Let's Clear The Table

The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.

Yes let’s clear the table

Is true and what’s gonna happen

Democrats has done a totally stoopid thing

Now they and their globalists will be toast coming from America’s patriot men

Trump gets impeached by the crooked congress

Then possibly enough globalists rino senators votes to remove him

Then a crooked supreme votes to agree

But then trump

Declares a broken govt because of criminal actions by the congress and courts

So you got the president showing the men that they are the ones as criminals and will call out the military to arrest the crooked govt members

Really really stoooopid what the deep state has done
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.

It's too bad Trump never had the integrity and character to apologize to McCain for denigrating his service.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.

It's too bad Trump never had the integrity and character to apologize to McCain for denigrating his service.

You asked a question, and I gave you an answer.
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The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.

Why? You will have either Trump or the democrats’ nominee (looks like Warren to me) to choose from. Are you looking towards 2024?
I have been waiting for more than 15 years for the GOP to snap out of its insanity.

I finally gave up when the rube herd went with Trump. I resigned from the Republican party after that.

So no. I am not looking forward to 2024. I fear it is going to take a lot longer than that for the GOP to find its way back, if ever.

I left the GOP over 10 years ago, best thing I ever did. In fact, I encourage everyone to register as an unaffiliated voter. There is few if any reasons for belonging to a political party. Given that however, I still vote republican almost exclusively. I’m still conservative after all.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
Hate to break it to you but the GOP has always been populated with liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites – that’s as true today as it was 50 years ago.

Looks like you’re relegated to voting third party/independent or not voting at all – for president, anyway.

Both parties of full of psychos, liars, racist and hypocrites. Anybody can see that.
I agree. This is why I started this topic.

So far, I have seen only one name offered up. And he's an Independent who quit the Republican party. Just like me. :lol:

You still only have 2 choices if you want your vote to possibly to matter, Republican or Democrat.
Justin Amash. I wouldn't vote for him simply because I disagree with many of his policies. That being said, he seems like a stand up guy for conservatives.

EDIT: Oh, wait. You said Republican. Oh well.

You beat me to it.

I agree with almost of his positions. If he ran as a Repub I would have to think long and hard about my stance of not voting for the duopoly

Dont bother
Keep being not

That helps the rest of us.

You're saying that to a conservative. Enjoy.

hahaha...that's some funny ass shit.
The dude is a hardcore Leftist...Nobody but you is fooled.

How is he a 'leftist'? What positions does he have that makes him so?

Politically he is nothing
He doesn't exist

Neat. He's a conservative, you guys should battle each other to see who is the most conservative.
You are doing a lot of defending of that leftist

I haven't defended anyone, just pointing out the way it is.
If that makes you sleep better, by all means, keep doing it. But you'll still be defending him. His words should be the only thing defending his views and his words make him a leftist.

Politically he is nothing
He doesn't exist

Neat. He's a conservative, you guys should battle each other to see who is the most conservative.
You are doing a lot of defending of that leftist

I haven't defended anyone, just pointing out the way it is.
If that makes you sleep better, by all means, keep doing it. But you'll still be defending him. His words should be the only thing defending his views and his words make him a leftist.

Like what words? Be specific.
Politically he is nothing
He doesn't exist

Neat. He's a conservative, you guys should battle each other to see who is the most conservative.
You are doing a lot of defending of that leftist

I haven't defended anyone, just pointing out the way it is.
If that makes you sleep better, by all means, keep doing it. But you'll still be defending him. His words should be the only thing defending his views and his words make him a leftist.

Like what words? Be specific.
you're a dumbass
His fucking post you fucking idiot.
Let's Clear The Table We need new blood with better ideas. Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there
Can't think of any newer blood, better ideas than Trump! He is 4 years in the party. Can't get much fresher than that.
Let's Clear The Table who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?
Just when did that happen to the GOP? And can they possibly be half as much liars, psycho, racist, devisive or hypocritical as the Democrats?
Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump. Or Warren or Biden, et al. Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study. Thank you.

Good. Don''t vote. Name to watch? Nobody that will actually be picked to head the nomination of a party! What, do you really expect that they are out to represent YOU?
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.

You mean a "good" Republican who isn't afraid of letting the Democrats run roughshod all over them and let them have their way?

Like McCain? Oh wait: He's dead. Like JEB? No wait: He seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.

How about that Kasich feller? No wait, he also seems to have fallen off the earth.

Sorry, mang. Like it or not, Donald Trump is now the face of the Republican Party. He is the Republican Party on steroids, and this is what you have to look forward to from now on.
That worries me a great deal. I am actually fearful for the future of our Republic. I don't mean civil war. I mean a capitulation of our principles and a degradation of our standing in the world.

As long as people line up to beg to be lied to by someone like Trump, we will never have honest government again.

I don't see it that way. Trump has in reality returned this country to the principles it was founded on. He is also the most transparent President I've seen during my lifetime.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.

It's too bad Trump never had the integrity and character to apologize to McCain for denigrating his service.

There was nothing wrong with spineless McCain’s service when he was in the military… Too bad his career, as a career politician fucked everything over. Lol
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
Hate to break it to you but the GOP has always been populated with liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites – that’s as true today as it was 50 years ago.

Looks like you’re relegated to voting third party/independent or not voting at all – for president, anyway.

Both parties of full of psychos, liars, racist and hypocrites. Anybody can see that.
I agree. This is why I started this topic.

So far, I have seen only one name offered up. And he's an Independent who quit the Republican party. Just like me. :lol:

You still only have 2 choices if you want your vote to possibly to matter, Republican or Democrat.

Even that is a stretch...in more than 2/3 of the states you vote does not matter unless you pick the right one of those two.
Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Here you go.


Disagree with the premise -
Luv this man as a candidate though.
Does anyone know of a younger Democrat out there who stands for all the ideals of the Democrats before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, Socialists, Illegals and hypocrites?
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
I live in NY which I believe is now a toss up in 2020. I was going to write in g5000 for President, but my vote might help Trump win NY
Does anyone know of a younger Democrat out there who stands for all the ideals of the Democrats before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, Socialists, Illegals and hypocrites?

No -
JFK was the very last reasonable democratic - and he got dead for it.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
I live in NY which I believe is now a toss up in 2020. I was going to write in g5000 for President, but my vote might help Trump win NY

No Repub has gotten more than 40% in NY this century...and you think it is now a toss up state?

What color is the sky in the fantasy world you live in?
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
I live in NY which I believe is now a toss up in 2020. I was going to write in g5000 for President, but my vote might help Trump win NY

Were you to do that you would end you up on the red flag list.

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