
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
With so much pearl-clutching by the left and the media over delays and disruptions of the ongoing presidential transition, it helps to put things in perspective by reviewing how things went for President-elect Donald Trump during his transition period, starting from Election Day 2016 to his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.
The left doing what the left does best: pretending to be "outraged" while attempting to rewrite history.
Just two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, with Obama’s blessing, FBI Director Jim Comey met one-on-one with Trump in New York to inform him of the “salacious” details of the so-called Steele Dossier (a collection of fabricated nonsense financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign).

But the purpose of Comey’s briefing was not to inform or enlighten Trump, but rather to gather information on him for the ongoing sham investigation known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”

After Comey told Trump about the bogus dossier, he dashed off to a waiting FBI vehicle where he had arranged to have a classified laptop waiting for him. Comey typed up the memo about the Trump briefing while being driven to the FBI’s building in New York, where he scurried to a secure room to gab with the Crossfire Hurricane team waiting back at FBI headquarters in Washington.

Nothing says “smooth transition” like gaslighting the president-elect and reporting your impressions to FBI headquarters, right?
The corrupt administration was spying on the incoming investigation. Subsequent court cases have now proven that the Obama Administration knew the Steele Dossier was fake, but used it to obtain warrants from a FISA court. And that is just what government employees were doing. The left-wing private citizens were engaging in constant violence, rioting, and criminal behavior.
With so much pearl-clutching by the left and the media over delays and disruptions of the ongoing presidential transition, it helps to put things in perspective by reviewing how things went for President-elect Donald Trump during his transition period, starting from Election Day 2016 to his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.
The left doing what the left does best: pretending to be "outraged" while attempting to rewrite history.
Just two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, with Obama’s blessing, FBI Director Jim Comey met one-on-one with Trump in New York to inform him of the “salacious” details of the so-called Steele Dossier (a collection of fabricated nonsense financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign).

But the purpose of Comey’s briefing was not to inform or enlighten Trump, but rather to gather information on him for the ongoing sham investigation known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”

After Comey told Trump about the bogus dossier, he dashed off to a waiting FBI vehicle where he had arranged to have a classified laptop waiting for him. Comey typed up the memo about the Trump briefing while being driven to the FBI’s building in New York, where he scurried to a secure room to gab with the Crossfire Hurricane team waiting back at FBI headquarters in Washington.

Nothing says “smooth transition” like gaslighting the president-elect and reporting your impressions to FBI headquarters, right?
The corrupt administration was spying on the incoming investigation. Subsequent court cases have now proven that the Obama Administration knew the Steele Dossier was fake, but used it to obtain warrants from a FISA court. And that is just what government employees were doing. The left-wing private citizens were engaging in constant violence, rioting, and criminal behavior.
Personally, I think you guys should keep doing exactly what you're doing. Especially Trump.
With so much pearl-clutching by the left and the media over delays and disruptions of the ongoing presidential transition, it helps to put things in perspective by reviewing how things went for President-elect Donald Trump during his transition period, starting from Election Day 2016 to his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.
The left doing what the left does best: pretending to be "outraged" while attempting to rewrite history.
Just two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, with Obama’s blessing, FBI Director Jim Comey met one-on-one with Trump in New York to inform him of the “salacious” details of the so-called Steele Dossier (a collection of fabricated nonsense financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign).

But the purpose of Comey’s briefing was not to inform or enlighten Trump, but rather to gather information on him for the ongoing sham investigation known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”

After Comey told Trump about the bogus dossier, he dashed off to a waiting FBI vehicle where he had arranged to have a classified laptop waiting for him. Comey typed up the memo about the Trump briefing while being driven to the FBI’s building in New York, where he scurried to a secure room to gab with the Crossfire Hurricane team waiting back at FBI headquarters in Washington.

Nothing says “smooth transition” like gaslighting the president-elect and reporting your impressions to FBI headquarters, right?
The corrupt administration was spying on the incoming investigation. Subsequent court cases have now proven that the Obama Administration knew the Steele Dossier was fake, but used it to obtain warrants from a FISA court. And that is just what government employees were doing. The left-wing private citizens were engaging in constant violence, rioting, and criminal behavior.
Why would it bother anyone "on the left" to see Trump acting pretty much like they figured he would in 2017?
Why would it bother anyone "on the left" to see Trump acting pretty much like they figured he would in 2017?
Because the fascist left cannot tolerate anything but complete and total subservience to their fucked-up fascist ideology. And Trump doesn't bow to that. He puts you snowflakes in your place, which causes all of you to lose your shit.
With so much pearl-clutching by the left and the media over delays and disruptions of the ongoing presidential transition, it helps to put things in perspective by reviewing how things went for President-elect Donald Trump during his transition period, starting from Election Day 2016 to his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.
The left doing what the left does best: pretending to be "outraged" while attempting to rewrite history.
Just two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, with Obama’s blessing, FBI Director Jim Comey met one-on-one with Trump in New York to inform him of the “salacious” details of the so-called Steele Dossier (a collection of fabricated nonsense financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign).

But the purpose of Comey’s briefing was not to inform or enlighten Trump, but rather to gather information on him for the ongoing sham investigation known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”

After Comey told Trump about the bogus dossier, he dashed off to a waiting FBI vehicle where he had arranged to have a classified laptop waiting for him. Comey typed up the memo about the Trump briefing while being driven to the FBI’s building in New York, where he scurried to a secure room to gab with the Crossfire Hurricane team waiting back at FBI headquarters in Washington.

Nothing says “smooth transition” like gaslighting the president-elect and reporting your impressions to FBI headquarters, right?
The corrupt administration was spying on the incoming investigation. Subsequent court cases have now proven that the Obama Administration knew the Steele Dossier was fake, but used it to obtain warrants from a FISA court. And that is just what government employees were doing. The left-wing private citizens were engaging in constant violence, rioting, and criminal behavior.
That last link you posted has an added bonus of a free copy of The Heritage Foundation's "Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System." It details what should be done in each state to ensure accurate results, and although is a right-leaning message throughout, the common-sense security measures listed are necessary for fair outcomes. Thanks:)

Hmm.... would similar demonstrations and actions by Republican politicians on January 20, 2020 be payback? How would the Quisling Media, BLM, Antifa and the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left react?
I understand that a massive rally may take place in DC led by Conservatives in protest on Inauguration Day
With so much pearl-clutching by the left and the media over delays and disruptions of the ongoing presidential transition, it helps to put things in perspective by reviewing how things went for President-elect Donald Trump during his transition period, starting from Election Day 2016 to his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.
The left doing what the left does best: pretending to be "outraged" while attempting to rewrite history.
Just two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, with Obama’s blessing, FBI Director Jim Comey met one-on-one with Trump in New York to inform him of the “salacious” details of the so-called Steele Dossier (a collection of fabricated nonsense financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign).

But the purpose of Comey’s briefing was not to inform or enlighten Trump, but rather to gather information on him for the ongoing sham investigation known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”

After Comey told Trump about the bogus dossier, he dashed off to a waiting FBI vehicle where he had arranged to have a classified laptop waiting for him. Comey typed up the memo about the Trump briefing while being driven to the FBI’s building in New York, where he scurried to a secure room to gab with the Crossfire Hurricane team waiting back at FBI headquarters in Washington.

Nothing says “smooth transition” like gaslighting the president-elect and reporting your impressions to FBI headquarters, right?
The corrupt administration was spying on the incoming investigation. Subsequent court cases have now proven that the Obama Administration knew the Steele Dossier was fake, but used it to obtain warrants from a FISA court. And that is just what government employees were doing. The left-wing private citizens were engaging in constant violence, rioting, and criminal behavior.
Personally, I think you guys should keep doing exactly what you're doing. Especially Trump.
Doing what?
Just two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, with Obama’s blessing, FBI Director Jim Comey met one-on-one with Trump in New York to inform him of the “salacious” details of the so-called Steele Dossier

Is that the same James Comey who dropped unwarranted charges against Hillary Clinton TWO WEEKS before the election?
With so much pearl-clutching by the left and the media over delays and disruptions of the ongoing presidential transition, it helps to put things in perspective by reviewing how things went for President-elect Donald Trump during his transition period, starting from Election Day 2016 to his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.
The left doing what the left does best: pretending to be "outraged" while attempting to rewrite history.
Just two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, with Obama’s blessing, FBI Director Jim Comey met one-on-one with Trump in New York to inform him of the “salacious” details of the so-called Steele Dossier (a collection of fabricated nonsense financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign).

But the purpose of Comey’s briefing was not to inform or enlighten Trump, but rather to gather information on him for the ongoing sham investigation known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”

After Comey told Trump about the bogus dossier, he dashed off to a waiting FBI vehicle where he had arranged to have a classified laptop waiting for him. Comey typed up the memo about the Trump briefing while being driven to the FBI’s building in New York, where he scurried to a secure room to gab with the Crossfire Hurricane team waiting back at FBI headquarters in Washington.

Nothing says “smooth transition” like gaslighting the president-elect and reporting your impressions to FBI headquarters, right?
The corrupt administration was spying on the incoming investigation. Subsequent court cases have now proven that the Obama Administration knew the Steele Dossier was fake, but used it to obtain warrants from a FISA court. And that is just what government employees were doing. The left-wing private citizens were engaging in constant violence, rioting, and criminal behavior.

Well none of what you posted is true, and no it has not been proved that the Obama Administration spied on the Trump Campaign.

Comey went to meet with Trump to warn him about the Steele Dossier. Dumb Donald is the one who assumed it was "a shakedown" and has acted throughout, since that day as if it was. Trump thinks like this because if he had that kind of dirt on someone, he'd use it as a shakedown, he's just that crooked.

The FISA Warrant obtained against Carter Page was NOT illegal, and it was not obtained while Page was working for the Trump Campaign, but rather, only after he had left the campaign. The FBI had obtained a similar warrant against Carter Page in 2014, so they had long had concerns and evidence of his connections to Russian spies, and they had, on more than one occasion, warned Page that the people he was involved with were Russian operatives looking to recruit him.

Donald Trump surrounded himself with crooks and liars, and in fact, he is one. Look at how many of them have been found guilty since the election. But somehow the FBI should be ignoring fraud artists, tax evaders and people acting as foreign agents because they're in the employ of a guy who is running for President.

If Donald Trump wasn't such a corrupt, dishonest, and unpatriotic crook, law enforcement at every level wouldn't have been suspicious of his behaviour at all.
Progtards are like petulant little children

"We want it our way and we want it now!!!!"

I'm weary of listening to them

You've never listened to any of them in the first place, there is absolutely no reason to start now. You lack the ability to comprehend what these people are saying anyway, if you think that's what people are saying.

People are saying, "We're dying, and it has to stop".
With so much pearl-clutching by the left and the media over delays and disruptions of the ongoing presidential transition, it helps to put things in perspective by reviewing how things went for President-elect Donald Trump during his transition period, starting from Election Day 2016 to his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.
The left doing what the left does best: pretending to be "outraged" while attempting to rewrite history.
Just two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, with Obama’s blessing, FBI Director Jim Comey met one-on-one with Trump in New York to inform him of the “salacious” details of the so-called Steele Dossier (a collection of fabricated nonsense financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign).

But the purpose of Comey’s briefing was not to inform or enlighten Trump, but rather to gather information on him for the ongoing sham investigation known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”

After Comey told Trump about the bogus dossier, he dashed off to a waiting FBI vehicle where he had arranged to have a classified laptop waiting for him. Comey typed up the memo about the Trump briefing while being driven to the FBI’s building in New York, where he scurried to a secure room to gab with the Crossfire Hurricane team waiting back at FBI headquarters in Washington.

Nothing says “smooth transition” like gaslighting the president-elect and reporting your impressions to FBI headquarters, right?
The corrupt administration was spying on the incoming investigation. Subsequent court cases have now proven that the Obama Administration knew the Steele Dossier was fake, but used it to obtain warrants from a FISA court. And that is just what government employees were doing. The left-wing private citizens were engaging in constant violence, rioting, and criminal behavior.

Well none of what you posted is true, and no it has not been proved that the Obama Administration spied on the Trump Campaign.

Comey went to meet with Trump to warn him about the Steele Dossier. Dumb Donald is the one who assumed it was "a shakedown" and has acted throughout, since that day as if it was. Trump thinks like this because if he had that kind of dirt on someone, he'd use it as a shakedown, he's just that crooked.

The FISA Warrant obtained against Carter Page was NOT illegal, and it was not obtained while Page was working for the Trump Campaign, but rather, only after he had left the campaign. The FBI had obtained a similar warrant against Carter Page in 2014, so they had long had concerns and evidence of his connections to Russian spies, and they had, on more than one occasion, warned Page that the people he was involved with were Russian operatives looking to recruit him.

Donald Trump surrounded himself with crooks and liars, and in fact, he is one. Look at how many of them have been found guilty since the election. But somehow the FBI should be ignoring fraud artists, tax evaders and people acting as foreign agents because they're in the employ of a guy who is running for President.

If Donald Trump wasn't such a corrupt, dishonest, and unpatriotic crook, law enforcement at every level wouldn't have been suspicious of his behaviour at all.
Typical, just typical...

Progtards are like petulant little children

"We want it our way and we want it now!!!!"

I'm weary of listening to them
And nobody listens to you


Evidently you did, troll.

Think hard you attention seeking flamer
I'll give you some advice, loser. Don't come at people much more clever than you
Celebrating your loss
How SWEET it is

I put your “cleverness” at about the level of Dumb Donnie
The marxist shitstains should be treated with contempt and ridicule, with the undertones of eradicating them completely. Time to thin out the herd. Under no circumstances should we pretend to want to continue to share borders with this filthy shit. Xi'den and his crime family will be pointed at and laughed at, every single day, without mercy.... same for barry "boy" soetoro and ALL the shit-eating communist animals. Expose them for what they are.

No more fucking around.
With so much pearl-clutching by the left and the media over delays and disruptions of the ongoing presidential transition, it helps to put things in perspective by reviewing how things went for President-elect Donald Trump during his transition period, starting from Election Day 2016 to his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.
The left doing what the left does best: pretending to be "outraged" while attempting to rewrite history.
Just two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, with Obama’s blessing, FBI Director Jim Comey met one-on-one with Trump in New York to inform him of the “salacious” details of the so-called Steele Dossier (a collection of fabricated nonsense financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign).

But the purpose of Comey’s briefing was not to inform or enlighten Trump, but rather to gather information on him for the ongoing sham investigation known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”

After Comey told Trump about the bogus dossier, he dashed off to a waiting FBI vehicle where he had arranged to have a classified laptop waiting for him. Comey typed up the memo about the Trump briefing while being driven to the FBI’s building in New York, where he scurried to a secure room to gab with the Crossfire Hurricane team waiting back at FBI headquarters in Washington.

Nothing says “smooth transition” like gaslighting the president-elect and reporting your impressions to FBI headquarters, right?
The corrupt administration was spying on the incoming investigation. Subsequent court cases have now proven that the Obama Administration knew the Steele Dossier was fake, but used it to obtain warrants from a FISA court. And that is just what government employees were doing. The left-wing private citizens were engaging in constant violence, rioting, and criminal behavior.
I’m sorry. I wasn’t listening. What?

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