Let's debunk a right wing media (and Trump admin) myth, shall we.

Fauci Rejects Right-Wing Theory Alleging That COVID-19 Came From Chinese Lab

That may be true but it looks like Bootney was an eyewitness to what really happened. Why he hasn`t told Trump about this is a mystery.

Fauci cannot say shit about where it comes from and has no business even weighing in on the matter unless of course he's being paid to do it.

Red hatted MAGA goobers on the internet know more about where it comes from than a professor of immunology and and microbiology. Good one.
The good news is that only 29% of Americans believe it came from a lab. That means that there must be some Trump supporters that really do have a few brain cells. They`re traitors totally lacking in morals but they`re not total morons.
The Democrat Party is, of itself, a plague upon America. At the very least - a pimple on the ass of progress. There is a vaccine to prevent it, it's called "education" but we have a shortage of that an an overabundance of indoctrination - at taxpayer expense.
They`re traitors totally lacking in morals but they`re not total morons.
Meaning they can read............though their comprehension skills are dubious at best.

Unfortunately, they read things that vary from disinformation to propaganda. Evidence of which is spewed on the board by Trumpleheads daily.
The Democrat Party is, of itself, a plague upon America. At the very least - a pimple on the ass of progress. There is a vaccine to prevent it, it's called "education" but we have a shortage of that an an overabundance of indoctrination - at taxpayer expense.
Said the nitwit who prefers unfounded conspiracy theories to science.
Fauci Rejects Right-Wing Theory Alleging That COVID-19 Came From Chinese Lab

That may be true but it looks like Bootney was an eyewitness to what really happened. Why he hasn`t told Trump about this is a mystery.

Fauci cannot say shit about where it comes from and has no business even weighing in on the matter unless of course he's being paid to do it.

Red hatted MAGA goobers on the internet know more about where it comes from than a professor of immunology and and microbiology. Good one.
The good news is that only 29% of Americans believe it came from a lab. That means that there must be some Trump supporters that really do have a few brain cells. They`re traitors totally lacking in morals but they`re not total morons.

Of course it came from a lab ......it was taken from bats who were kept in a lab.....your poll was no doubt worded incorrectly...they are famous for asking the wrong questions and recording mixed answers.

They`re traitors totally lacking in morals but they`re not total morons.
Meaning they can read............though their comprehension skills are dubious at best.

Unfortunately, they read things that vary from disinformation to propaganda. Evidence of which is spewed on the board by Trumpleheads daily.
I think a lot of the posters here were created in a lab.
Of course it came from a lab ......it was taken from bats who were kept in a lab....

And you know that HOW? Because you are ... “Justoffal”?

Oh ... I dunno.....because that's all the news has been talking about for two months. Corona virus research in Wuhan lab especially on bats...... Was it released unintentionally? Probably.....but what was it doing there in the first place? They weren't studying the virus to make improvements on Tupperware you Doofus. If it was research for the betterment of mankind then why a chemical weapons lab?

If I told you I wiped my ass with toilet paper that came from a mill.....would you take issue with the mill part of the argument? No...because you don't go home to make toilet paper in your hobby room......it's one of those things that an adult mind does not need to be reinforced about. However when politics is involved people cannot even state that the sky is blue without an argument from immature children who want to challenge every syllable not because they're looking for the truth but because they want to obfuscate the obvious.

Wuhan lab....located in Wuhan. Bat virus research being done in Wuhan lab which is also a level 4 Chinese military lab.
And you want us to believe they were trying to improve the flavor of snickers bars or something like that correct? Becasue the top Brass of the Chinese military did not make a trip over here to confess to you that it was chem weapons research being done you choose to believe it was snickers bars research...do I have that right?

Last edited:

Here is the answer, already provide in depth, to all your ravings. I cannot help you if you refuse to read, or cannot think straight ..

There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

The “made in a lab” theory exists on the fringes of society with the conspiratorial types, although those are present in spades on this board and seem influential with this administration. There’s basically no evidence to support genetic engineering.

The discovered in the wild and researched in the lab is plausible, although if the virus was circulating among wild life and is capable of infecting humans, it’s really just a matter of time for it to become a pandemic. Seems less likely to me given that the lab and research doesn’t seem like some topic secret affair. They were publishing work and collaborating with others. Researching coronavirus has been a priority for some labs for decades, especially after SARS.

EXCELLENT National Geographic interview with Dr. Fauci. All the links above are worth reading. Thanks for bringing them to everybody’s attention.

As for the “circular reasoning” that a Chinese scientist may have gathered the virus from the wild and then it got accidentally released — this of course is possible. But as scientists and most Chinese know, the caves where Chinese scientists gathered virus strains for further study were scattered throughout China, including in areas in Hubei not far from Wuhan. Thousands of mountaineers and hikers regularly enter these huge caverns, and the bats fly widely at night, so “natural” cross-species spread was widely feared, even predicted, and was the reason for scientists to visit these caves in the first place. The outbreak was first discovered in Wuhan but may have originated in the countryside and slowly circulated for months before discovery. Wuhan is the central city in Hubei dominating the Yangtze River, and millions of tourists and merchants enter the city and its markets regularly. If it weren’t for the upgraded medical research facilities in Wuhan this virus would have gone undetected even longer, its DNA unanalyzed, treated much as any other flu until the mass casualties forced recognition.

The medical infrastructure in China, along with cooperation with Western scientists, needs strengthening, not politically-motivated disruption.
There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

TDS thread 1,494

Almost to 1,500

Keep at it.

Here is the answer, already provide in depth, to all your ravings. I cannot help you if you refuse to read, or cannot think straight ..

There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

The “made in a lab” theory exists on the fringes of society with the conspiratorial types, although those are present in spades on this board and seem influential with this administration. There’s basically no evidence to support genetic engineering.

The discovered in the wild and researched in the lab is plausible, although if the virus was circulating among wild life and is capable of infecting humans, it’s really just a matter of time for it to become a pandemic. Seems less likely to me given that the lab and research doesn’t seem like some topic secret affair. They were publishing work and collaborating with others. Researching coronavirus has been a priority for some labs for decades, especially after SARS.

EXCELLENT National Geographic interview with Dr. Fauci. All the links above are worth reading. Thanks for bringing them to everybody’s attention.

As for the “circular reasoning” that a Chinese scientist may have gathered the virus from the wild and then it got accidentally released — this of course is possible. But as scientists and most Chinese know, the caves where Chinese scientists gathered virus strains for further study were scattered throughout China, including in areas in Hubei not far from Wuhan. Thousands of mountaineers and hikers regularly enter these huge caverns, and the bats fly widely at night, so “natural” cross-species spread was widely feared, even predicted, and was the reason for scientists to visit these caves in the first place. The outbreak was first discovered in Wuhan but may have originated in the countryside and slowly circulated for months before discovery. Wuhan is the central city in Hubei dominating the Yangtze River, and millions of tourists and merchants enter the city and its markets regularly. If it weren’t for the upgraded medical research facilities in Wuhan this virus would have gone undetected even longer, its DNA unanalyzed, treated much as any other flu until the mass casualties forced recognition.

The medical infrastructure in China, along with cooperation with Western scientists, needs strengthening, not politically-motivated disruption.

Once again you utterly and hopelessly retarded fool.....nobody said it was MADE in a lab....but it sure as hell was raised in a lab and mass reproduced for study in a lab....you are totally clueless about pharmaceutical procedures. The Chinese are keen to call it a countryside coincidence but the wet markets are still open. If you don't know how to read that you desperately need a brain. Having said that it was only a matter of time before something like this happened no matter how it happened......you want to wash politics out of it do you? Then why do you constantly refer to Trump when you bring up this subject. What you want is a one way conversation with you doing all of the talking and no one pointing out what an idiot you are. Pandemics are the hobgoblin of overpopulation and always will be....they sure as hell don't vote.


Once again you utterly and hopelessly retarded fool.....nobody said it was MADE in a lab....but it sure as hell was raised in a lab and mass reproduced for study in a lab
So, as you admit, it was formed in nature. As in, the wet market. After which it began to spread, regardless of what was being done in the lab after the fact.

I just wrote that in the full acknowledgement you are too stupid to understand your mistake.
While there are a handful making that claim there are no credible outlets doing so.
Faux made the claim. Though I agree they are not credible.
And neither are your “experts” who have been wrong on oh......EVERYTHING. Have your so-called “experts” been to the lab in question to investigate? No. Thus they can not make ANY assertion to the contrary and state it as undeniable fact. Period. Another berg thread falling apart.
There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

Dude, the tard herd has drank the piss from Fox News and Trump so many times, I stopped counting years ago.

They drink so much piss I once started a topic many years ago called Fool Me Once, Shame On You. Fool Me A Thousand Times, I'm A Fucking Retard.
You know, just because it's not man made doesn't mean they weren't studying it in a lab... accidents happen...

Now, I don't know what happened or where it came from. Early on I thought the semi-close (20 or so miles, I think) proximity of the lab to the market fingers were pointing to was a wee bit coincidental, but the more I learn the less I think I know...

I sure as shit don't believe a word that comes out of Trump's mouth... especially when there is no evidence to back it up...
You know, just because it's not man made doesn't mean they weren't studying it in a lab... accidents happen...

Now, I don't know what happened or where it came from. Early on I thought the semi-close (20 or so miles, I think) proximity of the lab to the market fingers were pointing to was a wee bit coincidental, but the more I learn the less I think I know...

I sure as shit don't believe a word that comes out of Trump's mouth... especially when there is no evidence to back it up...
If Trump says something, there is a 99 percent chance it is total horseshit.

That's how all hucksters function, from psychics to snake oil salesmen. Make a thousand claims, then tout the rare lucky times you are right.

It's called "remembering the hits and forgetting the misses".
I will concede your Chinese employers have taught you English much more effectively than the Russians have taught their trolls!
It's sad to see you resort to nonsense...............but then that's all you have.

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