Let's call a spade a spade, if Trump was a Democrat he would be called the messiah by the Left

Like hell I would. Donald Trump's Presidency was irreconcilable to me the moment he gassed and shot protestors to hold up a Bible. That day sealed it for me. If he were a Democrat, I'd have voted against him
For leftists, the only that matters is the letter by their name. As long as it's a "D", they'll support anything the person does or says.
Your ignorance makes me smile a bit.
Knowing trump chose (R) because of the low IQ base.
He knew who he could easily con.
That’s what a flim flam con man does.

Define: Great for Americans. Oh wait, I’ll do it for you. The Rich get richer. The poor get poorer. Then blame the poor for not becoming one of the rich.

There were fewer unemployed blacks under Trump than at ANY time in our nation's history. The same was true for ALL minorities. As well, wages rose. The economy was very solid, until Covid.

And while we're at it, black Americans were WORSE off after 8 years of Obama than they were when he took over and it was pretty bad when he took over.

The difference between you and me is that my love, loyalty, and devotion are to average Americans such as myself. Yours is to the party.
Provide a link with a chart that shows this lowest black unemployment. Make sure the chart goes back 20 years.

The chart will in FACT show a trend and all trump did was continue the trend.
Yes. We thank trump for not fucking that up.
That is until COVID. Where trump fucked up bigly.

let’s see the black unemployment chart with 20years of data.
As we see two months into idiot Biden's presidency, and the floodgates at the border have been opened. They're allowing tens of thousands of migrants untested and unmasked into our country and keeping tens of thousands of kids of children in jail like conditions with zero social distancing. Meanwhile the corrupt fascist Leftist bastards have forced kids to stay home and not go to school as a way to hold them hostage to their demands.

Exactly the opposite of what's occurring at the border. This is the scum that today's modern Democratic party represents.

Just imagine if Biden were president when we were hit with Covid. But then again he isn't really present now, it's obvious that he's just a puppet controlled by those that hate this country and its people.
Our Western European follow the science socialist allies such as Germany, France and Spain are now undergoing a fourth wave with record positives not seen since last March, and have decided to shut their economies down once again.

If it was a Democrat president that had mobilized and produced three effective vaccines in record time to not only save the USA but the entire world, they would have called it the second coming of Christ and started carving his image on Mount Rushmore already.

Just imagine if we had people like Sleepy Joe and his merry band of fascist open border crooks in charge when we were hit with the virus. We would probably be looking at another three years before we were out of it, and a complete destruction of our way of life as we know it.

True story.

I've said that right along. If Trump were a Dem they would consider him the greatest POTUS we ever had. They would agree with everything he wanted to do. He would be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But because he wasn't a Dem they spent four years trying to bring him down.
Our Western European follow the science socialist allies such as Germany, France and Spain are now undergoing a fourth wave with record positives not seen since last March, and have decided to shut their economies down once again.

If it was a Democrat president that had mobilized and produced three effective vaccines in record time to not only save the USA but the entire world, they would have called it the second coming of Christ and started carving his image on Mount Rushmore already.

Just imagine if we had people like Sleepy Joe and his merry band of fascist open border crooks in charge when we were hit with the virus. We would probably be looking at another three years before we were out of it, and a complete destruction of our way of life as we know it.

True story.
Your orange messiah down played COVID causing hundreds of thousands of Americans to die from it.
Our Western European follow the science socialist allies such as Germany, France and Spain are now undergoing a fourth wave with record positives not seen since last March, and have decided to shut their economies down once again.

If it was a Democrat president that had mobilized and produced three effective vaccines in record time to not only save the USA but the entire world, they would have called it the second coming of Christ and started carving his image on Mount Rushmore already.

Just imagine if we had people like Sleepy Joe and his merry band of fascist open border crooks in charge when we were hit with the virus. We would probably be looking at another three years before we were out of it, and a complete destruction of our way of life as we know it.

True story.

I've said that right along. If Trump were a Dem they would consider him the greatest POTUS we ever had. They would agree with everything he wanted to do. He would be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But because he wasn't a Dem they spent four years trying to bring him down.
Bullshit. Trump is A lying POS con man. Only you dumbasss "conservatives" would fall for his BS.
Our Western European follow the science socialist allies such as Germany, France and Spain are now undergoing a fourth wave with record positives not seen since last March, and have decided to shut their economies down once again.

If it was a Democrat president that had mobilized and produced three effective vaccines in record time to not only save the USA but the entire world, they would have called it the second coming of Christ and started carving his image on Mount Rushmore already.

Just imagine if we had people like Sleepy Joe and his merry band of fascist open border crooks in charge when we were hit with the virus. We would probably be looking at another three years before we were out of it, and a complete destruction of our way of life as we know it.

True story.

I've said that right along. If Trump were a Dem they would consider him the greatest POTUS we ever had. They would agree with everything he wanted to do. He would be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But because he wasn't a Dem they spent four years trying to bring him down.
Bullshit. Trump is A lying POS con man. Only you dumbasss "conservatives" would fall for his BS.

Well for a lying POS he did pretty damned good for America.

Before the oh so convenient Chinese Virus, this country was in great shape. UE the lowest it had been in 50 years, jobs all across the country and a great economy. All due to that "lying piece of shit" named Trump.

You won't see that with that stuttering fuck you voted for.
Our Western European follow the science socialist allies such as Germany, France and Spain are now undergoing a fourth wave with record positives not seen since last March, and have decided to shut their economies down once again.

If it was a Democrat president that had mobilized and produced three effective vaccines in record time to not only save the USA but the entire world, they would have called it the second coming of Christ and started carving his image on Mount Rushmore already.

Just imagine if we had people like Sleepy Joe and his merry band of fascist open border crooks in charge when we were hit with the virus. We would probably be looking at another three years before we were out of it, and a complete destruction of our way of life as we know it.

True story.

I've said that right along. If Trump were a Dem they would consider him the greatest POTUS we ever had. They would agree with everything he wanted to do. He would be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But because he wasn't a Dem they spent four years trying to bring him down.
Bullshit. Trump is A lying POS con man. Only you dumbasss "conservatives" would fall for his BS.

Well for a lying POS he did pretty damned good for America.

Before the oh so convenient Chinese Virus, this country was in great shape. UE the lowest it had been in 50 years, jobs all across the country and a great economy. All due to that "lying piece of shit" named Trump.

You won't see that with that stuttering fuck you voted for.
Killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his COVID lies.

Lost more jobs than he gained during his term.

Ran up the debt.

The last three quarters of 2019 had not so great GDP growth

Told over 30,000 lies as President.

Stole children at the border as a deterrent.

Funneled millions of government cash into his own pockets.

Put China in as world leader.
Our Western European follow the science socialist allies such as Germany, France and Spain are now undergoing a fourth wave with record positives not seen since last March, and have decided to shut their economies down once again.

If it was a Democrat president that had mobilized and produced three effective vaccines in record time to not only save the USA but the entire world, they would have called it the second coming of Christ and started carving his image on Mount Rushmore already.

Just imagine if we had people like Sleepy Joe and his merry band of fascist open border crooks in charge when we were hit with the virus. We would probably be looking at another three years before we were out of it, and a complete destruction of our way of life as we know it.

True story.

I've said that right along. If Trump were a Dem they would consider him the greatest POTUS we ever had. They would agree with everything he wanted to do. He would be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But because he wasn't a Dem they spent four years trying to bring him down.
Bullshit. Trump is A lying POS con man. Only you dumbasss "conservatives" would fall for his BS.

Well for a lying POS he did pretty damned good for America.

Before the oh so convenient Chinese Virus, this country was in great shape. UE the lowest it had been in 50 years, jobs all across the country and a great economy. All due to that "lying piece of shit" named Trump.

You won't see that with that stuttering fuck you voted for.
Killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his COVID lies.

Lost more jobs than he gained during his term.

Ran up the debt.

The last three quarters of 2019 had not so great GDP growth

Told over 30,000 lies as President.

Stole children at the border as a deterrent.

Funneled millions of government cash into his own pockets.

Put China in as world leader.

You really are good at lying to yourself. SAALLLUTTEE. LoL.
Our Western European follow the science socialist allies such as Germany, France and Spain are now undergoing a fourth wave with record positives not seen since last March, and have decided to shut their economies down once again.

If it was a Democrat president that had mobilized and produced three effective vaccines in record time to not only save the USA but the entire world, they would have called it the second coming of Christ and started carving his image on Mount Rushmore already.

Just imagine if we had people like Sleepy Joe and his merry band of fascist open border crooks in charge when we were hit with the virus. We would probably be looking at another three years before we were out of it, and a complete destruction of our way of life as we know it.

True story.
Your orange messiah down played COVID causing hundreds of thousands of Americans to die from it.
Your marionette Biden condemned Trump's China ban because his cokehead son was in the pockets of Chinese to the tune of billions of dollars plus tapes showing him raping underage Chinese girls, and in the last three months Biden went ahead and opened the floodgates at the border exposing our border agents and the country in general to the Covid virus.

Or do you think the migrants who supposedly were fleeing for their lives managed to find a custom T shirt shop on the way that made tens of thousands of "help me Biden" at the snap of a finger? :cuckoo: Only a Leftie cultist fool would fall for that one.
Biden is incapable and not in charge. Dems know it and will whack him soon when it's convenient

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