Let Me Get This Straight About Impeachment Over Trump's Ukraine Phone Call

So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

Democrats believe being corrupt is a right. Trump is violating their right.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

Democrats believe being corrupt is a right. Trump is violating their right.

This from a Trump worshiper!

So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

Democrats believe being corrupt is a right. Trump is violating their right.

This from a Trump worshiper!


Trump is one of the least corrupt politicians in American history. He has billions of dollars and a beautiful wife. He does not need the leftist sex orgies, and corrupt deals.

You should fix your irony meter from detonating from outliers.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

It is clear that there is no corruption. Getting a $50,000 a month retainer to sit on the board of directors is not illegal. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden committed any crimes. Hunter Biden is not related to Barack Obama. Biden represented the views of Obama, many in the federal government, the world community and Ukrainian reformers. The prosecutor was corrupt and it was the right thing to do.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

She is a Ukrainian who has fought corruption in Ukraine longer than Trump has been President.

Trump cut military aide to Ukraine which was totally unexpected and before he spoke to Zelensky. Then he says we give you a lot of money and we would like you to investigate the Bidens. That clearly is a quid pro quo. Since the prosecutor in question was not investigating Burisma, Biden had no vested interest in kicking Shokin out.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

It is clear that there is no corruption. Getting a $50,000 a month retainer to sit on the board of directors is not illegal. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden committed any crimes. Hunter Biden is not related to Barack Obama. Biden represented the views of Obama, many in the federal government, the world community and Ukrainian reformers. The prosecutor was corrupt and it was the right thing to do.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

She is a Ukrainian who has fought corruption in Ukraine longer than Trump has been President.

Trump cut military aide to Ukraine which was totally unexpected and before he spoke to Zelensky. Then he says we give you a lot of money and we would like you to investigate the Bidens. That clearly is a quid pro quo. Since the prosecutor in question was not investigating Burisma, Biden had no vested interest in kicking Shokin out.

The corruption is out the charts and should be investigated immediately to uncover the evidence of all the crimes Biden has committed.

Trump should be honored for bringing it up for the American people.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

It is clear that there is no corruption. Getting a $50,000 a month retainer to sit on the board of directors is not illegal. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden committed any crimes. Hunter Biden is not related to Barack Obama. Biden represented the views of Obama, many in the federal government, the world community and Ukrainian reformers. The prosecutor was corrupt and it was the right thing to do.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

She is a Ukrainian who has fought corruption in Ukraine longer than Trump has been President.

Trump cut military aide to Ukraine which was totally unexpected and before he spoke to Zelensky. Then he says we give you a lot of money and we would like you to investigate the Bidens. That clearly is a quid pro quo. Since the prosecutor in question was not investigating Burisma, Biden had no vested interest in kicking Shokin out.

no one said he committed a crime,,, it about joe Bidens ethics and pay to play,,,

and trump didnt withhold money for them to investigate,,,
its time to get your facts straight or shut up...
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.

Uh, no he did not. He asked Ukraine to investigate the case that involved Biden's son. Go read the transcript.

Biden, on the other hand, extorted Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating the company that was paying his loser son $50K per month. But you just don't care, do you? You don't care about corruption if it's done by Democrats.

Biden did not extort anyone. There was no investigation into Biden's son or Burisma. You are the corrupt one. You want to conspire with foreign nations to go after your political opponents. Take your trashy ass out and put it n the dump where it belongs. You are a filthy liar.
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.

Uh, no he did not. He asked Ukraine to investigate the case that involved Biden's son. Go read the transcript.

Biden, on the other hand, extorted Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating the company that was paying his loser son $50K per month. But you just don't care, do you? You don't care about corruption if it's done by Democrats.

Biden did not extort anyone. There was no investigation into Biden's son or Burisma. You are the corrupt one. You want to conspire with foreign nations to go after your political opponents. Take your trashy ass out and put it n the dump where it belongs. You are a filthy liar.
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.

Uh, no he did not. He asked Ukraine to investigate the case that involved Biden's son. Go read the transcript.

Biden, on the other hand, extorted Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating the company that was paying his loser son $50K per month. But you just don't care, do you? You don't care about corruption if it's done by Democrats.

Biden did not extort anyone. There was no investigation into Biden's son or Burisma. You are the corrupt one. You want to conspire with foreign nations to go after your political opponents. Take your trashy ass out and put it n the dump where it belongs. You are a filthy liar.

Going after democrat corruption is a crime. That is what all Democraps believe isn't it?

If you don't want to be caught from being corrupt here is a hint, do not be corrupt.
There is so much corruption in the Imperial Capital, impeaching just Donny is akin to a drop in the bucket.

It’s all rather laughable, but apparently duping Americans is just too easy.

Corrupt as it is, the government functions..

Trump is another story. But if "They're all Crooks" gets you to bed at night while you are hiding from the Black UN Helicopters, have at it.
Yes you make the perfect dupe.

Could you please explain how you can hold these two beliefs in your head? Trump is the fucking worst EVER. Obama is fucking GREAT.
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.

to bad those arent the facts,,,
Facts???? Republicans wouldn't know a fact if it hit them in the head If the misfit in our WH repeats some bullshit often enough trumpettes believe it's fact Wait till all the whistle blowers get through with the trump garbage
Democrats don’t either, so what’s your point?
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Naval-Academy-expelled, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here..

The prosecutor was not at the time investigating the Ukrainian company.

Hunter Biden did not ever go to the Naval Academy, thus he could not have been expelled from it.

Hope that helps your confusion.

The OP never said he went to the Naval Academy. You made that up. He said he was discharged from the Navy for being a coke head. Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy Reserves one month after being commissioned for testing positive for cocaine. Them the facts Jack!
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Naval-Academy-expelled, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here..

The prosecutor was not at the time investigating the Ukrainian company.

Hunter Biden did not ever go to the Naval Academy, thus he could not have been expelled from it.

Hope that helps your confusion.

The OP never said he went to the Naval Academy. You made that up. He said he was discharged from the Navy for being a coke head. Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy Reserves one month after being commissioned for testing positive for cocaine. Them the facts Jack!

are you this fucking stupid or is this just an act?

So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

Good recitation of Right wing talking points/lies to spin away from how President Trump abused his office.

I could point out all of the lies- but you know have heard the facts enough times- you clearly don't care about the facts.

The impeachment investigation is about Presidential abuse of power.
a) Asking a foreign government to investigate his political rival
b) Withholding military aid- threatening the security of Ukraine- to pressure the Ukraine to publicly announce it was starting an investigation of his rival
c) Attempting to conceal evidence the above two actions
d) Obstruction of justice by threatening the whistleblower.

And now asking the Chinese commies to dig up dirt on his political rival.

And the Trumpkins applaud it all.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

Good recitation of Right wing talking points/lies to spin away from how President Trump abused his office.

I could point out all of the lies- but you know have heard the facts enough times- you clearly don't care about the facts.

The impeachment investigation is about Presidential abuse of power.
a) Asking a foreign government to investigate his political rival
b) Withholding military aid- threatening the security of Ukraine- to pressure the Ukraine to publicly announce it was starting an investigation of his rival
c) Attempting to conceal evidence the above two actions
d) Obstruction of justice by threatening the whistleblower.

And now asking the Chinese commies to dig up dirt on his political rival.

And the Trumpkins applaud it all.
One of the asses even said Trump was just joking ,,,Har Har
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

It is clear that there is no corruption. Getting a $50,000 a month retainer to sit on the board of directors is not illegal. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden committed any crimes. Hunter Biden is not related to Barack Obama. Biden represented the views of Obama, many in the federal government, the world community and Ukrainian reformers. The prosecutor was corrupt and it was the right thing to do.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

She is a Ukrainian who has fought corruption in Ukraine longer than Trump has been President.

Trump cut military aide to Ukraine which was totally unexpected and before he spoke to Zelensky. Then he says we give you a lot of money and we would like you to investigate the Bidens. That clearly is a quid pro quo. Since the prosecutor in question was not investigating Burisma, Biden had no vested interest in kicking Shokin out.

no one said he committed a crime,,, it about joe Bidens ethics and pay to play,,,

and trump didnt withhold money for them to investigate,,,
its time to get your facts straight or shut up...

Trump is claiming he committed a crime.
And we don't know yet that Trump didn't withhold money to pressure Ukraine to investigate.
Certainly at least one U.S. diplomat sure thought that was what was happening
“I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign,” Taylor said in another text.
U.S. diplomat thought it was 'crazy' to withhold Ukraine aid: texts

I find it amusing that any Trumpkin suggests anyone get their facts straight- wait- maybe you are referring to Trump 'alternative facts' aka lies?
Biden, on the other hand, extorted Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating the company that was paying his loser son $50K per month.

Read this slowly troll...


Understand now?

Stop lying
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Naval-Academy-expelled, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here..

The prosecutor was not at the time investigating the Ukrainian company.

Hunter Biden did not ever go to the Naval Academy, thus he could not have been expelled from it.

Hope that helps your confusion.

The OP never said he went to the Naval Academy. You made that up. He said he was discharged from the Navy for being a coke head. Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy Reserves one month after being commissioned for testing positive for cocaine. Them the facts Jack!

are you this fucking stupid or is this just an act?

View attachment 283148

Apparently you and I did not read the same OP, go figure.
Let Me Get This Straight About Impeachment Over Trump's Ukraine Phone Call
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

Good recitation of Right wing talking points/lies to spin away from how President Trump abused his office.

I could point out all of the lies- but you know have heard the facts enough times- you clearly don't care about the facts.

The impeachment investigation is about Presidential abuse of power.
a) Asking a foreign government to investigate his political rival
b) Withholding military aid- threatening the security of Ukraine- to pressure the Ukraine to publicly announce it was starting an investigation of his rival
c) Attempting to conceal evidence the above two actions
d) Obstruction of justice by threatening the whistleblower.

And now asking the Chinese commies to dig up dirt on his political rival.

And the Trumpkins applaud it all.
Who gives a shit about Hunter Biden’s past.

The claim is that he did something nefarious in Ukraine and That his father got a prosecutor fired because he was under investigation.

That claim is flat out bullshit.

There was no investigation and the prosecutor that got fired was corrupt.

I’m fact a bunch of Republican Senators supported getting rid of him as well as virtually the entire international community

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