Zone1 Let’s abolish racist policies starting with the two most obvious and systemic


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
The two most obvious examples of racism that hurt honest and decent Americans, one by the government and the other systemic through an entire industry, should be where we start:

1) No US President should be permitted to exclude an entire race of people - and announce his intention to do so beforehand - when considering candidates for government positions.

2) Admissions decisions should not have race as a factor in which more leniency is applied to the “preferred” race and stricter standards applied to other races

These two would be easy to implement.
The two most obvious examples of racism that hurt honest and decent Americans, one by the government and the other systemic through an entire industry, should be where we start:

1) No US President should be permitted to exclude an entire race of people - and announce his intention to do so beforehand - when considering candidates for government positions.

2) Admissions decisions should not have race as a factor in which more leniency is applied to the “preferred” race and stricter standards applied to other races

These two would be easy to implement.
Lets take 'race' off credit card applications, housing applications loan applications and job applications.
When one makes a choice on which human to pick for a political position one race must be chosen, whether you like the choice or not.
In the UK I don't think we ever had positive affirmation, that is giving people places because of their class/colour rather than their marks. What we do have though is the need for most employers to keep a list of how many minorities they employ and to what positions. If a firm were found to be noticeable short on the numbers for anyone, it would be brought to their attention and they would be asked what they intended on doing about it. It might get into the papers as well. It goes on in Universities as well and of course includes accepting people of different classes.
The two most obvious examples of racism that hurt honest and decent Americans, one by the government and the other systemic through an entire industry, should be where we start:

1) No US President should be permitted to exclude an entire race of people - and announce his intention to do so beforehand - when considering candidates for government positions.

2) Admissions decisions should not have race as a factor in which more leniency is applied to the “preferred” race and stricter standards applied to other races

These two would be easy to implement.
Admissions are only there because of white racism. Get rid of them and you'll have more racism. So, no.matter what system you support, you'll be complicit with racism either way. Though, I refuse to call things like affirmative action racism. Mover, a recent study I saw said that whites support white affirmative action if merit policies lead to too many minorities, so I have zero incentive to not support it.

Getting rid of anti racist policies getting rid of homicide laws. We should always have policies that work to keep the majority in check from oppressing the minority.

White affirmative action is the precedent, thats what we need to work to abolish.
Lets take 'race' off credit card applications, housing applications loan applications and job applications.
more often than not the name gives that away. Certainly for people from China, Japan or South Asia
In the UK I don't think we ever had positive affirmation, that is giving people places because of their class/colour rather than their marks. What we do have though is the need for most employers to keep a list of how many minorities they employ and to what positions. If a firm were found to be noticeable short on the numbers for anyone, it would be brought to their attention and they would be asked what they intended on doing about it. It might get into the papers as well. It goes on in Universities as well and of course includes accepting people of different classes.
You have white affirmative action in the u.k. Muslims hit particularly hard.
We should always have policies that work to keep the majority in check from oppressing the minority.
That's it and as I understand it in a democracy it is the Government's job to make sure the oppression does not happen.
You have white affirmative action in the u.k. Muslims hit particularly hard.
No you are talking about racism and it isn't just racism it also includes those from poorer backgrounds. Like yourselves we have virtually no social mobility.
No you are talking about racism and it isn't just racism it also includes those from poorer backgrounds. Like yourselves we have virtually no social mobility.
Well, op says as is racist lol

Race and class aren't mutually exclusive. But how so do you have no social mobility.
No you are talking about racism and it isn't just racism it also includes those from poorer backgrounds. Like yourselves we have virtually no social mobility.
And you hit on another problem caused when schools lower standards for blacks. The poor white kids, who despite their poverty were bright and studious and made excellent marks, are tossed by the wayside to make room for a black with far inferior grades and scores.
Well, op says as is racist lol

Race and class aren't mutually exclusive. But how so do you have no social mobility.
Well I can answer that as it applies to the US. When admissions standards are higher for whites and lower for blacks, that makes it more difficult for a poor white kid (with grades far above the majority of blacks admitted) to get into educational programs that would help his social mobility.
Well I can answer that as it applies to the US. When admissions standards are higher for whites and lower for blacks, that makes it more difficult for a poor white kid (with grades far above the majority of blacks admitted) to get into educational programs that would help his social mobility.
I don't see any evidence that any preponderance of colleges imolement AA outside of the ivy league-which virtually no white students have the merit to get into. Moreover, whites are still a.majority on campus, and certainly on the Board room, while blacks are certainly not. White affirmative action in the broader society Trump's all regardless.
I don't see any evidence that any preponderance of colleges imolement AA outside of the ivy league-which virtually no white students have the merit to get into. Moreover, whites are still a.majority on campus, and certainly on the Board room, while blacks are certainly not. White affirmative action in the broader society Trump's all regardless.
Doesn’t matter if whites are the majority on campus! They ARE the majority of the population, after all.

And if virtually no white students have the merit to get into the Ivies, the same applies to blacks. Why then should standards be lowered for blacks who did not have the merit, either? Why should the black who doesn’t have the grades and scores to get into Harvard if he were white get in, while the white has to go to some other college?

And it’s not just the Ivies, either. It’s grad programs, too. Again, why should the white with a 3.6 have to go to Grenada for med school, while the black with a 3.2 gets to go to an American med school??
And you hit on another problem caused when schools lower standards for blacks. The poor white kids, who despite their poverty were bright and studious and made excellent marks, are tossed by the wayside to make room for a black with far inferior grades and scores.
Well people need some help to achieve. People can be born to parents who are poor but well educated. One of the most common reasons for kids doing well used to be a women marrying into a lower class. Research has shown over and over that the biggest difference in whether a child achieves is the education of the main care giver. Are you meaning Universities lower their standards?
The two most obvious examples of racism that hurt honest and decent Americans, one by the government and the other systemic through an entire industry, should be where we start:

1) No US President should be permitted to exclude an entire race of people - and announce his intention to do so beforehand - when considering candidates for government positions.

2) Admissions decisions should not have race as a factor in which more leniency is applied to the “preferred” race and stricter standards applied to other races

These two would be easy to implement.
Government is the biggest violator of discrimination in hiring practices based on race. I that was supposed to be illegal but it seems government can break the law.
Well, op says as is racist lol

Race and class aren't mutually exclusive. But how so do you have no social mobility.
Same as yourselves. You are worse than us and we both have the lowest social mobility in developed countries. Certainly in the UK it goes along with Thatcherism and us moving from thinking of ourselves as a Social Democracy. Since then there has been no ideology, making money is all. Labour, the party of the working class gave up on them and started being another Tory party with the odd bit for those who had nothing. Credits - extra bits of money when you are not paid enough, hence subsidising the Employers who are aften monopolies. Now prior to that from WW2 to Thatcher, we were new all having the vote for Democracy and we very much valued it and did not trust those who had had power all the time not to be wanting in back. Many people from wc backgrounds began to succeed at school for the first time and they were in Parliament fighting for the ordinary person and things changed and demands were met and things changed.....then Thatcher decided she wanted to bring back basically the economic system there was before WW2 which encouraged Monopolies, which were known to lead to fascism So now if you do not do well, it is because you are not trying or because you just are not able, whereas then they looked for the real reasons and changed them. People in the last 40 years have imo given up most of the rights those who came before fought and even died for. You have moved much like us.
I don't see any evidence that any preponderance of colleges imolement AA outside of the ivy league-which virtually no white students have the merit to get into. Moreover, whites are still a.majority on campus, and certainly on the Board room, while blacks are certainly not. White affirmative action in the broader society Trump's all regardless.
Again, when you only occupy less than twenty percent of the population of the country you will not have mass numbers of your people sitting in high places, so why act surprise?

When Hispanics finally become the majority do you think things will change for the better for those like you?

If so how delusional are you?

The fact is you are the minority and your numbers will always be the minority in this country and World.

In this Country your numbers are low and yet you want to be the majority in the ruling class which will never happen.

The left stated they wanted the USSC to reflect the nation population and yet no Asian or Native American sit on the highest court but two blacks do and multiple females, so does the court truly reflect our nation?

No, but you have no issue with that and ignore the glaring hypocrisy of the Democrats as usual.

You are a racist yourself and would liar someone skin color to deny them something while benefiting those that look like you, so let stop with your “ I can’t be racist because I am black “ nonsense.

Fact is if you are the minority of people in the country and around the world, well don’t expect the majority to welcome you as their equal and notice how Asians and Whites rule while Blacks will never be accepted.

Now in Africa you have a better chance of demanding what you want because you would be the ruling class but even then those like you would be on the losing end…
Same as yourselves. You are worse than us and we both have the lowest social mobility in developed countries. Certainly in the UK it goes along with Thatcherism and us moving from thinking of ourselves as a Social Democracy. Since then there has been no ideology, making money is all. Labour, the party of the working class gave up on them and started being another Tory party with the odd bit for those who had nothing. Credits - extra bits of money when you are not paid enough, hence subsidising the Employers who are aften monopolies. Now prior to that from WW2 to Thatcher, we were new all having the vote for Democracy and we very much valued it and did not trust those who had had power all the time not to be wanting in back. Many people from wc backgrounds began to succeed at school for the first time and they were in Parliament fighting for the ordinary person and things changed and demands were met and things changed.....then Thatcher decided she wanted to bring back basically the economic system there was before WW2 which encouraged Monopolies, which were known to lead to fascism So now if you do not do well, it is because you are not trying or because you just are not able, whereas then they looked for the real reasons and changed them. People in the last 40 years have imo given up most of the rights those who came before fought and even died for. You have moved much like us.
Whatever economic issues the u.k is dealing with, white people come first.

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