Let us be honest, the Democratic Party is against the controlling illegal immigration because

Why do the Republicans? Legislation wise, they are the biggest culprits

Which specific "Republicans"?
I will say that if a "Republican" is against immigration control given circumstances, then that "Republican" may have taken a "Republican" title, but is anything BUT a real "Republican"

It's called infiltration. The Right needs to learn to stop being so upstanding an learn to play in the mud with the fascists and democrats

The right is still fighting this political war according to 15th century battle rules and techniques while the Left is on full assault with Modern Warfare.
Like Reagan? ;)
Reagan was dealing with corrupt and dishonest Democrats back in the 80s just like Trump is doing now. The Dirty Dems promised to fix the mass illegal immigration problem if Reagan signed amnesty.
Why do the Republicans? Legislation wise, they are the biggest culprits
They like the cheap labor.
LMAO why do the dumb Democrat Voters actually believe that the Democrat Politicians are not being lobbied by big business? it's amazing
Business greases the palms of whoever is in power. Right now, and for most of the past couple decades, congress has been run by repugs. Repugs do the bidding of big business. That's pretty much all they do. Business likes cheap labor - repugs lobby for right to work for peanuts laws, don't punish employers for hiring illegals, want to do away with regulations, etc. All to comply with their big business overlords.
Let us be honest, the Democratic Party is against controlling illegal immigration because they regard White Voters to be their enemy and they want to make them the minority ASAP, and that is why they are trying to block the border wall.

The GOP controls both houses and WH, what does matter what the Dems want?

The GOP should just write really smart problem-solving legislation and pass it with a majority in the house. The popularity of these brilliant bills would get them the votes they need in the senate.

Easy-peasy… you'd think.
Why do the Republicans? Legislation wise, they are the biggest culprits

Which specific "Republicans"?
I will say that if a "Republican" is against immigration control given circumstances, then that "Republican" may have taken a "Republican" title, but is anything BUT a real "Republican"

It's called infiltration. The Right needs to learn to stop being so upstanding an learn to play in the mud with the fascists and democrats

The right is still fighting this political war according to 15th century battle rules and techniques while the Left is on full assault with Modern Warfare.
Like Reagan? ;)
Reagan was dealing with corrupt and dishonest Democrats back in the 80s just like Trump is doing now. The Dirty Dems promised to fix the mass illegal immigration problem if Reagan signed amnesty.
Always excuses for your side.. smh
Like Reagan? ;)

Hmmm....let's see....Reagan made his living where?.......OH YEAH....HOLLYWOOD......that Alt-Right haven on the Left coast

I guess you feel that there is no such thing as a "Deep State" or "Establishment" ?
You instead believe all of politics is exactly as we see it?

Now let's see which imbeciles find this "funny"......in 3...2...1...
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All countries have immigration laws. It is not racist to have immigration laws.
The La Raza Democrats want to allow mass illegal immigration because they want their cultural invasion to change America into a Latino country.
Illegal immigration is cultural aggression.
If we do not control illegal immigration it will destroy America.
The dumb liberal bigots probably do want to destroy our country so that is why they are opposed to the border wall.
What legislated amnesty has democrats passed?

Oh fuck...you had me thinking you were intelligent.......oops

TNHarley....Tis better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than say stupid shit like this and remove ALL doubt
Why do the Republicans? Legislation wise, they are the biggest culprits

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
What legislated amnesty has democrats passed?
The Democrats wrote the amnesty bill, moron.
So we should just pick and choose what part to be outraged about. Never mind republicans voted and signed the damn things.
Give me a break man.
Why do the Republicans? Legislation wise, they are the biggest culprits

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
What legislated amnesty has democrats passed?
The Democrats wrote the amnesty bill, moron.
So we should just pick and choose what part to be outraged about. Never mind republicans voted and signed the damn things.
Give me a break man.
No, you should just quit lying about what actually went down.
Why do the Republicans? Legislation wise, they are the biggest culprits

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
What legislated amnesty has democrats passed?
The Democrats wrote the amnesty bill, moron.
So we should just pick and choose what part to be outraged about. Never mind republicans voted and signed the damn things.
Give me a break man.
No, you should just quit lying about what actually went down.
So republicans didnt vote yes and republicans didnt sign it into law :rofl:
Let us be honest, the Democratic Party is against controlling illegal immigration because they regard White Voters to be their enemy and they want to make them the minority ASAP, and that is why they are trying to block the border wall.
The only reason why Obama did not granted amnesty to those immigrants' children(And which they said that he could of had done) , it is that they wanted a hold on them. To control them. If they doesn't do what they want them to do, that they will threaten the immigrants that they will deport their children back to the land of rapist. And so the immigrants will beg them not to send their children back to land of rapist like a hungry dog for food. And so they went back smuggling the drugs into this country for them.



Pure fiction.

Obama deported more than any other prez.

Americans buy drugs. That's why they are sent to America. Get it?
Employers hire illegals. Some even advertise in Mexico and then transport.
The ones that he had deported, must of have been the ones that didn't wanted to make a career out of drug smuggling.

I don't know why RWNJs insist on lying about it but its public record - mostly criminals, mostly drugs.

Over a period of 25 years, I helped at least a couple of hundred. (Yes, I broke the law.) Almost all had jobs waiting for them and almost all were returning to the same jobs they had had for years.

Jobs that Americans won't do for wages Americans won't work for.

Deal with it cupcake.

Leaving for most of the dayy but I'll check back. Have a nice day.
It should be glaringly obvious that an open border is national suicide.

The democrooks are trying to destroy our country. They have been our greatest enemy since the soviet union collapsed.

The republicrats just want the cheap labor. They're more interested in self enrichment than national sovereignty.

The ruling class are basically a bunch of globalist sociopaths.


"It should be glaringly obvious that an open border is national suicide."

Then you must love Obama's bringing up the Border Control # to more than 18,500. Just as you must hate pino trump's hiring illegals and foreign workers.

But no - you're a hypocrite and you RWNJs always vote against your own best interest.

"The ruling class are basically a bunch of globalist sociopaths."

and pino trump is the worst. DUH. Proof is in the jobs link in my sig.
Let us be honest, the Democratic Party is against controlling illegal immigration because they regard White Voters to be their enemy and they want to make them the minority ASAP, and that is why they are trying to block the border wall.

The GOP controls both houses and WH, what does matter what the Dems want?

The GOP should just write really smart problem-solving legislation and pass it with a majority in the house. The popularity of these brilliant bills would get them the votes they need in the senate.

Easy-peasy… you'd think.


Where are their bills to repeal and replace? Immigration?

And I seem to remember that pino trump said he would sign just about everything the fits day.

Even the trumpkins know he has lied about everything but still - they haven't done even one of the things he said he would.

No, scotus doesn't count. They would have voted for anything with a anti-human, anti-woman, anti-freedom bozo with an R behind his name.
Why do the Republicans? Legislation wise, they are the biggest culprits

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
What legislated amnesty has democrats passed?
The Democrats wrote the amnesty bill, moron.
So we should just pick and choose what part to be outraged about. Never mind republicans voted and signed the damn things.
Give me a break man.
No, you should just quit lying about what actually went down.


What "went down"?

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
What legislated amnesty has democrats passed?
The Democrats wrote the amnesty bill, moron.
So we should just pick and choose what part to be outraged about. Never mind republicans voted and signed the damn things.
Give me a break man.
No, you should just quit lying about what actually went down.
So republicans didnt vote yes and republicans didnt sign it into law :rofl:
Democrats wrote and sponsored the bill, and most of them voted for it, moron. Only a lying douche bag would try to blame it on the Republicans.

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