lets face the facts folks....if your female you've been harassed....next?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Of course today at 60 plus, I could use a little sexual harrassment, the ol man ain't what he use to be (smile)....but in my younger days, as has most of us.....I got the cat calls, the propositions, the nudging from behind, etc.....I even had a doctor while in the Navy, spend too much time down there giving me a pep smear, it really freaked me out....but here's the deal, I wasn't a child, I had options to either turn down the advances, report the offense or keep it moving, AS DO ALL WOMEN. If we chose to look the other way, push this shit aside, stay silent out of fear of losing a job or career, that's a choice we make, ladies. Reporting offenders is not the end of the world, there are laws in place to protect you. But waiting 100 years later to whine about it??????? Com'on, we made the choice to stay silent and that silence gave way to more victims....including you, all over again.

Bottom line is this, don't wait until your 90 years old to whine about shit!!

That and standing up may do yourself and others some good. Think of how many less victims the first one may be able to prevent.
That and standing up may do yourself and others some good. Think of how many less victims the first one may be able to prevent.
That and standing up may do yourself and others some good. Think of how many less victims the first one may be able to prevent.
I know and instead of coming out whining about shit today, all of us, every single one of us are guilty of allowing this bad behavior to continue..there in lye the problem. Thank God the chains of stupidity and silence has now been broken and women are speaking up sooner rather than later!!...and all men are now being put on notice...save that shit for your wife, your girlfriend/boyfriend or shut the fuck up!

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