from extremists.

We were well within our right to defend our nation from further attacks by employing military force.

To be a soldier or to be a policeman is not the same. But what exactly do you like to say with this sentence? You had not any right to attack the Iraq - nor had the Iraq or Sadam Husein something to do with 9/11 - and you also did not find any weapons of mass dissapearence there.
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Yes. Thank you. I knew.

I was trying to get the idiot I asked to realise how stupid his assertion was. Too subtle, no doubt.
Actually, that wasn't quite true. Over the years, Germany has under-financed its military. Some time ago, I came across some report saying that a significant part of their military hardware wasn't in proper condition due to the lack of maintenance procedures.
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Actually, that wasn't quite true. Over the years, Germany has under-financed its military. Some time ago, I came across some report saying that a significant part of their military hardware wasn't in proper condition due to the lack of maintenance procedures.

Doesn't make any matter. If someone will attack us then we will call the fire departement from Kleinsbieselbröselwalde for help.
The secret part of the Molotow-Ribbentrop pact started word war 2 with the decision to eliminate Poland again

Hitler and his ally, Stalin, decided to take apart Poland.

Stalin was by the way indeed very surprised when Hitler attacked Russia.

Yeah, he wasn't very bright.
First: Your idea had been to eliminate Germany (and also Austria-Hungaria) complete and to wipe out all Germans as you had done before with the Red Indians in Northamerica. You doubled your economy with world war 1. Today a German of the year 1913 has only 1/2 descendent - you have 3 descendants. And after world war 2 when you found out in Korea what you had done you knew when Germany will totally fall then the whole western world will fall. France, GB, Spain, Italy and so on - and in the end also the USA will be only a myth any longer. So you made out of Germany a buffer. If the Soviets had overtaken the unimportant rest of Germany then you had made out of Germany a nuclear hell and had called this "bad luck" or "price for freedom".

First: Your idea had been to eliminate Germany (and also Austria-Hungaria) complete

I hadn't been born yet when Austria-Hungary still existed.

and to wipe out all Germans

Dude! Don't smoke so much weed, it's making you paranoid.
You had a fig leaf at the most.
Are you insinuating an attack that kills thousand of Americans on American soil is hardly an excuse to retaliate against the attackers?

If so next you will tell me that if someone breaks into my home and kills my family I should thank him.
Hitler and his ally, Stalin,

Hitler and his enemy Stalin decided to seperate Poland again and to overtake the Polish territory and this step made Russia and Germany to neighbors with a common border. This made it for Hitler more easy to attack Russia. ... What was by the way the situation the Brits continously tried to provoke in the background of their so called "appeasement" politics. But when it came to this situaion they did not see what really had happened and that "to wait" (and perhaps to attack the winner afterwards if necessary to do so) had been the very best strategy for them. But they preferred to lose the rest of their empire. Perhaps also not a bad decision.

decided to take apart Poland.

Stalin was by the way indeed very surprised when Hitler attacked Russia.

Yeah, he wasn't very bright.

Perhaps Stalin thought Hitler was a tyrant like him with the same paranoia who murdered millions in the background because of the own wrongness and fear - but Hitler had been a narcissist. I guess Hitler liked only to be the greatest German of all history.
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I thought I am unable to think?

Yes. You see your point and whatever you say to reach this point has nothing to do with anything else than to reach this point. Short: You don't believe in truth - you believe in strength. That's what you directly and indirectly learned from your Nazi-grandfather and your Nazi-father who sold their souls to a murderous ideology. You never learned to break their chains and to see that blood is not thicker than water.

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