Let's Be Honest For A Minute....

Cruz being hated by his own party is exactly why he's the best we have to offer.

Ted Cruz is Goldman Sach's candidate and that isn't good.

If it's even true, I fail to see why it's so bad.

You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.

Goldman Sachs is one of the most evil (and yes evil is the correct terminology) companies on the planet. Anywhere you look if there is hunger or sickness or human misery on a large scale, the root cause is GS and the policies and schemes they are involved in.
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.
You failed to mention who the best candidate is

The Donald is the best candidate.

The best, by what criteria?

Two reasons for start i) he's not been bought by any of those creepy "Special Interest Groups" ii) he isn't in ANYONE'S pocket.

Unlike Cruz, Rubio, Hillary, Sanders et al.

Oh, horseshit. First of all, that whole "I'm funding myself" schtick of his is a flat-out lie, and is only going to get more so as time and campaigns move on. If you really think he's going to liquidate his entire fortune to self-fund a Presidential campaign, you're the most gullible person on Earth.

Second of all, do you really think he got to be a billionaire in New York and New Jersey real estate without being so far up the ass of every mover and shaker he could access that he should be checking them for colon polyps? Not to mention that he's in the pocket of one of the biggest fat cats in the country: Donald Trump. He doesn't NEED big-dollar donations from corporations to make his policies favor Wall Street; he already does on his own hook.
Cruz being hated by his own party is exactly why he's the best we have to offer.

Cruz is in the pocket of Goldman Sachs. That's a deal breaker for me...

"In the pocket of"? So your standard is a candidate who has never had any business dealings with anyone, ever? Or whose spouse has never been employed? Or exactly what?

Goldman Sachs are as evil as George Soros.

Like I really think you know jack about Goldman Sachs, other than how to say it as a pejorative.

What I don't understand is why your "They're rich, so that makes them eeeeeevil" viewpoint doesn't translate to Donald Trump himself.
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.
You failed to mention who the best candidate is
Mickey Mouse
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.

you want the best and brightest, maybe impeaching a president for an affair is a bad idea.

btw, your opinion that hillary belongs in jail is your *opinion*... and 70 million dollars of our money spent on investigating the clintons didn't make the assertion real.

as for your version of what is "honest"... it's more of your baseless opinion.

as for corruption, you don't like corruption in the system, then citizens united should probably be overturned.

Yeah, the "best and brightest" are the people who are going to be put off running for office by finding out that they're not allowed to use employees as sex toys. Damn, I'm so disappointed to hear that people like that are turned off by expectations of abiding by the laws.
Cruz being hated by his own party is exactly why he's the best we have to offer.

Ted Cruz is Goldman Sach's candidate and that isn't good.

If it's even true, I fail to see why it's so bad.

You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.

I have no idea why getting a loan and paying it back in full is suddenly seen as a character flaw.

Now, if he'd defaulted on it, that would be bad. But "He got a loan from someone rich"? Who else are you going to get one from? Homeless people don't have much to loan.
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.

you want the best and brightest, maybe impeaching a president for an affair is a bad idea.

btw, your opinion that hillary belongs in jail is your *opinion*... and 70 million dollars of our money spent on investigating the clintons didn't make the assertion real.

as for your version of what is "honest"... it's more of your baseless opinion.

as for corruption, you don't like corruption in the system, then citizens united should probably be overturned.

And your continued assertion the slimy willie was impeached for an affair demonstrates you have zero credibility.

The fact that she's Jillian demonstrates that.
Cruz being hated by his own party is exactly why he's the best we have to offer.

Ted Cruz is Goldman Sach's candidate and that isn't good.

If it's even true, I fail to see why it's so bad.

You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.
Ever hear the phrase, "Bail me out!".
G-S was a major factor behind the 2008 crash.

So how does that factor in now? You think they will want to do that again?
Cruz being hated by his own party is exactly why he's the best we have to offer.

Ted Cruz is Goldman Sach's candidate and that isn't good.

If it's even true, I fail to see why it's so bad.

You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.

Goldman Sachs is one of the most evil (and yes evil is the correct terminology) companies on the planet. Anywhere you look if there is hunger or sickness or human misery on a large scale, the root cause is GS and the policies and schemes they are involved in.

Ummm, sure, ok.
Cruz being hated by his own party is exactly why he's the best we have to offer.

Ted Cruz is Goldman Sach's candidate and that isn't good.

If it's even true, I fail to see why it's so bad.

You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.

I have no idea why getting a loan and paying it back in full is suddenly seen as a character flaw.

Now, if he'd defaulted on it, that would be bad. But "He got a loan from someone rich"? Who else are you going to get one from? Homeless people don't have much to loan.

Is that the connection Cruz has with them? If that is true then it's a pretty pathetic attack.
Ted Cruz is Goldman Sach's candidate and that isn't good.

If it's even true, I fail to see why it's so bad.

You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.

I have no idea why getting a loan and paying it back in full is suddenly seen as a character flaw.

Now, if he'd defaulted on it, that would be bad. But "He got a loan from someone rich"? Who else are you going to get one from? Homeless people don't have much to loan.

Is that the connection Cruz has with them? If that is true then it's a pretty pathetic attack.

Are you really unaware of Cruz' connection to Goldman Sachs? That's unreal.

The loan....by the way....is a problem because the guy campaigned on the lie that he was using his last dollar to win the election.....and.....he didn't report the loan to the FEC. You really should know this.....as a Cruz supporter.

You might lose your "super-duper awesome political pundit" badge over this.
Ted Cruz is Goldman Sach's candidate and that isn't good.

If it's even true, I fail to see why it's so bad.

You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.

I have no idea why getting a loan and paying it back in full is suddenly seen as a character flaw.

Now, if he'd defaulted on it, that would be bad. But "He got a loan from someone rich"? Who else are you going to get one from? Homeless people don't have much to loan.

Is that the connection Cruz has with them? If that is true then it's a pretty pathetic attack.

Right? I have a car loan from Wells Fargo. I even have a checking account with them. Pretty sure that doesn't make me "in Wells Fargo's pocket". Most people in the American middle class have loans or have had loans from rich companies before. My experience is that being someone's creditor doesn't exactly endear you to them. You know anyone who's hugely fond of the company they make mortgage payments to?
Jillian, of course Clinton was not Impeached for having an affair, which is a stupid fabricated lie Liberals made as propaganda that only idiot liberals bought.

Bill Clinton perpetrated an ethics violation, consisting of attempting to skirt the truth and affect a deception during his defense in his trial for sexual harassment. In doing so, he - the President of the United States, who swore an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution - attempted to deny an American citizen of their right to a fair trial.

The judge in the case, as a result, found Clinton in Contemp of Court and stripped him of his ability to practice law in his home state.

This betrayal of his oath, his attempt to victimize an American citizen - AGAIN, and his ethics violation led to Impeachment proceedings against the sitting President.

It is telling, and funny, that the only ones who actually think Clinton was Impeached by the House due to an affar are DEMOCRATS!

If it's even true, I fail to see why it's so bad.

You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.

I have no idea why getting a loan and paying it back in full is suddenly seen as a character flaw.

Now, if he'd defaulted on it, that would be bad. But "He got a loan from someone rich"? Who else are you going to get one from? Homeless people don't have much to loan.

Is that the connection Cruz has with them? If that is true then it's a pretty pathetic attack.

Are you really unaware of Cruz' connection to Goldman Sachs? That's unreal.

The loan....by the way....is a problem because the guy campaigned on the lie that he was using his last dollar to win the election.....and.....he didn't report the loan to the FEC. You really should know this.....as a Cruz supporter.

You might lose your "super-duper awesome political pundit" badge over this.

Cruz took a loan from them, just like anyone in America does when they need a large amount of money all at once, and then paid them back. So yeah, I think that qualifies as "using his own money", same as it qualifies as "buying a house", or "buying a car", or any of the other things people get loans for.

And he misreported it, and then corrected the paperwork. Clerical errors happen, especially in something as complex as campaign finance reporting. They're quite different from "cover-ups", although I wouldn't expect the likes of you to understand such concepts.
You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.

I have no idea why getting a loan and paying it back in full is suddenly seen as a character flaw.

Now, if he'd defaulted on it, that would be bad. But "He got a loan from someone rich"? Who else are you going to get one from? Homeless people don't have much to loan.

Is that the connection Cruz has with them? If that is true then it's a pretty pathetic attack.

Are you really unaware of Cruz' connection to Goldman Sachs? That's unreal.

The loan....by the way....is a problem because the guy campaigned on the lie that he was using his last dollar to win the election.....and.....he didn't report the loan to the FEC. You really should know this.....as a Cruz supporter.

You might lose your "super-duper awesome political pundit" badge over this.

Cruz took a loan from them, just like anyone in America does when they need a large amount of money all at once, and then paid them back. So yeah, I think that qualifies as "using his own money", same as it qualifies as "buying a house", or "buying a car", or any of the other things people get loans for.

And he misreported it, and then corrected the paperwork. Clerical errors happen, especially in something as complex as campaign finance reporting. They're quite different from "cover-ups", although I wouldn't expect the likes of you to understand such concepts.

Nope. Borrowing money is not using ones own money. If he was willing to spend his last dollar....as he claimed....he would have.

And.....you are an apologist. He absolutely tried to hide that loan from public scrutiny. That isn't a clerical error. Please.......fuck off. You bore me
If it's even true, I fail to see why it's so bad.

You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.

I have no idea why getting a loan and paying it back in full is suddenly seen as a character flaw.

Now, if he'd defaulted on it, that would be bad. But "He got a loan from someone rich"? Who else are you going to get one from? Homeless people don't have much to loan.

Is that the connection Cruz has with them? If that is true then it's a pretty pathetic attack.

Are you really unaware of Cruz' connection to Goldman Sachs? That's unreal.

The loan....by the way....is a problem because the guy campaigned on the lie that he was using his last dollar to win the election.....and.....he didn't report the loan to the FEC. You really should know this.....as a Cruz supporter.

You might lose your "super-duper awesome political pundit" badge over this.

Yes, I'm unaware of his alleged connection and I'm certainly not going to listen to the likes of you explaining it.
You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.

I have no idea why getting a loan and paying it back in full is suddenly seen as a character flaw.

Now, if he'd defaulted on it, that would be bad. But "He got a loan from someone rich"? Who else are you going to get one from? Homeless people don't have much to loan.

Is that the connection Cruz has with them? If that is true then it's a pretty pathetic attack.

Are you really unaware of Cruz' connection to Goldman Sachs? That's unreal.

The loan....by the way....is a problem because the guy campaigned on the lie that he was using his last dollar to win the election.....and.....he didn't report the loan to the FEC. You really should know this.....as a Cruz supporter.

You might lose your "super-duper awesome political pundit" badge over this.

Yes, I'm unaware of his alleged connection and I'm certainly not going to listen to the likes of you explaining it.

That's perfect. You are the poster child for uninformed voters who present themselves as informed.
I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.

I have no idea why getting a loan and paying it back in full is suddenly seen as a character flaw.

Now, if he'd defaulted on it, that would be bad. But "He got a loan from someone rich"? Who else are you going to get one from? Homeless people don't have much to loan.

Is that the connection Cruz has with them? If that is true then it's a pretty pathetic attack.

Are you really unaware of Cruz' connection to Goldman Sachs? That's unreal.

The loan....by the way....is a problem because the guy campaigned on the lie that he was using his last dollar to win the election.....and.....he didn't report the loan to the FEC. You really should know this.....as a Cruz supporter.

You might lose your "super-duper awesome political pundit" badge over this.

Yes, I'm unaware of his alleged connection and I'm certainly not going to listen to the likes of you explaining it.

That's perfect. You are the poster child for uninformed voters who present themselves as informed.

Perhaps, but I will soon be informed on this, yet you will always be stupid.
I have no idea why getting a loan and paying it back in full is suddenly seen as a character flaw.

Now, if he'd defaulted on it, that would be bad. But "He got a loan from someone rich"? Who else are you going to get one from? Homeless people don't have much to loan.

Is that the connection Cruz has with them? If that is true then it's a pretty pathetic attack.

Are you really unaware of Cruz' connection to Goldman Sachs? That's unreal.

The loan....by the way....is a problem because the guy campaigned on the lie that he was using his last dollar to win the election.....and.....he didn't report the loan to the FEC. You really should know this.....as a Cruz supporter.

You might lose your "super-duper awesome political pundit" badge over this.

Yes, I'm unaware of his alleged connection and I'm certainly not going to listen to the likes of you explaining it.

That's perfect. You are the poster child for uninformed voters who present themselves as informed.

Perhaps, but I will soon be informed on this, yet you will always be stupid.

Said the student to the teacher.....

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