Let Iran Get Nukes ?

That's it, Clay, it's all that dumbfuck Trump's fault! You tell 'em! Obama had them all sewn up tight to never get the bomb with a treaty where we rewarded them 150 billion in a program where we couldn't even inspect their facilities and we were good to go, just let Iran to continue to blow holes in our ships, mine the Strait, seize our vessels, detain our crews, shoot down our drones, attack our sovereign embassies, attack our bases and kill our soldiers, all the while issuing death threats!

It's all our fault for being in the area to keep a handle on a mad terrorist regime who'd nuke our cities the minute he could develop the bomb and find a way a way to fly, float or carry them here!
Unhinged. Entire post is based on fallacies.

Whatever would some Americans do without a made up boogie man their need to fear?

It reminds me of George Orwell’s 1984. There HAS to be a perpetual, elusive boogeyman, to keep people emotional and supportive of the perpetual wars. In fact, I heard that he wrote that book to get the message out there about what this world will be like, under the guise of fiction.
If the Empire doesn’t have perpetual boogie men, how can they dupe some of the people into continuous regime change wars, that enrich the 1% and limit rights at home. It’s a transparent plan that somehow many Americans can’t see.

GIP ----time for change--------why do you INCESSANTLY parrot the party-line?
I parrot the party line? LOL. Look in the mirror sister.

I looked------no gip parrot there
If Iran does develop a nuclear capability, it will be the fault of the idiot Trump, who recklessly and needlessly withdrew from the Iran nuclear accords.

Trump ‘justified’ reneging on the agreement as a way to force Iran back to the negotiating table to strike a ‘better deal’ – that hasn’t happened; reneging on the agreement was just another Trump foreign policy failure.

And now that Trump as started an unnecessary, illegal war with Iran, Trump has provided Iran the justification to develop a nuclear capability.

That's it, Clay, it's all that dumbfuck Trump's fault! You tell 'em! Obama had them all sewn up tight to never get the bomb with a treaty where we rewarded them 150 billion in a program where we couldn't even inspect their facilities and we were good to go, just let Iran to continue to blow holes in our ships, mine the Strait, seize our vessels, detain our crews, shoot down our drones, attack our sovereign embassies, attack our bases and kill our soldiers, all the while issuing death threats!

It's all our fault for being in the area to keep a handle on a mad terrorist regime who'd nuke our cities the minute he could develop the bomb and find a way a way to fly, float or carry them here!
Unhinged. Entire post is based on fallacies.

Whatever would some Americans do without a made up boogie man their need to fear?

It reminds me of George Orwell’s 1984. There HAS to be a perpetual, elusive boogeyman, to keep people emotional and supportive of the perpetual wars. In fact, I heard that he wrote that book to get the message out there about what this world will be like, under the guise of fiction.
If the Empire doesn’t have perpetual boogie men, how can they dupe some of the people into continuous regime change wars, that enrich the 1% and limit rights at home. It’s a transparent plan that somehow many Americans can’t see.

Hopefully that will change. I completely get why people don’t want to see it. It’s a very hard pill to swallow, that this is not the America we all knew and loved, but an empire whose allegiance is not to the constitution or the American people, but the NWO.
I am more skeptical. After decades of failed wars, that have limited rights at home and further enriched the bankers, war profiteers, and other criminals, causing nothing but death, destruction, and suffering, one would think ALL Americans would get it.

I think Dishonest Abe got it right.
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That is the deception. The powers-that-be WANT everyone to believe that only the other side is evil, which keeps us all fighting each other back and forth, and continually voting AGAINST the other candidate every 4 years, while voting in the "lesser of two evils." In reality, both major parties are controlled by the same people. It's a sham. The sooner people realize that and stop participating in the sham, the better.
Oh yeah ? And who exactly are these "same people", professor ?
What I thought was funny was how the posts you were replying to completely flew over your head. And your position in general on the M.E. You just parrot the same old pablum spoonfed to you by the idiot box.
Nothing flew over my head.
I’m a deep thinker. You aren’t. It’s impossible for us to communicate.
Ha ha. Oh, well give me an example of this "deep thinking" of yours. So far, in this thread I've seen nothing but shallow thinking from you, if it could even be called "thinking" at all.
Yes or no ? If your answer is no, what course of action do you see as feasible to stop them ?

If your answer is yes, what ramifications do you see ?
If Iran does develop a nuclear capability, it will be the fault of the idiot Trump, who recklessly and needlessly withdrew from the Iran nuclear accords.

Trump ‘justified’ reneging on the agreement as a way to force Iran back to the negotiating table to strike a ‘better deal’ – that hasn’t happened; reneging on the agreement was just another Trump foreign policy failure.

And now that Trump as started an unnecessary, illegal war with Iran, Trump has provided Iran the justification to develop a nuclear capability.

That's it, Clay, it's all that dumbfuck Trump's fault! You tell 'em! Obama had them all sewn up tight to never get the bomb with a treaty where we rewarded them 150 billion in a program where we couldn't even inspect their facilities and we were good to go, just let Iran to continue to blow holes in our ships, mine the Strait, seize our vessels, detain our crews, shoot down our drones, attack our sovereign embassies, attack our bases and kill our soldiers, all the while issuing death threats!

It's all our fault for being in the area to keep a handle on a mad terrorist regime who'd nuke our cities the minute he could develop the bomb and find a way a way to fly, float or carry them here!
Unhinged. Entire post is based on fallacies.

Whatever would some Americans do without a made up boogie man their need to fear?

they fall for it over and over and over again,again,and again, the brainwashed sheep,first lee harvey oswald,the bin laden " BOTH who said they did NOT do it, yet the media ignores that fact and deems them guilty? then gaddi and now believe this latest boogeyman invented by our corporate controlled media. jesus christ.
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That's it, Clay, it's all that dumbfuck Trump's fault! You tell 'em! Obama had them all sewn up tight to never get the bomb with a treaty where we rewarded them 150 billion in a program where we couldn't even inspect their facilities and we were good to go, just let Iran to continue to blow holes in our ships, mine the Strait, seize our vessels, detain our crews, shoot down our drones, attack our sovereign embassies, attack our bases and kill our soldiers, all the while issuing death threats!

It's all our fault for being in the area to keep a handle on a mad terrorist regime who'd nuke our cities the minute he could develop the bomb and find a way a way to fly, float or carry them here!
Unhinged. Entire post is based on fallacies.

Whatever would some Americans do without a made up boogie man their need to fear?

It reminds me of George Orwell’s 1984. There HAS to be a perpetual, elusive boogeyman, to keep people emotional and supportive of the perpetual wars. In fact, I heard that he wrote that book to get the message out there about what this world will be like, under the guise of fiction.
If the Empire doesn’t have perpetual boogie men, how can they dupe some of the people into continuous regime change wars, that enrich the 1% and limit rights at home. It’s a transparent plan that somehow many Americans can’t see.

Hopefully that will change. I completely get why people don’t want to see it. It’s a very hard pill to swallow, that this is not the America we all knew and loved, but an empire whose allegiance is not to the constitution or the American people, but the NWO.
I am more skeptical. After decades of failed wars, that have limited rights at home and further enriched the bankers, war profiteers, and other criminals, causing nothing but death, destruction, and suffering, one would think ALL Americans would get it.

I think Dishonest Abe got it right.

Yes or no ? If your answer is no, what course of action do you see as feasible to stop them ?

If your answer is yes, what ramifications do you see ?
If Iran does develop a nuclear capability, it will be the fault of the idiot Trump, who recklessly and needlessly withdrew from the Iran nuclear accords.

Trump ‘justified’ reneging on the agreement as a way to force Iran back to the negotiating table to strike a ‘better deal’ – that hasn’t happened; reneging on the agreement was just another Trump foreign policy failure.

And now that Trump as started an unnecessary, illegal war with Iran, Trump has provided Iran the justification to develop a nuclear capability.

That's it, Clay, it's all that dumbfuck Trump's fault! You tell 'em! Obama had them all sewn up tight to never get the bomb with a treaty where we rewarded them 150 billion in a program where we couldn't even inspect their facilities and we were good to go, just let Iran to continue to blow holes in our ships, mine the Strait, seize our vessels, detain our crews, shoot down our drones, attack our sovereign embassies, attack our bases and kill our soldiers, all the while issuing death threats!

It's all our fault for being in the area to keep a handle on a mad terrorist regime who'd nuke our cities the minute he could develop the bomb and find a way a way to fly, float or carry them here!
Unhinged. Entire post is based on fallacies.

Whatever would some Americans do without a made up boogie man their need to fear?
DODGE ! What YOU seem to "fear" is the question of this thread. Other posters have answered it . You haven't.
Dodge? WTF?

I don’t care if they have nukes. They obviously are more sane then the leader of the free world...LMFAO. Yet Americans are told the ayatollahs are FUCKING SUICIDAL MADMEN. We all need to thank them for showing restraint.

It’s pretty clear that Iran WILL develop nuclear weapons, thanks to Dumb Don’s attacks on them.

Taking out the general was the dumbest thing we could do. He was trying to negotiate peace terms, when your beloved Don killed him in cold blooded.

The world knows the US government can never be trusted.
taking them to school as always.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
brothers and sisters: the total cost of life in America’s post-9/11 war zones is pushing one million. War with Iran will carry it over the finish line. We have a responsibility to unequivocally say no. These grueling, meaningless, brutal wars must end.

Any Democrat who claims to oppose 'forever wars' needs to prove it right now. The Democratic Party presidential candidates need to bring to the situation a clarity that none of them — save Bernie Sanders — has shown in the past few days.

Any Democratic politician or pundit tonight, tomorrow, or the next day who says we have to respond to Iran’s attack with military force will be rationalizing war, capitulating to Trump’s attempt to drag us into yet another bloody imperialist quagmire. And they will have blood on their hands.
The path to peace is not war. The American people don’t want another unnecessary war of choice in the Middle East
Unhinged. Entire post is based on fallacies.

Whatever would some Americans do without a made up boogie man their need to fear?

It reminds me of George Orwell’s 1984. There HAS to be a perpetual, elusive boogeyman, to keep people emotional and supportive of the perpetual wars. In fact, I heard that he wrote that book to get the message out there about what this world will be like, under the guise of fiction.
If the Empire doesn’t have perpetual boogie men, how can they dupe some of the people into continuous regime change wars, that enrich the 1% and limit rights at home. It’s a transparent plan that somehow many Americans can’t see.

Hopefully that will change. I completely get why people don’t want to see it. It’s a very hard pill to swallow, that this is not the America we all knew and loved, but an empire whose allegiance is not to the constitution or the American people, but the NWO.
I am more skeptical. After decades of failed wars, that have limited rights at home and further enriched the bankers, war profiteers, and other criminals, causing nothing but death, destruction, and suffering, one would think ALL Americans would get it.

I think Dishonest Abe got it right.

If only.

If only we had John Lennon...
Obama stoped their nuclear program

Trump forced them to start again
Ears is a warmongering corporatist jackass, but he’s not as crazy as Dumb Don.

yeah he was a mass murderer same as his pal and lover Bush which is WHY he made HITLERY secretary of state since clinton is Bushs lover and a mass murderer as well but corrupt and as evil as big ears was,he indeed wasnt as crazy as donnie,he at least refrained from trying to start wwIIIas donnie is trying to do. I give big ears THAT much.
No. Iran should absolutely not be allowed to ever have nukes. Use of force is justified to prevent this from happening.

do you believe OUR government,the most corrupt government in the world,SHOULD be able to have them?

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