Let There Be Peace Already

Brainwashed Christian Zionist extremists support for Israel

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf5RSsvClQQ&feature=related]Brainwashed Christian Zionist extremists support for Israel - YouTube[/ame]

Israeli Children being brainwashed to become Intolerant zionists.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiRNaPN4OSg]Israeli Children being brainwashed to become Intolerant zionists. - YouTube[/ame]
Torah: Love thy neighbor. Love the stranger. Love the foreigner.

That's not what the Hebrew bible says- and the Talmud is even worse!

"First, go and kill all the strangers in Canaan and take their land."

"Next, if you know of any strangers who believe in other gods, STONE THEM TO DEATH!"

"But, if by some chance you still deal with strangers, you can charge them interest, feed them roadkill, and keep them as slaves FOREVER!"

And look at how Israel treats "strangers" today! They can't even live with their Israeli spouses in Israel.

Blows your mind, huh?
Torah: Love thy neighbor. Love the stranger. Love the foreigner.

That's not what the Hebrew bible says- and the Talmud is even worse!

"First, go and kill all the strangers in Canaan and take their land."

"Next, if you know of any strangers who believe in other gods, STONE THEM TO DEATH!"

"But, if by some chance you still deal with strangers, you can charge them interest, feed them roadkill, and keep them as slaves FOREVER!"

And look at how Israel treats "strangers" today! They can't even live with their Israeli spouses in Israel.

Blows your mind, huh?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91BGxd7ygac]Talmud Truth - Child Abuse & Incest - YouTube[/ame]
So are you all going to stop bringing up who was there 3000 years ago? Because I know that you know that that's irrelevant.

Why is it "irrelevent"? On what grounds do muslims have to claim the region since they are the latest group to come to it, immigrated in large numbers as the jews have for the past 100 years, and were only sovereign over the area due to military conquest?

The best solution was a negotiated split of the area - but the intolerant muslims won't accept the rights of anyone else, as the entirety of the mideast shows.
Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCKWDarNdGw]Jewish Man Exposes Israel's Lies - YouTube[/ame]
Well lets figure this out who is stealing who's land? Which came first, Solomon's Temple or the Al Asqa Mosque?

Muslims believe so, they call it dar-al Islam.

So are you all going to stop bringing up who was there 3000 years ago? Because I know that you know that that's irrelevant.

Foreigners from Europe went to Palestine and drove the people off their land at the point of a gun.

You need to read up on history.
HUH??? Are you saying Solomon's Temple predated the Al Asqa Mosque before the Muslim theft of Israel's land?

Well lets figure this out who is stealing who's land? Which came first, Solomon's Temple or the Al Asqa Mosque?

So are you all going to stop bringing up who was there 3000 years ago? Because I know that you know that that's irrelevant.

Foreigners from Europe went to Palestine and drove the people off their land at the point of a gun.

You need to read up on history.
So am I wrong in saying Solomon's Temple long predated the Al Asqa Mosque?

HUH??? Are you saying Solomon's Temple predated the Al Asqa Mosque before the Muslim theft of Israel's land?

No, you are saying that.

It doesn't matter if Solomon Temple was there before Al Asqa Mosque. If you abandoned your land and stopped paying taxes on it and someone else comes along moves in on it and pays the taxes on it, that land is no longer yours because you forfeited your rights to it by abandoning it.
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HUH??? Are you saying Solomon's Temple predated the Al Asqa Mosque before the Muslim theft of Israel's land?

Before Jews even existed, a race of ape people (sort of like Lucy) lived in what is now Palestine. So everyone's a squatter according to you.
The Jews never "abandoned" the land.

So am I wrong in saying Solomon's Temple long predated the Al Asqa Mosque?

No, you are saying that.

It doesn't matter if Solomon Temple was there before Al Asqa Mosque. If you abandoned your land and stopped paying taxes on it and someone else comes along moves in on it and pays the taxes on it, that land is no longer yours because you forfeited your rights to it by abandoning it.
The Jews never "abandoned" the land.

So am I wrong in saying Solomon's Temple long predated the Al Asqa Mosque?

It doesn't matter if Solomon Temple was there before Al Asqa Mosque. If you abandoned your land and stopped paying taxes on it and someone else comes along moves in on it and pays the taxes on it, that land is no longer yours because you forfeited your rights to it by abandoning it.

Sure they did, they left Egypt and got saved by the parting of the Red Sea and Yul Brynner got his ass wupped. Didn't you see the movie?

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