let us wage a moral and political war against war itself

Shouldnt you be in a beauty contest advocating for world peace?

Slow Saturday night, right?
War is human nature.

Doubtful. But free will is.

Remember the last Amish war?
Me neither.
...there has been and always will be wars..it is part of ''human nature''
Outline of war - Wikipedia
Since the dawn of time, wars and battles have had a significant impact on the course of history
Explore the Major Wars of History
...in WW2 there were wars ''inside''/not counting the Axis vs the Allies-- in France/Balkans/Italy/Vietnam/etc between the natives = wars inside of wars
there is no total free will
"it just blows my mind. the amount of money they spend to send us to war...and then how little they spend on us once we come back" - Seargant Randy Sacamano

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