Let's Clear The Table

The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
File the paperwork and run for office. You'll have to get permission from the two political parties, however.
What, specifically, do you like about Amash?

Here are highlights taken from Wikipedia...

Amash opposes abortion and federal funding for abortion.He describes himself as "100 percent pro-life" and in 2017 voted in favor of federal legislation to ban most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

So far, so good. I'm pro-life.

Amash supports decreasing U.S. military spending, and believes there is significant waste in the U.S. Department of Defense.
I believe in cutting all spending across the board, but I don't believe we should shrink our military down to the size of a cub scout troop like Libertarians do.

We must protect and defend the sea lanes and our overseas interests, including in the Middle East.

He believes only Congress has the power to declare war, criticizing President Obama's intervention in Syria against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant for proceeding without a Congressional declaration of war.
I remember all the cries for Congress to impeach Obama if he bombed Syria without congressional approval, which he never did.

I also remember the total silence from the same people when Trump bombed Syria without congressional approval.

Amash joined 104 Democrats and 16 Republicans in voting against the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which specified the budget and expenditures of the Department of Defense,[64] calling it "one of the most anti-liberty pieces of legislation of our lifetime". Amash co-sponsored an amendment to the NDAA that would ban indefinite military detention and military trials so that all terror suspects arrested in the United States would be tried in civilian courts. He expressed concern that individuals charged with terrorism could be jailed for prolonged periods of time without ever being formally charged or brought to trial.
This I agree with. There are many troubling aspects to the Patriot Act which will come back to bite us.

In 2017 Amash criticized U.S. involvement in Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen, arguing that "Al Qaeda in Yemen has emerged as a de facto ally of the Saudi-led militaries with whom [Trump] administration aims to partner more closely."
Trump seems to feel it necessary to keep feeding the military-industrial complex. I have not dived to deep into that, but there is something going on there.

In February 2019, Amash was the only House Republican to co-sponsor a resolution to block Trump's declaration of a national emergency to redirect funds to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border without a congressional appropriation for such a project. He wrote, "A national emergency declaration for a non-emergency is void", and "[Trump] is attempting to circumvent our constitutional system.


I miss the Republican Party which appreciated immigrants, and understood that most illegals were here trying to provide for their families and were natural fits for the GOP. Hard working, deeply religious Christians, family-oriented. The present day Republican Party has really screwed the pooch on that one. And they will ultimately pay for it demographically.

Amash and fellow U.S. Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) introduced a bill[85] to block the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) from financing its Cannabis Eradication Program through civil-asset forfeitures. Amash took aim at civil-asset forfeiture in a statement, saying that the practice allows for "innocent people to have their property taken without sufficient due process".

I have a huge problem with civil asset forfeiture. I started more than one topic about that. It's literally highway robbery perpetrated by the people who are supposed to serve and protect us.

Amash co-sponsored H.R. 1227, the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017.

I am in favor of legalizing marijuana, but not any hard drugs.

Amash supported a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, saying that the "real threat" to traditional marriage and religious liberty is government, not gay couples.
I support equal protection of the laws for gay marriages. The American people asked for government to get up all in their marriages and to bestow cash and prizes on us for getting married. Gay people just want the exact same legal protections, nothing more. It has nothing to do with religion.

To me, the arguments against gay marriage are identical to the arguments made not long ago against interracial marriage. Opposition is based on hatred, using the Bible as a blasphemous shield.

Amash has been a frequent critic of the National Security Agency's anti-terrorism surveillance programs.

He voted against the 2011 reauthorization of the USA PATRIOT Act,the 2012 reauthorization of the FISA Amendments Act,and the USA Freedom Act.
I, too, am viscerally opposed to our government spying on us.
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The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
File the paperwork and run for office. You'll have to get permission from the two political parties, however.
People who know me in real life have begged me to run for office. They've even greased the skids for me if I ever decide to do so.

It's tempting.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
Good luck. But, it looks like you will be voting democrat in 2020, if you want to remove trump.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
You have no idea what a real conservative is, Because it’s impossible to be a career politician and conservative at the same time... lol
I know that trillion dollar deficits are not conservative. I know tariff wars are not conservative. I know a $4.7 trillion budget is not conservative. I know kowtowing to a KGB thug is not conservative. I know cheating on three wives is not conservative. I know bottomless moral corruption is not conservative. I know willful lies are not conservative. I know bearing false witness is not conservative.
...and it’s impossible to be a conservative career politician
That's cute...I'm certain you knew all about him prior to his stand against Trump...right?

I have known about him since he stood up to giving the Executive Branch the power of unlimited detention of anyone, citizens included, without trial or access to legal advise.

Link us to your posts that included his name pre 2016....you know, for credibility and all.

View attachment 285973

Hahaha...thought so.
You're riding the dudes nutsack because he's anti Trump...no other reason.

Dude, I know that you have the IQ of a house cat, but I cannot provide post from a time I was not a member of this forum, it is just not possible.

You are really pathetic when you get this desperate.
Well, Amash does not sound half bad. I will look into him more, and will follow him in the future.

Anyone have any other suggestions?
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
File the paperwork and run for office. You'll have to get permission from the two political parties, however.
People who know me in real life have begged me to run for office. They've even greased the skids for me if I ever decide to do so.

It's tempting.
I know the feeling, but I've been told by the local GOP power that they will not allow a real conservative into their district.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
You have no idea what a real conservative is, Because it’s impossible to be a career politician and conservative at the same time... lol
I know that trillion dollar deficits are not conservative. I know tariff wars are not conservative. I know a $4.7 trillion budget is not conservative. I know kowtowing to a KGB thug is not conservative. I know cheating on three wives is not conservative. I know bottomless moral corruption is not conservative. I know willful lies are not conservative. I know bearing false witness is not conservative.
...and it’s impossible to be a conservative career politician

Not true, our last Conservative president was a career politician.

Then again that was more than 90 years ago.

But it can be done
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
You have no idea what a real conservative is, Because it’s impossible to be a career politician and conservative at the same time... lol
I know that trillion dollar deficits are not conservative. I know tariff wars are not conservative. I know a $4.7 trillion budget is not conservative. I know kowtowing to a KGB thug is not conservative. I know cheating on three wives is not conservative. I know bottomless moral corruption is not conservative. I know willful lies are not conservative. I know bearing false witness is not conservative.
...and it’s impossible to be a conservative career politician
Tell that to Ron Paul.
Clearing the table should result in bringing in more people currently not in office and not infected by the lobbyists....outsiders if you will.
Tell that to Ron Paul.
Ron Paul is not a conservative. He is a Randian little weasel who loves big government, when it suits him.
I remember back in...1978, I think...I was at a Young Americans for Freedom conference. YAF was comprised of about half conservatives, half libertarians. Bill Buckley was our earthly god.

I went into a small meeting room to watch a propaganda film they had made for our impressionable young minds. I sat down next to a Western cowboy geezer looking dude. A John Bircher.

I don't remember a thing about the film except that at some point the narrator said, "Conservative Jesse Helms..."

And the John Bircher exclaimed, "HE'S NO CONSERVATIVE!"

Clearing the table should result in bringing in more people currently not in office and not infected by the lobbyists....outsiders if you will.
Exactly. It's time for a good housecleaning.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
You have no idea what a real conservative is, Because it’s impossible to be a career politician and conservative at the same time... lol
I know that trillion dollar deficits are not conservative. I know tariff wars are not conservative. I know a $4.7 trillion budget is not conservative. I know kowtowing to a KGB thug is not conservative. I know cheating on three wives is not conservative. I know bottomless moral corruption is not conservative. I know willful lies are not conservative. I know bearing false witness is not conservative.
...and it’s impossible to be a conservative career politician

Not true, our last Conservative president was a career politician.

Then again that was more than 90 years ago.

But it can be done
The closest we’ve had to a conservative was is Calvin Coolidge...
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
You have no idea what a real conservative is, Because it’s impossible to be a career politician and conservative at the same time... lol
I know that trillion dollar deficits are not conservative. I know tariff wars are not conservative. I know a $4.7 trillion budget is not conservative. I know kowtowing to a KGB thug is not conservative. I know cheating on three wives is not conservative. I know bottomless moral corruption is not conservative. I know willful lies are not conservative. I know bearing false witness is not conservative.
...and it’s impossible to be a conservative career politician
Tell that to Ron Paul.
not quite...
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
You have no idea what a real conservative is, Because it’s impossible to be a career politician and conservative at the same time... lol
I know that trillion dollar deficits are not conservative. I know tariff wars are not conservative. I know a $4.7 trillion budget is not conservative. I know kowtowing to a KGB thug is not conservative. I know cheating on three wives is not conservative. I know bottomless moral corruption is not conservative. I know willful lies are not conservative. I know bearing false witness is not conservative.
...and it’s impossible to be a conservative career politician

Not true, our last Conservative president was a career politician.

Then again that was more than 90 years ago.

But it can be done
The closest we’ve had to a conservative was is Calvin Coolidge...

And how long ago was that?


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