Let's Clear The Table

Justin Amash. I wouldn't vote for him simply because I disagree with many of his policies. That being said, he seems like a stand up guy for conservatives.

EDIT: Oh, wait. You said Republican. Oh well.
Thank you. What do you like about Justin Amash?

That he's willing to throw it all away to do the right thing. I'm not a conservative so I won't agree with him on much, but at least he's honest. Maybe someday will get back to a time where we can simply disagree but not be disagreeable.
Justin Amash. I wouldn't vote for him simply because I disagree with many of his policies. That being said, he seems like a stand up guy for conservatives.

EDIT: Oh, wait. You said Republican. Oh well.

You beat me to it.

I agree with almost of his positions. If he ran as a Repub I would have to think long and hard about my stance of not voting for the duopoly
What, specifically, do you like about Amash?
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.

You mean a "good" Republican who isn't afraid of letting the Democrats run roughshod all over them and let them have their way?

Like McCain? Oh wait: He's dead. Like JEB? No wait: He seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.

How about that Kasich feller? No wait, he also seems to have fallen off the earth.

Sorry, mang. Like it or not, Donald Trump is now the face of the Republican Party. He is the Republican Party on steroids, and this is what you have to look forward to from now on.
That worries me a great deal. I am actually fearful for the future of our Republic. I don't mean civil war. I mean a capitulation of our principles and a degradation of our standing in the world.

As long as people line up to beg to be lied to by someone like Trump, we will never have honest government again.
Term limits
I am slowly coming around to being in favor of term limits. I used to believe that elections were the way to get rid of all the crooks, but I also believed there are some duties and responsibilities of government require experienced hands.

But the system is so heavily skewed to protect incumbents, I now believe we need term limits.

The House has a re-election rate of 98 percent. 98 percent! The Senate has a re-election rate of 80 percent.

Talk about a rigged system.

I have some other ideas which I would rather see enacted rather than term limits. Term limits are a fix for the symptoms, not a cure of the disease.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.

Since votes offset each other in the final count, your NO VOTE is a vote
"Better ideas" like a roaring economy, bring the boys back from foreign military adventures and historic low unemployment? Look around.
Trillion dollar deficits, surrendering our overseas interests and kowtowing to Russia, bottomless moral corruption, record high medical costs, record big government spending.

The economy was recovering long before Trump. In fact, Trump brought nine years of Dow growth to a screeching halt with his tariff war. Our skimpy GDP growth was bought with record government spending and trillion dollar deficits which the yet unborn will pay a very heavy price for, just to achieve a short term propaganda gain for the great deceiver.

Tariff wars are a leftist thing, by the way. There are many indications Trump is still the Democrat he was up to a few years ago. Especially his sucking up to Russia, and his cutting and running from the Middle East.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.

Since votes offset each other in the final count, your NO VOTE is a vote
I will not give any piece of shit, Democrat or fake Republican, my vote. It is too valuable to throw away on a turd.

A vote tells the recipient to keep doing what they are doing. I absolutely refuse to communicate that message to Trump or the other Democrats.
What, specifically, do you like about Amash?

Here are highlights taken from Wikipedia...

Amash opposes abortion and federal funding for abortion.He describes himself as "100 percent pro-life" and in 2017 voted in favor of federal legislation to ban most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Amash supports decreasing U.S. military spending, and believes there is significant waste in the U.S. Department of Defense.

He believes only Congress has the power to declare war, criticizing President Obama's intervention in Syria against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant for proceeding without a Congressional declaration of war.

Amash joined 104 Democrats and 16 Republicans in voting against the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which specified the budget and expenditures of the Department of Defense,[64] calling it "one of the most anti-liberty pieces of legislation of our lifetime". Amash co-sponsored an amendment to the NDAA that would ban indefinite military detention and military trials so that all terror suspects arrested in the United States would be tried in civilian courts. He expressed concern that individuals charged with terrorism could be jailed for prolonged periods of time without ever being formally charged or brought to trial.

In 2017 Amash criticized U.S. involvement in Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen, arguing that "Al Qaeda in Yemen has emerged as a de facto ally of the Saudi-led militaries with whom [Trump] administration aims to partner more closely."

In February 2019, Amash was the only House Republican to co-sponsor a resolution to block Trump's declaration of a national emergency to redirect funds to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border without a congressional appropriation for such a project. He wrote, "A national emergency declaration for a non-emergency is void", and "[Trump] is attempting to circumvent our constitutional system.

Amash and fellow U.S. Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) introduced a bill[85] to block the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) from financing its Cannabis Eradication Program through civil-asset forfeitures. Amash took aim at civil-asset forfeiture in a statement, saying that the practice allows for "innocent people to have their property taken without sufficient due process".

Amash co-sponsored H.R. 1227, the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017.

Amash supported a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, saying that the "real threat" to traditional marriage and religious liberty is government, not gay couples.

Amash has been a frequent critic of the National Security Agency's anti-terrorism surveillance programs.

He voted against the 2011 reauthorization of the USA PATRIOT Act,the 2012 reauthorization of the FISA Amendments Act,and the USA Freedom Act.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
You have no idea what a real conservative is, Because it’s impossible to be a career politician and conservative at the same time... lol
I know that trillion dollar deficits are not conservative. I know tariff wars are not conservative. I know a $4.7 trillion budget is not conservative. I know kowtowing to a KGB thug is not conservative. I know cheating on three wives is not conservative. I know bottomless moral corruption is not conservative. I know willful lies are not conservative. I know bearing false witness is not conservative.
Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Here you go.

I used to like Rush back in the beginning. Then he became a waterboy for psychos, liars, hypocrites, and racists. All those opioids fucked him up.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.

Why? You will have either Trump or the democrats’ nominee (looks like Warren to me) to choose from. Are you looking towards 2024?
I have been waiting for more than 15 years for the GOP to snap out of its insanity.

I finally gave up when the rube herd went with Trump. I resigned from the Republican party after that.

So no. I am not looking forward to 2024. I fear it is going to take a lot longer than that for the GOP to find its way back, if ever.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.
Hate to break it to you but the GOP has always been populated with liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites – that’s as true today as it was 50 years ago.

Looks like you’re relegated to voting third party/independent or not voting at all – for president, anyway.

Both parties of full of psychos, liars, racist and hypocrites. Anybody can see that.
I agree. This is why I started this topic.

So far, I have seen only one name offered up. And he's an Independent who quit the Republican party. Just like me. :lol:
Justin Amash. I wouldn't vote for him simply because I disagree with many of his policies. That being said, he seems like a stand up guy for conservatives.

EDIT: Oh, wait. You said Republican. Oh well.

You beat me to it.

I agree with almost of his positions. If he ran as a Repub I would have to think long and hard about my stance of not voting for the duopoly

That's cute...I'm certain you knew all about him prior to his stand against Trump...right?
Link us to your posts that included his name pre 2016....you know, for credibility and all.
The open sores of all the old politicians have become too gross to bear any more. We need new blood with better ideas.

Does anyone know of a younger Republican out there who stands for all the ideals of the GOP before it was hijacked by liars, psychos, racists, and hypocrites?

Sorry, folks, but I can't possibly ever bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Which means I won't be voting for Trump.

Or Warren or Biden, et al.

Give me a name to watch. Someone I can look into and study.

Thank you.

Vote for Mayor Pete...
I agree, they tend to leave others holding the bag as they run off into retirement.
That is why we need single term limits on all federally elected officials… That way they would actually work for the country not the other way around as it is now

Great, I guess Trump should quit in 2020 then.
If they would single term limit everybody I would be all for it. Lol
Career politicians have FUBARed this country. Fact

Not a fact.
Yes, Just look at the oversized corrupt federal government... fact
Trump made it bigger.

$4.7 trillion budget came from his desk. The biggest budget in the history of the Universe. And not one single cry of moral outrage from any of you.

That's why I laugh when you all claim to be for small government. DEEDS speak louder than WORDS.
That's cute...I'm certain you knew all about him prior to his stand against Trump...right?

I have known about him since he stood up to giving the Executive Branch the power of unlimited detention of anyone, citizens included, without trial or access to legal advise.

Link us to your posts that included his name pre 2016....you know, for credibility and all.

Justin Amash. I wouldn't vote for him simply because I disagree with many of his policies. That being said, he seems like a stand up guy for conservatives.

EDIT: Oh, wait. You said Republican. Oh well.

You beat me to it.

I agree with almost of his positions. If he ran as a Repub I would have to think long and hard about my stance of not voting for the duopoly

Dont bother
Keep being not

That helps the rest of us.

You're saying that to a conservative. Enjoy.

hahaha...that's some funny ass shit.
The dude is a hardcore Leftist...Nobody but you is fooled.
Justin Amash. I wouldn't vote for him simply because I disagree with many of his policies. That being said, he seems like a stand up guy for conservatives.

EDIT: Oh, wait. You said Republican. Oh well.

You beat me to it.

I agree with almost of his positions. If he ran as a Repub I would have to think long and hard about my stance of not voting for the duopoly

Dont bother
Keep being not

That helps the rest of us.

You're saying that to a conservative. Enjoy.

hahaha...that's some funny ass shit.
The dude is a hardcore Leftist...Nobody but you is fooled.

He is miles to the right of you.
That's cute...I'm certain you knew all about him prior to his stand against Trump...right?

I have known about him since he stood up to giving the Executive Branch the power of unlimited detention of anyone, citizens included, without trial or access to legal advise.

Link us to your posts that included his name pre 2016....you know, for credibility and all.

View attachment 285973

Hahaha...thought so.
You're riding the dudes nutsack because he's anti Trump...no other reason.

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