Let Ukraine Use Allies' weapons Deep Inside Russia!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Ukraine government has made a strong plea to the United States government and their allies to allow Ukraine to use these government supplied weapons deep into Russia not just staging areas in Russia that supply Russian forces in Ukraine which the current permission authority allows. Many voices in America believe the U.S. government should approve this request, this writer wishes to add his voice to this chorus! I understand the point being made by the authority figures in America that say Ukraine does not have enough of these missiles and the U.S. cannot supply enough of these missiles to militarily hurt Russia by such attacks that would make a material difference in the war. I get this point and I don't argue that it is not a true and accurate assessment; but, I think there is other potential war outcome benefits of allowing Ukraine to use these allied supplied missiles deep inside Russia as long as it is a military target being struck and I consider Russian factories that manufacture Russian missiles and tanks as legitimate military targets.

Allowing deep penetration missile strikes inside Russia will hurt the morale of the Russian people and the Russian army. Prior to this war Vladimir Putin had an aura of being invincible there is no military challenge he couldn't handle for the Russian people, with what has transpired with this war with the Russian military's poor performance that aura that reputation has been dramatically weakened. However, Putin still holds the reputation of being an outstandingly strong leader; if Ukraine was able to regularly do things like bomb an air base deep inside Russia and destroy some Russian combat planes and bomb that Russian factory that makes over one-hundred missiles a month for the Russian Army to bomb Ukraine with that would hurt Putin's reputation as a strong military leader. This would also be jarring to ordinary Russians that live close to these bomb sites they would recognize that their lives are in danger with this Ukrainian war and their fear and concern would make it to their love ones in the Russian army and most importantly on the Ukrainian front lines and it would sow doubt does Putin really know what he is doing, is this war winnable and why are we fighting this war, practically the whole free world is against Russia in this war does this legitimately mean Russia is the bad guys in this war. It is a time tested adage that an army with bad morale does not fight well, if this bad morale in the Russian army caused them to lose one or two major battles it could become contagious and it could give the Ukrainian army material better morale and opportunities for battlefield successes and the combat zone in Ukraine is really not that large so if Russian held territory was bisected or trisected the entire Russian army could be routed in Ukraine.

The other morale benefit is to the Ukrainian people, right now the Ukrainian people see no victory in sight they fight for their existential existence and that is mighty motivation. But the Ukrainian people may begin to get desperate and believe the unwise voices that say make a peace deal with Putin and permanently end this war which is a fools viewpoint in Putin's mind Ukraine is not a legitimate or real country it is part of Russia so Ukraine needs to be permanently dissolved and Putin is a man that does not accept not getting his way so there is no land concession permanent peace deal with Russia for Ukraine, Ukraine either wins this war or will cease to exist. Just like the Ukraine's bombing successes in Crimea lifted the Ukrainian people's morale so would bombing successes deep inside Russia. Further it would boost Ukraine's reputation in the world it would provide credence that Ukraine is a real contender against Russia in this war and could very well win it!
Barack Obama called and asked me to tell you the 1980's want their foreign policy back.

Don't hate me, I'm just the messenger.
I don't think it's a good idea to mess around with Russia anymore. Not only do they have the ability to produce the most modern and highly efficient weapons, they have gained weapons superiority over America, in capability and numbers.
And of course, both Russia and China are sharing their weapons technology with each other and other Brics powers.

The bright aspect of it is that Russia doesn't want a war, but has and will continue to defend their borders.

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