Let The Ass Whooping Begin!!

Boy oh boy it must drive you crazy that pretty much half the country would vote for a socialist before considering a GOP candidate. I too like trump, but I don't think Bernie is a bad guy. But in the end I love it how some right wing kooks are incensed by Bernie and Hillary. Rather they just can't get over how people will vote for them. No matter who wins things don't change much. The corporations(slimy) run this nation .
Save the drama, queen, Bernie cannot be elected. It's Hillary, or whatever bozo the GOP runs.
Bozo is out rather soon, he got his two terms. Gawd PaintMyHouse Admitting anybody beats Bernie! You might want to practice putting your head up your ass. I figure you will be there 8 to 12 years.
I've watched decades of American politics. I know who can and can't be elected, little man. And I don't worry, either way.
Nice back pedal. Little shaking but its your first among many.
So can you juggle while you do it idiot?
Sanders, like Trump and Cruz, can't be elected. Start dealing with reality.
If Trump wins in New Hampshire the RNC will be lined up around the block to kiss his ass.
If Clinton loses in New Hampshire she will be returning back to Arky in the back of a poultry truck.

THAT'S reality.

Dark, I can't ever remember agreeing with Paint, but this time I have to admit he is correct. If Hillary loses NH, it doesn't mean a thing. She could only get 100 votes, means nothing.

You want to see a Hillary take down? Get a Bernie victory in South Carolina; in fact, you even have her win by any percentage less than 55% to 45%, and the Hillary watch would be on.

And honestly, as a GOP supporter, the last thing you should want is Hillary to lose! Why? Because the DNC is not going to allow Sanders to run unopposed, they will inject far better candidates than Hillary is, making it much harder to defeat them.

Be wise, be pragmatic, be savvy! The DNC wants an excuse to dump her because there is no excitement for a "Hillary Presidency." They are hoping the primary voters will make the decision more palatable for her to step away without a stink. The best thing for the GOP is------> all the votes for the Democratic primary are pretty close, and all the voting in the primary continues to stay way down from 08 and 12. This will cause her to have to fight hard for the nomination and keep moving left with wonderful sound bites for us, and as long as she gets more votes than loses, the DNC will be in a catch 22!

So why keep the Bern around besides that? Well, he is considered by many to be the most HONEST candidate when reporting what is actually going on.

And what does the Bern say? Ho-ho, he says stuff like this, which is EXACTLY why you need a bag of popcorn and an adult beverage, while pulling for the Bern to stay in the race, and make Hill's life miserable!


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