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Let Iran Get Nukes ?


Don lit a fire, threw gasoline on it, and now would like some credit for not burning down the whole neighborhood. He pulled the US out of the JCPOA agreed to by Iran, China, Russia, Great Britain, France, and the US. An agreement that, while in effect, did not lead to rocket attacks on US personnel, did not lead to Iran disrupting shipping in the Straight of Hormuz, did not lead to Shia militias (Iran's proxies) attacking us in Iraq, and did not lead to protests outside our Iraqi embassy. An agreement that was working to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and was designed to keep working for a very long time.
"According to the comprehensive agreement, for at least 15 years, Iran will only enrich uranium up to 3.67 percent (uranium enriched at 20% or lower is considered low enriched uranium (LEU); uranium enriched above 90% is weapons grade.)

This does not, however, mean that on day one of year 16, Iran will have enough weapons-grade uranium to build a bomb. Yes, after 15 years Iran could begin enriching uranium beyond 3.67 percent. But without this deal, Iran could head for a bomb tomorrow.

Some aspects of the agreement will last 25 years, including the monitoring of Iran’s uranium mines and supply chain. Other aspects, such as the implementation of robust IAEA safeguards and access to investigate suspicious sites for illicit nuclear activity, are permanent. Regardless of what specific restrictions are lifted, Iran is still prohibited from pursuing nuclear weapons. Any activity that is clearly not intended for “peaceful use” (i.e. highly enriching uranium) will raise red flags and trigger a response from the international community."
Iran Nuclear Deal: Debunking the Myths - Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation

The Idiot-in-Chief began yesterday's speech by reiterating the same policy every prez before him has adhered to, that Iran would be prevented from getting a nuclear weapon. He went on to call on the JCPOA's signatories to agree to a new JCPOA, which wouldn't be necessary if he hadn't withdrawn from the first one.

IAEA Report Says Iran Continues To Comply With Nuclear Deal
IAEA Report Says Iran Continues To Comply With Nuclear Deal
Then, AS HE ALWAYS DOES, he told a bunch of lies.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump minimizes IS risk, distorts Iran payout
"This process, as you might guess, was very, very slow. By the time Obama’s second term in office began, the tribunal still had not come to a ruling on the issue of the $400 million. Sometime afterward, the Associated Press’s Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper report, the US government apparently concluded that it was going to lose the case — and lose big: Iran was seeking $10 billion in today’s dollars.

"US officials had expected a ruling on the Iranian claim from the tribunal any time, and feared a ruling that would have made the interest payments much higher," Lee and Klapper write.

So the Obama administration decided to settle out of court, opening up negotiations with Iran on the terms of the settlement. It did this at the same time it was negotiating the nuclear deal and the return of four US citizens who had been detained by Iran more recently."
The US paid Iran $1.3 billion in secret. It’s not a scandal.

So......Don has unified Iran against us when there were massive protests against the Iranian regime prior to Soleimani's assassination. He has unified the Shia militia against us in Iraq. He has greatly aided Iran's efforts to diminish our influence in Iraq and the ME generally. He has caused renewed calls for our troops to be expelled from Iraq, one of Iran's primary goals. He has strengthened ISIS by causing a suspension of coalition efforts to fight it. He has once again isolated the US by withdrawing from the JCPOA. He has put the lives of US citizens and military personnel in the ME at greater risk.

For icing on the cake, the pathetic briefing given to Congress failed to make a convincing case there really was an "imminent threat" allowing President Bonespurs to authorize Soleimani's killing without notifying Congress. Repub senator Mike Lee found the briefing so inept and so condescending (Congress was told not to debate the matter of limiting Don's power to decide how to act towards Iran effectively trying to stifle any dissent) he is going to support putting restrictions on Generalissimo Trump.

Rand Paul, Mike Lee rip administration over 'insulting and demeaning' Iran briefing
This latest display of incompetence, failure, dishonesty, unpreparedness, ignorance, arrogance........................in reality........................really isn't much different from everything else this bunch of clowns does.
Yes or no ? If your answer is no, what course of action do you see as feasible to stop them ?

If your answer is yes, what ramifications do you see ?
If Iran does develop a nuclear capability, it will be the fault of the idiot Trump, who recklessly and needlessly withdrew from the Iran nuclear accords.

Trump ‘justified’ reneging on the agreement as a way to force Iran back to the negotiating table to strike a ‘better deal’ – that hasn’t happened; reneging on the agreement was just another Trump foreign policy failure.

And now that Trump as started an unnecessary, illegal war with Iran, Trump has provided Iran the justification to develop a nuclear capability.
Iran never had any intention of permanently refraining from developing nuclear weapons.

It is naive in the extreme to genuinely believe otherwise.

All they did was to take their program underground - both literally and figuratively.

Now the program will be out in-the-open again, that's all.

At this juncture, all we need is leadership with the balls to follow-through on the Iranian Challenge.

Leadership which does not presently exist in positions of power within this country.

The current crop of Democratic crap floating to the top isn't the answer.

Trouble is, the current crop of Republican crap already installed isn't the answer, either.
Iran never had any intention of permanently refraining from developing nuclear weapons.

Iran boarders Russia , so tell us again why they need develop anything that can easily be positioned in their neighbors backyard for them?

At this juncture, all we need is leadership with the balls to follow-through on the Iranian Challeng

Trumps 'leadership' our military's balls

But i digress

Trump's got no plan

Iran never had any intention of permanently refraining from developing nuclear weapons.

Iran boarders Russia , so tell us again why they need develop anything that can easily be positioned in their neighbors backyard for them?
Yep. Them too. Like I said, they never had any intention to permanently refrain from such development, anyway.

At this juncture, all we need is leadership with the balls to follow-through on the Iranian Challeng
Trumps 'leadership' our military's balls
In actuality, quite true, but I was referring to forceful, decisive, effective, strong leadership in that context.

...But i digress...

...Trump's got no plan...

Nothing that a rational, competent foreign policy -aware citizen would recognize, anyway.

Trouble is, that same void exists in the crop of Dems floating to the top in the run-up to the 2020 primaries.
Iran never had any intention of permanently refraining from developing nuclear weapons.

Iran boarders Russia , so tell us again why they need develop anything that can easily be positioned in their neighbors backyard for them?

At this juncture, all we need is leadership with the balls to follow-through on the Iranian Challeng

Trumps 'leadership' our military's balls

But i digress

Trump's got no plan


It's a good idea to rent nukes to neighbor countries, yeah! :)
Yes or no ? If your answer is no, what course of action do you see as feasible to stop them ?

If your answer is yes, what ramifications do you see ?
If Iran does develop a nuclear capability, it will be the fault of the idiot Trump, who recklessly and needlessly withdrew from the Iran nuclear accords.

Trump ‘justified’ reneging on the agreement as a way to force Iran back to the negotiating table to strike a ‘better deal’ – that hasn’t happened; reneging on the agreement was just another Trump foreign policy failure.

And now that Trump as started an unnecessary, illegal war with Iran, Trump has provided Iran the justification to develop a nuclear capability.

That's it, Clay, it's all that dumbfuck Trump's fault! You tell 'em! Obama had them all sewn up tight to never get the bomb with a treaty where we rewarded them 150 billion in a program where we couldn't even inspect their facilities and we were good to go, just let Iran to continue to blow holes in our ships, mine the Strait, seize our vessels, detain our crews, shoot down our drones, attack our sovereign embassies, attack our bases and kill our soldiers, all the while issuing death threats!

It's all our fault for being in the area to keep a handle on a mad terrorist regime who'd nuke our cities the minute he could develop the bomb and find a way a way to fly, float or carry them here!
Unhinged. Entire post is based on fallacies.

Whatever would some Americans do without a made up boogie man their need to fear?

It reminds me of George Orwell’s 1984. There HAS to be a perpetual, elusive boogeyman, to keep people emotional and supportive of the perpetual wars. In fact, I heard that he wrote that book to get the message out there about what this world will be like, under the guise of fiction.
Yes or no ? If your answer is no, what course of action do you see as feasible to stop them ?

If your answer is yes, what ramifications do you see ?
If Iran does develop a nuclear capability, it will be the fault of the idiot Trump, who recklessly and needlessly withdrew from the Iran nuclear accords.

Trump ‘justified’ reneging on the agreement as a way to force Iran back to the negotiating table to strike a ‘better deal’ – that hasn’t happened; reneging on the agreement was just another Trump foreign policy failure.

And now that Trump as started an unnecessary, illegal war with Iran, Trump has provided Iran the justification to develop a nuclear capability.

That's it, Clay, it's all that dumbfuck Trump's fault! You tell 'em! Obama had them all sewn up tight to never get the bomb with a treaty where we rewarded them 150 billion in a program where we couldn't even inspect their facilities and we were good to go, just let Iran to continue to blow holes in our ships, mine the Strait, seize our vessels, detain our crews, shoot down our drones, attack our sovereign embassies, attack our bases and kill our soldiers, all the while issuing death threats!

It's all our fault for being in the area to keep a handle on a mad terrorist regime who'd nuke our cities the minute he could develop the bomb and find a way a way to fly, float or carry them here!
Unhinged. Entire post is based on fallacies.

Whatever would some Americans do without a made up boogie man their need to fear?

It reminds me of George Orwell’s 1984. There HAS to be a perpetual, elusive boogeyman, to keep people emotional and supportive of the perpetual wars. In fact, I heard that he wrote that book to get the message out there about what this world will be like, under the guise of fiction.
If the Empire doesn’t have perpetual boogie men, how can they dupe some of the people into supporting continuous regime change wars, that enrich the 1% and limit rights at home. It’s a transparent plan that somehow many Americans can’t see.
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Yes or no ? If your answer is no, what course of action do you see as feasible to stop them ?

If your answer is yes, what ramifications do you see ?
If Iran does develop a nuclear capability, it will be the fault of the idiot Trump, who recklessly and needlessly withdrew from the Iran nuclear accords.

Trump ‘justified’ reneging on the agreement as a way to force Iran back to the negotiating table to strike a ‘better deal’ – that hasn’t happened; reneging on the agreement was just another Trump foreign policy failure.

And now that Trump as started an unnecessary, illegal war with Iran, Trump has provided Iran the justification to develop a nuclear capability.

That's it, Clay, it's all that dumbfuck Trump's fault! You tell 'em! Obama had them all sewn up tight to never get the bomb with a treaty where we rewarded them 150 billion in a program where we couldn't even inspect their facilities and we were good to go, just let Iran to continue to blow holes in our ships, mine the Strait, seize our vessels, detain our crews, shoot down our drones, attack our sovereign embassies, attack our bases and kill our soldiers, all the while issuing death threats!

It's all our fault for being in the area to keep a handle on a mad terrorist regime who'd nuke our cities the minute he could develop the bomb and find a way a way to fly, float or carry them here!
Unhinged. Entire post is based on fallacies.

Whatever would some Americans do without a made up boogie man their need to fear?

It reminds me of George Orwell’s 1984. There HAS to be a perpetual, elusive boogeyman, to keep people emotional and supportive of the perpetual wars. In fact, I heard that he wrote that book to get the message out there about what this world will be like, under the guise of fiction.
If the Empire doesn’t have perpetual boogie men, how can they dupe some of the people into continuous regime change wars, that enrich the 1% and limit rights at home. It’s a transparent plan that somehow many Americans can’t see.

GIP ----time for change--------why do you INCESSANTLY parrot the party-line?
Yes or no ? If your answer is no, what course of action do you see as feasible to stop them ?

If your answer is yes, what ramifications do you see ?
If Iran does develop a nuclear capability, it will be the fault of the idiot Trump, who recklessly and needlessly withdrew from the Iran nuclear accords.

Trump ‘justified’ reneging on the agreement as a way to force Iran back to the negotiating table to strike a ‘better deal’ – that hasn’t happened; reneging on the agreement was just another Trump foreign policy failure.

And now that Trump as started an unnecessary, illegal war with Iran, Trump has provided Iran the justification to develop a nuclear capability.

That's it, Clay, it's all that dumbfuck Trump's fault! You tell 'em! Obama had them all sewn up tight to never get the bomb with a treaty where we rewarded them 150 billion in a program where we couldn't even inspect their facilities and we were good to go, just let Iran to continue to blow holes in our ships, mine the Strait, seize our vessels, detain our crews, shoot down our drones, attack our sovereign embassies, attack our bases and kill our soldiers, all the while issuing death threats!

It's all our fault for being in the area to keep a handle on a mad terrorist regime who'd nuke our cities the minute he could develop the bomb and find a way a way to fly, float or carry them here!
Unhinged. Entire post is based on fallacies.

Whatever would some Americans do without a made up boogie man their need to fear?

It reminds me of George Orwell’s 1984. There HAS to be a perpetual, elusive boogeyman, to keep people emotional and supportive of the perpetual wars. In fact, I heard that he wrote that book to get the message out there about what this world will be like, under the guise of fiction.
If the Empire doesn’t have perpetual boogie men, how can they dupe some of the people into continuous regime change wars, that enrich the 1% and limit rights at home. It’s a transparent plan that somehow many Americans can’t see.

Hopefully that will change. I completely get why people don’t want to see it. It’s a very hard pill to swallow, that this is not the America we all knew and loved, but an empire whose allegiance is not to the constitution or the American people, but the NWO.
If the Empire doesn’t have perpetual boogie men, how can they dupe some of the people into supporting continuous regime change wars, that enrich the 1% and limit rights at home. It’s a transparent plan that somehow many Americans can’t see.
While sitting around babbling about the big, bad 1%, this fool has never heard of the word "JIHAD"

I suspect that if he lived in 1941, he'd be calling the Nazis and Japs "boogie men", and criticizing those who called for military build-up. That build-up didn't occur then, and the US got caught unprepared.

Consequently, thousands of US troops died needlessly because of it, as well as commercial tanker crews, sunk by German U-boats in the Atlantic.
While sitting around babbling about the big, bad 1%, this fool has never heard of the word "JIHAD"

I suspect that if he lived in 1941, he'd be calling the Nazis and Japs "boogie men", and criticizing those who called for military build-up. That build-up didn't occur then, and the US got caught unprepared.

Consequently, thousands of US troops died needlessly because of it, as well as commercial tanker crews, sunk by German U-boats in the Atlantic.
I wonder if buttercup could explain what he/she thinks is 'funny" about this post (which refers to the deaths of thousands of Americans)

Hopefully that will change. I completely get why people don’t want to see it. It’s a very hard pill to swallow, that this is not the America we all knew and loved, but an empire whose allegiance is not to the constitution or the American people, but the NWO.
NWO is an Obama/Hillary thing, of internationalism. The Trump philosophy is the opposite >> Nationalism.
While sitting around babbling about the big, bad 1%, this fool has never heard of the word "JIHAD"

I suspect that if he lived in 1941, he'd be calling the Nazis and Japs "boogie men", and criticizing those who called for military build-up. That build-up didn't occur then, and the US got caught unprepared.

Consequently, thousands of US troops died needlessly because of it, as well as commercial tanker crews, sunk by German U-boats in the Atlantic.
I wonder if buttercup could explain what he/she thinks is 'funny" about this post (which refers to the deaths of thousands of Americans)

What I thought was funny was how the posts you were replying to completely flew over your head. And your position in general on the M.E. You just parrot the same old pablum spoonfed to you by the idiot box.

Hopefully that will change. I completely get why people don’t want to see it. It’s a very hard pill to swallow, that this is not the America we all knew and loved, but an empire whose allegiance is not to the constitution or the American people, but the NWO.
NWO is an Obama/Hillary thing, of internationalism. The Trump philosophy is the opposite >> Nationalism.

That is the deception. The powers-that-be WANT everyone to believe that only the other side is evil, which keeps us all fighting each other back and forth, and continually voting AGAINST the other candidate every 4 years, while voting in the "lesser of two evils." In reality, both major parties are controlled by the same people. It's a sham. The sooner people realize that and stop participating in the sham, the better.
If Iran does develop a nuclear capability, it will be the fault of the idiot Trump, who recklessly and needlessly withdrew from the Iran nuclear accords.

Trump ‘justified’ reneging on the agreement as a way to force Iran back to the negotiating table to strike a ‘better deal’ – that hasn’t happened; reneging on the agreement was just another Trump foreign policy failure.

And now that Trump as started an unnecessary, illegal war with Iran, Trump has provided Iran the justification to develop a nuclear capability.

That's it, Clay, it's all that dumbfuck Trump's fault! You tell 'em! Obama had them all sewn up tight to never get the bomb with a treaty where we rewarded them 150 billion in a program where we couldn't even inspect their facilities and we were good to go, just let Iran to continue to blow holes in our ships, mine the Strait, seize our vessels, detain our crews, shoot down our drones, attack our sovereign embassies, attack our bases and kill our soldiers, all the while issuing death threats!

It's all our fault for being in the area to keep a handle on a mad terrorist regime who'd nuke our cities the minute he could develop the bomb and find a way a way to fly, float or carry them here!
Unhinged. Entire post is based on fallacies.

Whatever would some Americans do without a made up boogie man their need to fear?

It reminds me of George Orwell’s 1984. There HAS to be a perpetual, elusive boogeyman, to keep people emotional and supportive of the perpetual wars. In fact, I heard that he wrote that book to get the message out there about what this world will be like, under the guise of fiction.
If the Empire doesn’t have perpetual boogie men, how can they dupe some of the people into continuous regime change wars, that enrich the 1% and limit rights at home. It’s a transparent plan that somehow many Americans can’t see.

GIP ----time for change--------why do you INCESSANTLY parrot the party-line?
I parrot the party line? LOL. Look in the mirror sister.
If the Empire doesn’t have perpetual boogie men, how can they dupe some of the people into supporting continuous regime change wars, that enrich the 1% and limit rights at home. It’s a transparent plan that somehow many Americans can’t see.
While sitting around babbling about the big, bad 1%, this fool has never heard of the word "JIHAD"

I suspect that if he lived in 1941, he'd be calling the Nazis and Japs "boogie men", and criticizing those who called for military build-up. That build-up didn't occur then, and the US got caught unprepared.

Consequently, thousands of US troops died needlessly because of it, as well as commercial tanker crews, sunk by German U-boats in the Atlantic.
I rest my case. There is the dupe in black and white.

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