Let's Be Honest For A Minute....

None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.
You failed to mention who the best candidate is

The Donald is the best candidate.

The best, by what criteria?

Two reasons for start i) he's not been bought by any of those creepy "Special Interest Groups" ii) he isn't in ANYONE'S pocket.

Unlike Cruz, Rubio, Hillary, Sanders et al.
Rand Paul is the only candidate I would consider this year. I respect Sanders' honesty, but his ideals don't match up with my own. The rest are your usual corporate shills.
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.

you want the best and brightest, maybe impeaching a president for an affair is a bad idea.

btw, your opinion that hillary belongs in jail is your *opinion*... and 70 million dollars of our money spent on investigating the clintons didn't make the assertion real.

as for your version of what is "honest"... it's more of your baseless opinion.

as for corruption, you don't like corruption in the system, then citizens united should probably be overturned.
Every candidate is 'owned' by someone...

Maybe not Trump, if he truly has accepted no one's money as he has claimed....
Cruz being hated by his own party is exactly why he's the best we have to offer.

Ted Cruz is Goldman Sach's candidate and that isn't good.

If it's even true, I fail to see why it's so bad.

You LIKE Goldman Sachs?

I have no opinion, I don't know why it is a bad thing IF it's true.
Ever hear the phrase, "Bail me out!".
G-S was a major factor behind the 2008 crash.
Jill, the Clinton's lack of honesty has been proven repeatedly throughout history, despite your desire for it NOT to be true.

Have you forgotren Bill's declaration on TV that he 'never had sex with that woman' or his being disbarred as punishment for his Contemp of Court for his deceit during his trial.

Have you forgotten Hillary's false claim of being named for a famed explorer or visiting troops while under fire?

No, you have not 'forgotten'. Points for party loyalty, Jill, but 'no sale' on the Clintons being poor, innocent, faultless victims.
Every candidate is 'owned' by someone...

Maybe not Trump, if he truly has accepted no one's money as he has claimed....

Trump is the worst

Instead of representing someone else's interests he represents his own
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.

you want the best and brightest, maybe impeaching a president for an affair is a bad idea.

btw, your opinion that hillary belongs in jail is your *opinion*... and 70 million dollars of our money spent on investigating the clintons didn't make the assertion real.

as for your version of what is "honest"... it's more of your baseless opinion.

as for corruption, you don't like corruption in the system, then citizens united should probably be overturned.

And your continued assertion the slimy willie was impeached for an affair demonstrates you have zero credibility.
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.

you want the best and brightest, maybe impeaching a president for an affair is a bad idea.

btw, your opinion that hillary belongs in jail is your *opinion*... and 70 million dollars of our money spent on investigating the clintons didn't make the assertion real.

as for your version of what is "honest"... it's more of your baseless opinion.

as for corruption, you don't like corruption in the system, then citizens united should probably be overturned.

And your continued assertion the slimy willie was impeached for an affair demonstrates you have zero credibility.

poor dear... still reliving your failures of the 90's.

they tried to get the clintons for a million things. they failed while spending 70 million dollars. so they get a blue dress from a girl whose trust was violated by an older friend (linda tripp)... scalia then makes this president testify in a civil suit in a case where he is asked if he had an affair.(he was the only sitting president ever forced to participate in a civil litigation while in office)

with his wife sitting next to him, he said hell no.

and the wingers, with newtie in charge (all the while cheating on his wife with his aid) impeached him for lying in that civil deposition.... about an affair....

so don't talk to me about "credibility".
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.

you want the best and brightest, maybe impeaching a president for an affair is a bad idea.

btw, your opinion that hillary belongs in jail is your *opinion*... and 70 million dollars of our money spent on investigating the clintons didn't make the assertion real.

as for your version of what is "honest"... it's more of your baseless opinion.

as for corruption, you don't like corruption in the system, then citizens united should probably be overturned.

And your continued assertion the slimy willie was impeached for an affair demonstrates you have zero credibility.

poor dear... still reliving your failures of the 90's.

they tried to get the clintons for a million things. they failed while spending 70 million dollars. so they get a blue dress from a girl whose trust was violated by an older friend (linda tripp)... scalia then makes this president testify in a civil suit in a case where he is asked if he had an affair.(he was the only sitting president ever forced to participate in a civil litigation while in office)

with his wife sitting next to him, he said hell no.

and the wingers, with newtie in charge (all the while cheating on his wife with his aid) impeached him for lying in that civil deposition.... about an affair....

so don't talk to me about "credibility".

Well Jilly he was impeached for the same reason he lost his law license, perjury. Plain and simple, your refusal to admit that demonstrates your total lack of integrity or honesty. Those are the facts, deal with it, embrace it, we know you don't care about a president lacking integrity. Your continued support of your dear leader is all that's required to prove that.
None of the candidates EITHER party is running for President this election are the best this country has to offer!

Hillary belongs in jail.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist.

Trump belongs in Vegas as Mayor

Cruz is abbrassive to his own party

Rubio is a gang-of-8 reject who wants amnesty

Bush is...a BUSH...and a loser

Unfortunately our system has become corrupt and the process to run so political and personally destructive for those and the families of those who might consider running that the best and brightest this nation has to offer will not / do not run.

you want the best and brightest, maybe impeaching a president for an affair is a bad idea.

btw, your opinion that hillary belongs in jail is your *opinion*... and 70 million dollars of our money spent on investigating the clintons didn't make the assertion real.

as for your version of what is "honest"... it's more of your baseless opinion.

as for corruption, you don't like corruption in the system, then citizens united should probably be overturned.

And your continued assertion the slimy willie was impeached for an affair demonstrates you have zero credibility.

poor dear... still reliving your failures of the 90's.

they tried to get the clintons for a million things. they failed while spending 70 million dollars. so they get a blue dress from a girl whose trust was violated by an older friend (linda tripp)... scalia then makes this president testify in a civil suit in a case where he is asked if he had an affair.(he was the only sitting president ever forced to participate in a civil litigation while in office)

with his wife sitting next to him, he said hell no.

and the wingers, with newtie in charge (all the while cheating on his wife with his aid) impeached him for lying in that civil deposition.... about an affair....

so don't talk to me about "credibility".
Jill, your attempt to paint the Clintons as victims has failed. Nothing you posted disproved what I wrote. Bill lied to Americans' faces and was DISBARRED for his lack if ethics...something he and his wife have in common.

Hillary has been caught in numerous lies...her name, sniper fire, 'only using 1 device', etc...

Give it up. She was voted LEAST trystworthy of ALL existing candidates in this Presidential race...for a readon. Go peddle that BS at a Hillary fundraiser / campaign stop. :))
Cruz being hated by his own party is exactly why he's the best we have to offer.

Cruz is in the pocket of Goldman Sachs. That's a deal breaker for me...

The great minds think alike....we must have posted at same time about Cruz and Goldman Sachs.

Westwall is not a white supremacist. Please....don't insult the man.

Here you are again, bringing race into a discussion that has nothing to do with race. We agree about Goldman Sachs.
Cruz being hated by his own party is exactly why he's the best we have to offer.

Cruz is in the pocket of Goldman Sachs. That's a deal breaker for me...

The great minds think alike....we must have posted at same time about Cruz and Goldman Sachs.

Westwall is not a white supremacist. Please....don't insult the man.

Here you are again, bringing race into a discussion that has nothing to do with race. We agree about Goldman Sachs.

I want to make sure that you don't go through life thinking that you and Westwall think alike. He's a bit of a tool.....but he doesn't have your problem.
Nothing new in American history. Democrats ran a virtual zombie in a freaking wheel chair for his 4th term and the liberal media lied to the American public. JFK relied on a Dr. feelgood for his congenital back problem and dallied with mafia babes. He hired his freaking brother as A.G. to cover his ass but his brother had the same problem. Bill Clinton was accused of rape and he couldn't keep his pants up in the freaking White House. The problem ain't with the candidates, it's the media which never saw a democrat they didn't like.

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