If it already wasn't, The Supreme Court Is Now On The Ballot.

Of course they could. But going on vacation with a friend isn't a bribe....it's just going on vacation.

I don't live in the worlds of could haves, we live in a world of reality.,

Thus far, to my knowledge only one current justice set on a case involving a company that paid her millions....Justice Sotomayor....https://nypost.com/2023/05/04/supreme-court-justice-sonia-sotomayor-didnt-recuse-herself-from-cases-involving-book-publisher-that-paid-her-3m-report/

Justice Sonia Sotomayor didn’t recuse herself from cases involving publisher that paid her $3M: report​

It gives the appearance that you are beholden to someone

Most judges know better than to jeopardize their impartiality
So what? The issue is he wasn’t a party to be case.

I mean if a judge has to recuse themselves from any case that might have an impact on their friends or family they couldn’t sit for anything

Every time a court rules on a tax issue it impacts everyone finincally

You are just desperate and grasping…it’s telling though when one of Obama’s justice actually heard a case involving a company that paid her three million you said nothing
Ignorant and hatefilled. What a horrible way to go through life.
Hmmmmmmmmm. Seems like you purposely took an example with no context to the discussion. That being a wealthy businessman with a direct financial interest in a SC case giving lavish gifts and vacations to a justice who did not recuse himself. You aren't just disingenuous, you're dishonest.
Thomas claims they are just gifts from “Friends”
But Thomas-is a millionaire who can’t show where he ever provided any lavish gifts to his friends in return
Thomas claims they are just gifts from “Friends”
But Thomas-is a millionaire who can’t show where he ever provided any lavish gifts to his friends in return
Clarence has made no secret of his dissatisfaction with the compensation he gets as a SC justice. Folks like Crow made sure his compensation was "enhanced" so he wouldn't resign.
Thomas claims they are just gifts from “Friends”
But Thomas-is a millionaire who can’t show where he ever provided any lavish gifts to his friends in return
A much more important SCOTUS question is simple.
John Roberts went to Harvard.Not far before Obama
attended.Roberts was supposed to be a Conservative.
He swore Obama in on January 20,2009.But there was
a muddling of a few key words and a Re-swearing for
Obama was done the following day { Jan.21} at the White House.
Roberts was raised Catholic and educated at Parochial
schools.Therefore he knows how Catholics are taught about the
evils of Abortion.
Plus Roberts went to both Harvard University { graduated
in 3 years } then onto Harvard Law School.Roberts was also
an editor of the Harvard Law Review.
Obama being The First Black Editor of that Harvard Law
How many times has Roberts took his time as Chief Justice
to Vote on Key Issues that coicidentally favored Obama BIG TIME.
To this day Roberts votes against conservatives and either
for Democrats or refuses to hear cases or vote.Like in October
of 2020 When Sam Alito was begging him to take the Pennsylvania
Election laws { changed by the Majority Pennsylvania State Supreme
Court } a Democrat majority after the proper authority rests in
a States Legislature { a Republican majority in Pennsylvania at that time{.
Pennsylvania was the Key State in 2020 for determining that general
election.Florida,Ohio and Texas called their races early on the night
of November 3 rd.
Biden gave an address later that night after most polls
closed cautioning the populace to give the vote counting
time.It may take time to get all the votes counted.
How in the hell did Pops Biden know that.Plus it took till
that friday mid-evening for Pennsylvania to call their race.
I say keep a watchful eye on Roberts.He is not who he appears.
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So what? The issue is he wasn’t a party to be case.

I mean if a judge has to recuse themselves from any case that might have an impact on their friends or family they couldn’t sit for anything

Every time a court rules on a tax issue it impacts everyone finincally

You are just desperate and grasping…it’s telling though when one of Obama’s justice actually heard a case involving a company that paid her three million you said nothing
Does it get heavy moving those goal posts constantly?
Does it get heavy moving those goal posts constantly?
What goal post did I move? He’s allowed to have friends, they are allowed to buy each other gifts, and be friendly

Had he had a case before the judge that could be a issue to recuse

That didn’t happen
OK USMB conservatives

Do you support term limits for judges and ethical standards?
What goal post did I move? He’s allowed to have friends, they are allowed to buy each other gifts, and be friendly

Had he had a case before the judge that could be a issue to recuse

That didn’t happen
A judge on a lower court would be required to turn down those gifts and report them

Why isn’t Thomas?
A judge on a lower court would be required to turn down those gifts and report them

Why isn’t Thomas?
cite to where a judge on a lower court can't go on vacation or have dinner with their friends.

with that said, the SCOTUS, is the Judicial branch, they make the rules for themselves and the Courts.
cite to where a judge on a lower court can't go on vacation or have dinner with their friends.

with that said, the SCOTUS, is the Judicial branch, they make the rules for themselves and the Courts.
If someone else is footing the bill, they have to report the gift

Yes SCOTUS makes the rules but doesn’t apply them to themselves

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