Let us be honest, the Democratic Party is against the controlling illegal immigration because

We've got to stop these diseased criminals from Europe from invading America!

“The floodgates are open. The sewer is choked. Europe is vomiting." - Professor Charles Zappia

Let's be honest. You are a trolling retard who is only capable of making straw man arguments, along with every other logical fallacy in existence.
Let's be honest. If illegal immigrants were expected to vote overwhelmingly Republican, a path to citizenship would be fought against tooth and nail by Democrats. Just like all the eloctoral college threads of late. If Democrats were winning the electoral college but not the popular vote, they would vehemently defend the electoral college.

LOL- and let's be honest- if Illegal immigrants were expected to vote overwhelmingly Republican- the current Congress would have already made them all citizens.

Neither party has made any serious effort to deal with illegal immigration in years. Both parties have used the issue to score political points- Democrats with latinos, Republicans with business and anti-immigrants.

There is no 'open border'- our Southern border is much more restricted than our Northern border- the issue is that we have illegal immigration. The border wall frankly is a stupid waste of money- and a distraction- we need better border security- not a wall. And we need better, more comprehensive policies to deal with illegal immigration- both to address the demand for illegal immigration, and the supply.
"Unrestricted Immigration and Its Results"

If you aren't of English blood, you are diseased vermin.

On European immigrants:

“This alien flood contains the poorest, the most vicious, the most wholly undesirable peoples that have ever come to American shores.” - New York Times, July 18, 1903
TRUMP: “When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best."

Same bullshit, different century.

Let us be honest, the Democratic Party is against controlling illegal immigration because they regard White Voters to be their enemy and they want to make them the minority ASAP, and that is why they are trying to block the border wall.

LOL- I thought you said 'let us be honest'

Then you proceeded to write nothing but lying bullshit.
what is the lie?
Let us be honest, the Democratic Party is against controlling illegal immigration because they regard White Voters to be their enemy and they want to make them the minority ASAP, and that is why they are trying to block the border wall.
Let's be honest. You are a trolling retard who is only capable of making straw man arguments, along with every other logical fallacy in existence.
Lets be honest, Most dumb liberal bigots are afraid of the truth
Let us be honest, the Democratic Party is against controlling illegal immigration because they regard White Voters to be their enemy and they want to make them the minority ASAP, and that is why they are trying to block the border wall.
Let's be honest. You are a trolling retard who is only capable of making straw man arguments, along with every other logical fallacy in existence.
Lets be honest, Most dumb liberal bigots are afraid of the truth
It's true that many liberals are afraid of the truth.

Thank goodness I am a lifelong conservative Republican who defends the truth against lying, hypocritical, bigoted retards like you who have infected the right wing.
It should be glaringly obvious that an open border is national suicide.

We haven't had an open Southern border for decades.

Now our Northern Border is arguably 'open'......
ummm we don't have a Canadian welfare moocher invasion problem, we don't have a Canadian gang warfare problem, we don't have a Canadian drug cartel problem, we don't have Canadians saying that they are going to take over America problem, we don't have Canadians demanding racial preference in hiring, promotions and college admissions problem............
Why do the Republicans? Legislation wise, they are the biggest culprits

Which specific "Republicans"?
I will say that if a "Republican" is against immigration control given circumstances, then that "Republican" may have taken a "Republican" title, but is anything BUT a real "Republican"

It's called infiltration. The Right needs to learn to stop being so upstanding an learn to play in the mud with the fascists and democrats

The right is still fighting this political war according to 15th century battle rules and techniques while the Left is on full assault with Modern Warfare.
"Unrestricted Immigration and Its Results"

If you aren't of English blood, you are diseased vermin.


lol the dumb liberal bigots love to time travel to make an irrelevant point about today’s illegal immigration problem
Why do the Republicans? Legislation wise, they are the biggest culprits

Which specific "Republicans"?
I will say that if a "Republican" is against immigration control given circumstances, then that "Republican" may have taken a "Republican" title, but is anything BUT a real "Republican"

It's called infiltration. The Right needs to learn to stop being so upstanding an learn to play in the mud with the fascists and democrats

The right is still fighting this political war according to 15th century battle rules and techniques while the Left is on full assault with Modern Warfare.
Like Reagan? ;)

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