Let's discuss 'Balanced Budget'

They may be criticized by liberals, but NO ONE supports one. Conservatives may SAY they support a balanced budget .... until THEY get to be the ones signing the checks.

And yet there are conservatives like Ryan who actually propose them.....repeatedly and get criticized by liberals as wanting to kill and starve women, children and the elderly. It's used as political fodder to ensure votes from low information voters afraid of losing "stuff" so the Democrats can stay in power. No different than racism charges when it comes to voter ID or immigration.

Ryan isn't proposing to balance the budget. He is proposing to cut social programs - retain the goodies for the wealthy and leave it for future leaders to make the budget balance.

When someone proposes cutting spending across the board - let me know, I'll be interested in THAT person.

How long does he say it will take to balance his budget? Long after he is gone?

Don't forget he has increases in military spending. Like we need those.
There is also the point that a balanced budget does not necessarily have any relation to debt. (sort of, not really, but makes a point)

That's like saying the direction water flows freely, has no relation to gravity.

When a budget's total spending exceeds total revenues, you have a deficit, and the National Debt gets bigger.

WHen a budget's total spending exactly matches total revenues, you have a perfect balanced budget, and the National Debt stays the same size that year.

When a budget's total spending is less than total revenues, you have a surplus, and the National Debt gets smaller. Assuming you use the surplus to pay part of the Debt. If you spend it on new programs or whatever, then it's not a surplus, it's part of spending.

A balanced (or unbalanced) budget has EVERYTHING to do with what happens to the National Debt.
Ah yes, the evil rich.

ahhh the strawman

Please show me any post in which I call the rich "evil" or say anything other than I do not begrudge the wealthy anything - becoming wealthy is the American Dream.

Perhaps making up some bullshit to argue with is easier than arguing with what I REALLY said.

Which is: Cut across the board.

uh-huh......when you say "retain the goodies for the wealthy", I'm sure you felt they were deserving. :eusa_whistle:

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