"Let freedom Read!" Banned Books Week (October 1st - 7th, 2023) Almost Over

Saying that some books are not appropriate for kids of certain age is not banning books. Saying that this is the same as saying not letting elementary school kids see rated R movies with graphic sex and violence in them is banning the movies.
I can't comment on imaginary books, as discussed.
I've proven my point. You don't like the Bible talking about war and the things done in war and punishing evil yet approve of history books doing the same thing. Your Bibliophobia causes your cognitive dissonance.
And still discussing. You can't prove your point without resorting to ignoring context. You do like to hide behind that, don't you?

I've proven my point. You don't like the Bible talking about war and the things done in war and punishing evil yet approve of history books doing the same thing. Your Bibliophobia causes your cognitive dissonance.

And still discussing. You can't prove your point without resorting to ignoring context. You do like to hide behind that, don't you?
All discussed.
All discussed.
Irrelevant. I've discussed plenty of things in the past with plenty of other people. I don't hide behind, "Somebody else said something at some other time, go lookup what they said". You do, and you're reduced to nothing more substantial than, "Nuh-uh!". You're simply wrong, and I've shown you where and how.
No, we’re shutting down pro-tranny, pro-porn in schools shitstains like you. Read that shit you support out loud at a kids playground. Then we can laugh as you get beaten as a public example to keep your shit away from kids.
Well, that's the point of course.

Antisemitic MAGA insurrectionists don't want people who are smarter and more empathetic.

They want people who are angry triggered failures.

AMIs want to condemn, imprison, murder.

They call themselves Christians.

Jesus weeps.

Are you really this fucking stupid...? No, you are just evil.

The anti-semites in our country are the democrats and the new leadership, AOC, Tlaib, ilhan ohmar, barak obama and on and on........

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