Let's debunk another right wing media (RWM) myth, shall we.

Two things for Trumpleheards to keep in mind on the topic. The lie began when Trump misrepresented something he heard. Not an uncommon occurrence. It just happened in the Flynn case relating to the 302 document in question.

So, basically...you stuck with your MSM source 'MotherJones'? :auiqs.jpg:

Here are two sources, you probably didn't bother to even read or researched.

Samantha Power was “the largest unmasker of US persons in our country’s history,” then-Rep. Trey Gowdy said in October 2017, when he was interviewing her during the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia probe.
As US ambassador to the United Nations, she made hundreds of “unmasking” requests during the final year of the Obama administration, although her post had no obvious intelligence function.

She asked that the identity of Gen. Michael Flynn be revealed in classified intelligence reports seven times between Election Day 2016 and the inauguration of President Trump on Jan. 20, 2017, although she testified later of having “no recollection” of the requests.

“Now, did I have a significant appetite for intelligence? I do,” Power told Gowdy.

No kidding.

Not that she was alone. We now discover, thanks to a document declassified by the nation’s intelligence chief, that more than three dozen members of the Obama administration, including Joe Biden, also had an unhealthy obsession with unmasking Flynn.

View attachment 337899

oh jebus!

she did not ask for general flynn to be unmasked silly silly one! She requested, for the UNIDENTIFIED person speaking with Amb Kislyak IN THE INTEL TRANSCRIPT that she was given in her intelligence briefing, be unmasked, so she could understand, the full depth of the intelligence, she was briefed on.....

the NSA had to approve it, based on the laws regarding such releases, and was APPROVED for such unmaskings. The unmasking of her request, was given to her, in a top secret SCHIF, or perhaps given to her right hand man asst, and not via some unsecure email system.

AT the time of the unmasking, legal request, there was no way for her to accurately know if it was Flynn, or not....

THAT is why she was asking for the unmasking of the UNIDENTIFIED person, to identify them.

THAT is also why that SPIN of her asking forFLYNN to be unmasked, is flat out wrong, and untruthful.

she asked for an unidentified person in her intelligence brief, to be identified....unmasked..... that person, happened to be general flynn once unmasked, but not known with any certainty, beforehand.
oh jebus!

According to Samantha Power, she has 'no recollection'....

Normally, when dismantling a RWM (and Trump) myth (lie) it takes quite a few sources because the lies tend to be multi-faceted.

This one is pretty straight forward both in its assertion and the relative ease with which it is refuted.

Two things for Trumpleheards to keep in mind on the topic. The lie began when Trump misrepresented something he heard. Not an uncommon occurrence. It just happened in the Flynn case relating to the 302 document in question.

Then it was unenthusiastically reinforced by his bagman............which is why cultists have adopted it as gospel. However..........................................

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign

The FBI is absolutely culpable for its questionable work regarding the FISA warrant requests and deserve to be criticized by Horowitz. But that does not change the credibility of his finding concerning the baseless allegation Trump was "spied on" by the Obama admin.

CNNTroll GIF - CNNTroll GIFs

Rather Wu Mao. Chinese shill.
oh jebus!

According to Samantha Power, she has 'no recollection'....

FROM your link....

According to the documents, Power may have received Flynn’s identity after an unmasking request on Nov. 30, 2016; Dec. 2, 2016; Dec. 7, 2016; Dec. 14, 2016 (two unmasking requests); Dec. 23, 2016, and Jan. 11, 2017. The list does not make clear whether Power, or other named officials, actually received the identity they sought to unmask.

then maybe we should believe, that it was someone else and not her, as your article STATES, it does not know it was Power who got them....??? or if anyone got them!!!
Normally, when dismantling a RWM (and Trump) myth (lie) it takes quite a few sources because the lies tend to be multi-faceted.

This one is pretty straight forward both in its assertion and the relative ease with which it is refuted.

Two things for Trumpleheards to keep in mind on the topic. The lie began when Trump misrepresented something he heard. Not an uncommon occurrence. It just happened in the Flynn case relating to the 302 document in question.

Then it was unenthusiastically reinforced by his bagman............which is why cultists have adopted it as gospel. However..........................................

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign

The FBI is absolutely culpable for its questionable work regarding the FISA warrant requests and deserve to be criticized by Horowitz. But that does not change the credibility of his finding concerning the baseless allegation Trump was "spied on" by the Obama admin.

Your outdated article was posted on Nov 27, 2019, 3:25 PM. The documents proving the lies and malfeasance on the part of the FBI and the Justice Department have just been declassified and released to the public this month, May 2020. What is not clear to you?
So they set him up to lie about what he was doing...Every fucking day i wish you fuckers would get T-boned by an illegal alien or murdered by the criminals released by the liberal governors. Karma is a bitch, and you are do for some....

Fortunately, all that Karma you wish for is raining down on the Democrats by the bucketful!

Keep up the good work!
Normally, when dismantling a RWM (and Trump) myth (lie) it takes quite a few sources because the lies tend to be multi-faceted.

This one is pretty straight forward both in its assertion and the relative ease with which it is refuted.

Two things for Trumpleheards to keep in mind on the topic. The lie began when Trump misrepresented something he heard. Not an uncommon occurrence. It just happened in the Flynn case relating to the 302 document in question.

Then it was unenthusiastically reinforced by his bagman............which is why cultists have adopted it as gospel. However..........................................

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign

The FBI is absolutely culpable for its questionable work regarding the FISA warrant requests and deserve to be criticized by Horowitz. But that does not change the credibility of his finding concerning the baseless allegation Trump was "spied on" by the Obama admin.
In a blistering December 16 ruling, US District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan, who is known for pushing federal prosecutors turn over any arguably exculpatory evidence to defendants, excoriated Powell’s arguments. Sullivan even accused Powell of plagiarism.

Sullivan found that “there were no material changes in the interview reports, and that those reports track the interviewing FBI agents’ notes.” He said the material prosecutors turned over is “both consistent and clear that Mr. Flynn made false statements to the FBI.” In other words, the judge found that the Justice Department not only turned over adequate records of the interview to Flynn’s lawyers, but those records show that Flynn is guilty of the crime to which he pleaded guilty.
Normally, when dismantling a RWM (and Trump) myth (lie) it takes quite a few sources because the lies tend to be multi-faceted.

This one is pretty straight forward both in its assertion and the relative ease with which it is refuted.

Two things for Trumpleheards to keep in mind on the topic. The lie began when Trump misrepresented something he heard. Not an uncommon occurrence. It just happened in the Flynn case relating to the 302 document in question.

Then it was unenthusiastically reinforced by his bagman............which is why cultists have adopted it as gospel. However..........................................

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign

The FBI is absolutely culpable for its questionable work regarding the FISA warrant requests and deserve to be criticized by Horowitz. But that does not change the credibility of his finding concerning the baseless allegation Trump was "spied on" by the Obama admin.
That’s not even close to the claim or the truth. The truth is, is that Storzk and Paige went in to edited the original 302 on multiple occasions. This is a no-no although I’m not sure a hard and fast rule, one thing is for certain is that you keep the original to show what was edited. The ORIGINAL is missing, and we don’t know what exactly
Storzk and Paige changed. The reason why it’s a no-no go edited is it gives the defense in any case an argument to get that evidence thrown out. This is why its extremely important to keep the original, so when the defense makes that argument, you can take the original to the judge and say “see this is all we changed, the agent got the date wrong and we fixed it, therefore this evidence is reliable”
Normally, when dismantling a RWM (and Trump) myth (lie) it takes quite a few sources because the lies tend to be multi-faceted.

This one is pretty straight forward both in its assertion and the relative ease with which it is refuted.

Two things for Trumpleheards to keep in mind on the topic. The lie began when Trump misrepresented something he heard. Not an uncommon occurrence. It just happened in the Flynn case relating to the 302 document in question.

Then it was unenthusiastically reinforced by his bagman............which is why cultists have adopted it as gospel. However..........................................

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign

The FBI is absolutely culpable for its questionable work regarding the FISA warrant requests and deserve to be criticized by Horowitz. But that does not change the credibility of his finding concerning the baseless allegation Trump was "spied on" by the Obama admin.
In a blistering December 16 ruling, US District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan, who is known for pushing federal prosecutors turn over any arguably exculpatory evidence to defendants, excoriated Powell’s arguments. Sullivan even accused Powell of plagiarism.

Sullivan found that “there were no material changes in the interview reports, and that those reports track the interviewing FBI agents’ notes.” He said the material prosecutors turned over is “both consistent and clear that Mr. Flynn made false statements to the FBI.” In other words, the judge found that the Justice Department not only turned over adequate records of the interview to Flynn’s lawyers, but those records show that Flynn is guilty of the crime to which he pleaded guilty.

Let's see, the article you are using to counter the charges being dropped against Gen. Flynn is dated December 16, 2019. How is that article relevant when we all know now that the information disclosing the lies and malfeasance on the part of the FBI and Justice Department was just released this month?
Normally, when dismantling a RWM (and Trump) myth (lie) it takes quite a few sources because the lies tend to be multi-faceted.

This one is pretty straight forward both in its assertion and the relative ease with which it is refuted.

Two things for Trumpleheards to keep in mind on the topic. The lie began when Trump misrepresented something he heard. Not an uncommon occurrence. It just happened in the Flynn case relating to the 302 document in question.

Then it was unenthusiastically reinforced by his bagman............which is why cultists have adopted it as gospel. However..........................................

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign

The FBI is absolutely culpable for its questionable work regarding the FISA warrant requests and deserve to be criticized by Horowitz. But that does not change the credibility of his finding concerning the baseless allegation Trump was "spied on" by the Obama admin.
In a blistering December 16 ruling, US District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan, who is known for pushing federal prosecutors turn over any arguably exculpatory evidence to defendants, excoriated Powell’s arguments. Sullivan even accused Powell of plagiarism.

Sullivan found that “there were no material changes in the interview reports, and that those reports track the interviewing FBI agents’ notes.” He said the material prosecutors turned over is “both consistent and clear that Mr. Flynn made false statements to the FBI.” In other words, the judge found that the Justice Department not only turned over adequate records of the interview to Flynn’s lawyers, but those records show that Flynn is guilty of the crime to which he pleaded guilty.
That’s not the argument made by the defense and the judge knows it. He didn’t just magically forget the law even though he bizarrely asked for amicus briefings when he did, basically saying in Latin “I don’t know how the law works, I need help from a judge friend.” For lying to the FBI to be prosecutable, it has to be MATERIAL to the investigation. The big exculpatory evidence was that the FBI closed its original investigation into Flynn....therefore there nothing material in the phone call in question to lie about. Unless asking Russia to not escalate, and by request of Kushner asking they veto the UN resolution against our best ally in the Middle East....is somehow Russian collusion. Would anyone care to make that argument here, that’d be fun to watch. And how can he claim nothing material changed in the 302s when he doesn’t have the original. We already knew what Paige claims and why they were edited. He’s basically saying it’s not weird that FBI had a rare and inexcusable fuck up in the chain of evidence, and I’m just gonna go with what this bish says (who is also notorious for being an avid trump hater and unethically implementing politics into her work). This is pure hogwash. It’s honestly laughable sullivan is trying to get away with this and laughable that all y’all are buying this.
These Berg TDS threads need a new forum, I propose either the trolling forum or the TDS forum. Since we already have a trolling forum it has to be the TDS forum.
You could have saved yourself some time and just typed in, "I've got nothing of value to add."
Neither do the Demoncraps, nothing to add to this economy except misery and poverty. Yesterday i check Hair Cuttery and they seem to be bankrupt. All those women and gay men who cut other peoples hair are now out of business thanks to the Wuhan Virus and Demoncraps. Of course this has been the whole plan all along, because when no one works, then Socialism can take over and then people are FORCED to work at the point of a gun, because that is what Socialist end up doing. Every day i pray you liberals get T-boned by a drunken illegal or murdered by the criminals released by the liberal governors. For Karma is a bitch........
China News Network......at it again..... :auiqs.jpg:

You used to call the "Clinton News Network". As bad as they are, they are nowhere near as bad as the Billionaire News Media: Fox, Sinclair, Breitbart.

Clinton...China....they go together like peanut butter and jelly....the DC establishment invited China into the swamp for a dip about 20 years ago....and the American people have been getting screwed ever since.....

It wasn't Russia that tried to influence our election
It was actually obama who tried to do that.

And we know it was the brown turd, Oblummer, because if Hitlery would of won(because all the Lame Stream Media was on her side, but couldnt drag her sick, sorry ass to the finish line) none of this would of ever come up, because the DOJ would still have all those corrupt officials covering all the shit up. But it wasnt meant to be, the EVIL of the Bammer admin has been exposed for their total corruption.

Did the History channel "accidently" show Obama as Satan, or were they trying to tell the liberal voters the "TRUTH"?
He wasn’t under oath nor given his Miranda rights
He was being interviewed by the FBI. Lying to them is a crime. Miranda rights aren't issued until a person is placed under arrest.

Try harder not to be so stupid.
Normally, when dismantling a RWM (and Trump) myth (lie) it takes quite a few sources because the lies tend to be multi-faceted.

This one is pretty straight forward both in its assertion and the relative ease with which it is refuted.

Two things for Trumpleheards to keep in mind on the topic. The lie began when Trump misrepresented something he heard. Not an uncommon occurrence. It just happened in the Flynn case relating to the 302 document in question.

Then it was unenthusiastically reinforced by his bagman............which is why cultists have adopted it as gospel. However..........................................

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign

The FBI is absolutely culpable for its questionable work regarding the FISA warrant requests and deserve to be criticized by Horowitz. But that does not change the credibility of his finding concerning the baseless allegation Trump was "spied on" by the Obama admin.

TDS thread 1,603

A waste of time.
He wasn’t under oath nor given his Miranda rights
He was being interviewed by the FBI. Lying to them is a crime. Miranda rights aren't issued until a person is placed under arrest.

Try harder not to be so stupid.
Its fun watching you not get your way....the FBI set Flynn up....he did not lie....he admitted to lying out of threats from the FBI....saying otherwise repeatedly will not make your dreams come true....at this point in time you are beating a dead horse.....
Normally, when dismantling a RWM (and Trump) myth (lie) it takes quite a few sources because the lies tend to be multi-faceted.

This one is pretty straight forward both in its assertion and the relative ease with which it is refuted.

Two things for Trumpleheards to keep in mind on the topic. The lie began when Trump misrepresented something he heard. Not an uncommon occurrence. It just happened in the Flynn case relating to the 302 document in question.

Then it was unenthusiastically reinforced by his bagman............which is why cultists have adopted it as gospel. However..........................................

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign

The FBI is absolutely culpable for its questionable work regarding the FISA warrant requests and deserve to be criticized by Horowitz. But that does not change the credibility of his finding concerning the baseless allegation Trump was "spied on" by the Obama admin.

These are op ed pieces that don't prove anything. I can do one too:

The FBI is absolutely culpable for its questionable work regarding the FISA warrant requests and deserve to be criticized by Horowitz. But that does not change the credibility of his finding concerning the baseless allegation Trump was "spied on" by the Obama admin.
It proves trump was spied on by the Deep State

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