Let's debunk another right wing media (RWM) myth, shall we.

Two things for Trumpleheards to keep in mind on the topic. The lie began when Trump misrepresented something he heard. Not an uncommon occurrence. It just happened in the Flynn case relating to the 302 document in question.

So, basically...you stuck with your MSM source 'MotherJones'? :auiqs.jpg:

Here are two sources, you probably didn't bother to even read or researched.

Samantha Power was “the largest unmasker of US persons in our country’s history,” then-Rep. Trey Gowdy said in October 2017, when he was interviewing her during the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia probe.
As US ambassador to the United Nations, she made hundreds of “unmasking” requests during the final year of the Obama administration, although her post had no obvious intelligence function.

She asked that the identity of Gen. Michael Flynn be revealed in classified intelligence reports seven times between Election Day 2016 and the inauguration of President Trump on Jan. 20, 2017, although she testified later of having “no recollection” of the requests.

“Now, did I have a significant appetite for intelligence? I do,” Power told Gowdy.

No kidding.

Not that she was alone. We now discover, thanks to a document declassified by the nation’s intelligence chief, that more than three dozen members of the Obama administration, including Joe Biden, also had an unhealthy obsession with unmasking Flynn.

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I confess I only got as far as the second paragraph before I stopped reading Greenwald's piece in the Intercept. He mis-characterized the circumstances under which McCabe was forced out of the FBI and went on to show his biased hand when he dishonestly described the prosecution of the confessed felon Gen. Flynn complete with disingenuous hyperbole.

Allow me to recommend a more dispassionately analytical review of the facts surrounding the Flynn case.

Normally, when dismantling a RWM (and Trump) myth (lie) it takes quite a few sources because the lies tend to be multi-faceted.

This one is pretty straight forward both in its assertion and the relative ease with which it is refuted.

Two things for Trumpleheards to keep in mind on the topic. The lie began when Trump misrepresented something he heard. Not an uncommon occurrence. It just happened in the Flynn case relating to the 302 document in question.

Then it was unenthusiastically reinforced by his bagman............which is why cultists have adopted it as gospel. However..........................................

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign

The FBI is absolutely culpable for its questionable work regarding the FISA warrant requests and deserve to be criticized by Horowitz. But that does not change the credibility of his finding concerning the baseless allegation Trump was "spied on" by the Obama admin.

These are op ed pieces that don't prove anything. I can do one too:

You do know in the IG report York refers to in his erroneous article, Horowitz plainly states he did not find evidence of spying by the Obama admin, right?

The use of the word "spying" is employed by RWM because it's a hot button term, not because it accurately describes the facts or the FBI's predicate for opening Crossfire Hurricane.
Flynn definitely broke the law by not disclosing (and later lying) about his contacts with the Russian Ambassador. No amount of conspiracy theory can counteract that. Them's just the facts!

Yeah, never mind the myriad legal experts stating that he DIDN'T break the law, because the FBI wasn't asking him about anything illegal. No amount of "I WANT this to be true, so it is . . . no matter what!" can counteract that. Them's just the facts!
These Berg TDS threads need a new forum, I propose either the trolling forum or the TDS forum. Since we already have a trolling forum it has to be the TDS forum.
You could have saved yourself some time and just typed in, "I've got nothing of value to add."
Neither do the Demoncraps, nothing to add to this economy except misery and poverty. Yesterday i check Hair Cuttery and they seem to be bankrupt. All those women and gay men who cut other peoples hair are now out of business thanks to the Wuhan Virus and Demoncraps. Of course this has been the whole plan all along, because when no one works, then Socialism can take over and then people are FORCED to work at the point of a gun, because that is what Socialist end up doing. Every day i pray you liberals get T-boned by a drunken illegal or murdered by the criminals released by the liberal governors. For Karma is a bitch........
Triggered much, LOL?

He wasn’t under oath nor given his Miranda rights
He was being interviewed by the FBI. Lying to them is a crime. Miranda rights aren't issued until a person is placed under arrest.

Try harder not to be so stupid.
Setting up a General and getting him to be in a sting operation is a felony....Shitstains like you need to be T-boned by an illegal alien or murdered by the criminals the Demoncrap Governors are releasing. Karma is a bitch and you need some.
These Berg TDS threads need a new forum, I propose either the trolling forum or the TDS forum. Since we already have a trolling forum it has to be the TDS forum.
You could have saved yourself some time and just typed in, "I've got nothing of value to add."
Neither do the Demoncraps, nothing to add to this economy except misery and poverty. Yesterday i check Hair Cuttery and they seem to be bankrupt. All those women and gay men who cut other peoples hair are now out of business thanks to the Wuhan Virus and Demoncraps. Of course this has been the whole plan all along, because when no one works, then Socialism can take over and then people are FORCED to work at the point of a gun, because that is what Socialist end up doing. Every day i pray you liberals get T-boned by a drunken illegal or murdered by the criminals released by the liberal governors. For Karma is a bitch........
Triggered much, LOL?

Ah, have to go and use the rights wording do ya? Cant even thing of something original. Worthless shitstain of a cumquat.
Yeah, never mind the myriad legal experts stating that he DIDN'T break the law, because the FBI wasn't asking him about anything illegal.
If the FBI is investigating you and in response to a question regarding something you did you lie to them, you have broken the law. It's why Flynn confessed to breaking the law.
Anything else I can help you with?

Setting up a General and getting him to be in a sting operation is a felony
If that happened it would be bad...........but it didn't.

You brought a squirt gun to a knife fight.
Yeah, never mind the myriad legal experts stating that he DIDN'T break the law, because the FBI wasn't asking him about anything illegal.
If the FBI is investigating you and in response to a question regarding something you did you lie to them, you have broken the law. It's why Flynn confessed to breaking the law.
Anything else I can help you with?

No, Chuckles, as much as you love toadying to any authority figure who presents a buttock for you to smooch, but the FBI does not just get to ask you whatever they want, for whatever reason they want. However much you want to cling to the belief that Flynn was still under investigation (he wasn't) and that the interview was completely above-board (it wasn't) and regarding illegal or possibly illegal behavior (it wasn't), whole crowds of legal experts have said you're wrong, including Justice Department investigators.

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