Let's face it, Biden needs to go!

Sorry, Mike...she's not smart. I got my MBA from BU and the fact that AOC graduated with a degree from the same school as I did devalues my own degree every time she opens her mouth!
Was that MBA before or after you sold your pro sports franchise?
And yet in a few short years, AOC has managed to become wealthy while she pretends to be all about the poor? How many time do you need to be taken in by these people before you learn your lesson, Mike?
So you hate wealthy people?
You must detest the Trump crime family huh?
America was built on secular human rights.

Capitalism is an economic theory, not a social system.

And the original capitalism was industrial based capitalism.

That was changed to finance based capitalism in the 1980’s, and I bet you can’t intelligently explain the difference, and why that is bad for you he country.
You forgot to mention this one.

Conspiracy theory much?
Nah, I just like facts.
Like Hunter Biden's Crack Pipe and Laptop...you can't argue with facts.
Only Insane LibTard DemNazis argue with reality and facts like the XX and XY Chromosomes.

Figure out which bathroom you are supposed to use yet gender confused spaz?
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America was built on secular human rights.

Capitalism is an economic theory, not a social system.

And the original capitalism was industrial based capitalism.

That was changed to finance based capitalism in the 1980’s, and I bet you can’t intelligently explain the difference, and why that is bad for you he country.
Thanks for the laugh. You are always good for a dumb joke.
Harris? Pelosi? Keep Biden but the democrat majority in congress needs to go.
Like I said. You are in no danger of intelligently explaining it.
I don't need to comment when your whole post is rubbish and lies. Explaining anything to you intelligently is a waste of time as you don't understand a damn thing other than TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!
Democratic socialism is just another rebranding of the failed marxist/socialist/communist ideology. Only ignorant fools and useful idiots fail to discern this.
It is championed by the losers in society who don't want to bear the responsibility for their own poor decisions and general stupidity in regards to negotiating life.
Have to say AOC has really nice tits right. Pretty good dancer, but her legs leave lots to be desired. Shame her brain sucks so bad, makes her unattractive.
So you hate wealthy people?
You must detest the Trump crime family huh?
I have nothing against wealthy people. The only people I dislike are those that think I owe them something simply because they "exist".
I'm amused by your notion that the Trump family is criminal when you support someone like Joe Biden.
Even as a left of The Kennedys liberal I've got too admit that Joe Biden has GOT to go.
He needs to announce after November that he will not seek reelection in 2024 and step aside in order to let some fresh air into the party.
We need a NEW face behind the lectern.
Enough of the dinosaur politics!
We need something NEW.
The question is; who will it be?

"Ocasio-Cortez represents the possibilities and opportunities that make our country great. Where else could a 29-year-old bartender upset a political heavyweight and become a symbol for her generation? AOC was never supposed to win her race. Few gave her a chance, but a funny thing happened: Voters loved her honesty, youth and humble beginnings. Voters were sick of career politicians who rarely came back to their districts. So they voted Joe Crowley out and AOC in. That wasn’t luck, that was fate. In a Democratic Party that looks more like a Golden Girls spin-off than a reflection of our rich diversity, AOC has become the face of a generation."

Don't feel alone about being left of the Kennedys as I am to the right of the Trumpster", as a Classical Liberal(Libertarian). See, you & me are both right as we are the only two people in America today not stuck in the morass of the political middle, left? I meant to say right? So if we are both right how can you be left of me unless you went full circle AWAY from my left side & came around to my right side which makes you right of me & the Kennedys, right? See, the right is right because the right are always right, right? If you write to the right the right always will write you back the right way, right? Now if I keep moving to the right(clockwise) full circle I will then have changed places with you as I am now to the left of you, right? I meant left?

This is why the political middle appears so confused because folks are always on the move to the left, right? The American constituency is like the merry-go-rounds of old like those m-g-r's ALWAYS had to start then rotate counter clockwise in rotation meaning to the left, right? Here's the clincher, after the m-g-r reaches 180 degrees from the starting point the m-g-r is still going counter clockwise(left) but IN THE WRONG DIRECTION now!!! Now if one reverses all the pole animals on the m-g-r 180 degrees the m-g-r is still going counter clockwise in the wrong direction no less half of the time, but now also BACKWARDS in the wrong direction ALL THE TIME!!! The statist left seems to me to be getting Trumped by the righteous right due to being too far out of the acceptable normalcy loopty loop.

Don't feel bad for @ least you told the TRUTH about prez Biden. Truth be known that the Bushwhacker presidential duo in my opinion were/are serious contenders for the biggest phonies/liars(read my lips, no knew taxes), one world wannabee kings of the earth, war loving corrupt bastages we as Americans have had for POTUS's. MM, short of prez Trump we have not had a constitutionally based POTUS since prez Eisenhower. Prez Trump, as much as I hate to admit it would be pushing 80 before he could take office again, who is going to vote for a POTUS candidate even older than prez Biden is now??? I have one definite POTUS candidate in my sights @ current, Ron DeSantis. I have Tulsi Gabbard as a STRONG 2nd place contender to Gov. DeSantis. Both are in their early 40's, constitutionally based, fair to good charismatically & both seem to have America FIRST! Tulsi just needs to get on the ball fast like. She can stand for office either as a GOP candidate or a Libertarian leaning independent once she publicly dumps the donkey party. Ron & Tulsi, if they are personality wise compatible & basically on the same track heading would then make a killer duo for sure!


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