Let us examine Catholicism


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
this thread is a spin off of the debate me and Saint Micheal had regarding the RCC beliefs and are they Bibilcal?

We can do one topic at a time- let us start with the seven sacraments and take each one one by one.

Wrong forum...say 18 hail Mary's, jump on your left foot 7 times and bend over for the priest.

Only then can you be absolved for your sins...

Or, you can just ask Jesus for forgiveness and forego any man (mini-deity?) telling you how to repent.
What about Confession?

Although the process of "confessions" and also "spiritual healing through exorcism"
are reserved to Priests if you are part of the Catholic tradition,
the same processes of healing still work if you practice them with other people in fellowship.

the common factor is forgiveness and letting go.

So with human processing, verbalizing these issues with each other helps to
identify the memories and causes and working on letting go.

I would cite AA and other group therapy systems as similar forms of confessing
and resolving to make amends where possible. [as for deeper levels of deliverance
and healing generational wounds, there are many people outside the Catholic priests who
have been able to conduct exorcisms and deliverance, so this is still an issue of debate.
I think it is harmful for the priests to "take on" the role of Christ Jesus, so NOBODY should
be conducting exorcisms in that manner; the successful and safe methods reserve the authority to Christ Jesus only where the healers are only applying but not assuming this authority, so that is a key difference in why Catholics reserve this for Priests only. I don't agree with that and believe it is even dangerous for the Priests to do it that way. For confessions, the common factor is for people to forgive and let go unconditionally, and it is not dependent on the person you talk with to help with letting go, so anyone who helps you can serve as this role as long as it is really unconditionally and not depending on certain expectations to be met in order to forgive which isn't complete. the arguments against the Catholic church are when the rites become conditions instead of the salvation of God being given freely independent of rites or rules made by man.]

Even forums like this are used to vent and express issues otherwise carried
and projected from the past that people are learning to manage and let go of
anger, resentment and divisive feelings attached to them.

The Catholic church may be more rigid in requiring the process only
to go through ordained priests so it is ordered, but in real life all people
I know go through some similar process of verbalizing past issues in order to heal
and move forward where these problems don't hold us back in life.
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Bless me Father, for I have sinned.

I miss the smell of the Confessional. Quietest box I ever sat in.
Bless me Father, for I have sinned.

I miss the smell of the Confessional. Quietest box I ever sat in.

Oh yeah, the smell. Now that you mention it... there it is. Very uh, woody.
Never before in my life had I so often uttered the word "masturbate".

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