Lets disband Texas

Its the heat, makes moms go crazy.

The fact that these moms got off by pleading insanity is so stupid.

They have the sanity to raise 3 children, then they go haywire when a man leaves their hormonal obsessive ass. Right, and I bet right now they are all back to normal. What is wrong with the justice system? Might as well add "temporary insanity" as a defense. "oh no your honor, I killed them because I was temorarily insane, it wasnt me. It was my temporary insanity, but now im fine".

Disband texas, I second that.
It explains much of Dubbyuh's behavior...Spent too much time in that hot Texas sun without a hat and baked his brain.
Not all of us. ;)

The y'all referred to those outspoken folk who are dis'ing Texas because we have a few loons here. If we're going to talk about disbanding loony states, there a few holding the Pacific Ocean back that should take priority.
The y'all referred to those outspoken folk who are dis'ing Texas because we have a few loons here. If we're going to talk about disbanding loony states, there a few holding the Pacific Ocean back that should take priority.

Not to mention the loons holding back Lake Michigan. ;) :cool:
I see what the problem is now ... a mistaken notion that I left any options open.:cool:

Noo.. No mistaking anything. I'm sure you think you didn't leave any options open.. I just didn't say I agree to that, either...
Jesse and others.

You lost me. Not your fault. The Great Lakes are cold and dirty. The last time I knew the Chicago mayor's name it was Daley. End of my knowledge.

This means you need to draw me a picture. The big fat crayons please, on the Big Chief tablet.:D
You realize I wasn't serious right? I was pointing out the comment about Texas having a serious problem was ignorant. I was suggesting the loon that wrote the article was stupid and should just recommend we eliminate Texas.
My preferance is that we resume testing the Neutron Bomb, we can field test it in Massachusetts, Southern California, Oregon and Western Washington State. New York City may need a direct hit also. And I am not to sure about Pennsylvania.

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